PAGE A6, KEIZERTIMES, OCTOBER 29, 2021 State Sen. Kim Thatcher signs letter calling for election audit in 50 states By JOEY CAPPELLETTI For the Keizertimes Earlier this month, state senator and Keizer-resident Kim Thatcher joined 138 other Republican state legislators from multiple states in signing a letter “to the American people” that called for a 50-state audit of the 2020 election. “If every fraudulent claim in the 2020 election were allowed evidentiary hearings by the courts or at least had meaningful media coverage by curious journalists, Americans would not have a reason to doubt who is sitting in the Oval Offi ce,” Thatcher wrote in an email to the Keizertimes. “The doubt is enough of a reason to audit our elections and preserve trust mov- ing forward.” Thatcher has served since 2014 as the state senator for District 13, which encom- passes Keizer, Newberg, St. Paul, Sherwood, Wilsonville, King City and parts of four brainfood THATCHER other cities. In 2020, she ran unsuccess- fully against Shemia Fagan in the Oregon secretary of state race. After initially agreeing to The doubt is enough do a phone interview with the Keizertimes to discuss the letter, of a reason to audit Thatcher canceled fi ve minutes before the scheduled call and opted our elections and to instead send written answers. preserve trust “It is evident that there is a coordinated eff ort to belittle any- moving forward. one who has questions about the November 2020 election,” wrote Thatcher. “This story will likely be no diff erent and use typical — KIM THATCHER, State Senator media convention like ‘false’ and ‘disproven’ and I will be pleas- antly surprised if that is not the case.” When asked if she believed there was conducted by Cyber Ninjas, a fi rm that has fraud in the 2016 election, Thatcher said never conducted an election audit, after it the claims that Donald Trump conspired was ordered by the Republican majority in with Russia have been "disproven." the Arizona Senate. Thatcher was joined by two other The audit’s fi ndings were presented to Oregon legislators, Sen. Dennis Linthicum the Arizona Senate on Sept. 24 and found (R-Klamath Falls) and state Rep. Lily only small variations. Their fi ndings Morgan (R-Grants Pass), in signing the par- showed that Biden received an additional tisan letter that was posted on social media 99 votes and Trump received 261 fewer by Arizona state Sen. Wendy Rogers. The votes than the offi cial election results letter claimed that an audit of 2.1 million reported. ballots in Maricopa County earlier this year “The auditor’s fi nal hand count - which proved there was “a corrupted election” quadruple-checked every single one of and that all 50 states needed to be “foren- the 2.1 million ballots - matches Maricopa sically audited.” The letter also called for County’s offi cial machine count. This is the voter rolls to be scrubbed in every state. most important and encouraging fi nding In response to the letter's requests, of the audit,” said Arizona Senate President Fagan tweeted, "Not happening. Can Karen Fann, who is a Republican. confi rm." Thatcher, however, said that the Cyber The Maricopa County audit was crossword answers pg A21 splat happens When It Does, Call Us 503.884.9681