PAGE A6, KEIZERTIMES, OCTOBER 15, 2021 SAFER grant allows MCFD1 to hire nine fi refi ghters BY MATT RAWLINGS Of the Keizertimes Marion County Fire District #1 (MCFD1) received a much-needed boost when their local option levy was passed in May, which allowed the organization to rehire nine fi refi ghter/ paramedic positions and add a dedi- cated three-person engine company. Last month, the district received further assistance in their goal of improving response times. In September, MCFD1 was awarded a grant from Staffi ng for Adequate Fire and Emergency Response (SAFER), which allows the district to hire nine fi refi ghters. These positions are funded for three years and applications are being accepted until Nov. 12. The grant is paid for by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA). “It will give us the ability to restore an additional engine company and add three on-duty fi refi ghters per day, which will reduce response times across the district,” MCFD1 Fire Chief Kyle McMann said. After having multiple levies fail in 2020, MCFD1 was forced to cut $2.4 million from their $19.7 million bud- get — MCFD1 is an independent taxing district and receives no revenue from Marion County, the state or federal government. Due to the budget cuts, MCFD1 was forced to layoff 12 full-time fi refi ghter/paramedics, close down fi re stations in Macleay and Labish Center and take emergency apparatus out of service. Due to the lack of personnel, there have been instances over the last year where MCFD1 has been unable to respond to 911 calls — during the ice storm in February, the district was unable to respond to 20 calls for ser- vice. But with the new levy, plus the grant, McMann likes the direction that MCFD1 is heading. “After two years of pretty subpar times at the fi re district, I feel like we have turned the corner,” McMann said. McMann admitted that the district applied for the grant multiple times over the last decade, but were denied. He believes this year was diff erent because the need was greater. “It was most likely accepted because we showed that we really needed the funding,” McMann said. Even though grant funding only lasts for three years, MCFD1 is hoping to retain all nine fi refi ghters that are hired — McMann is hoping that the hiring process will be completed this spring. “We plan to fi gure out a way to retain them. We obviously don’t want to let them all go after three years," McMann said. While the levy allowed the district to bring in a three-person engine com- pany for the Middle Grove location, the FEMA grant will allow MCFD1’s main station (Four Corners) to be back in-ser- vice 24 hours per day with a medic and engine company — the location will continue to be in-service with a swing company until the spring. “To add another unit we didn’t think we were going to be able to do for years is going to help our fi refi ghters and our citizens at the same time,” McMann said. Follow THE LEADER Cats of the Week WE HAVE MOVED >>> Our new location is 4157 Cherry Avenue, Keizer <<< 503-362-5611 HISTORY: Rusty is a domestic short hair orange tabby male and Shelley is a black and white domestic short hair female. The two have been together most of their life. Name: RUSTY Age: 2 Name: SHELLEY Age: 1½ in Keizer news Facebook Twitter Instagram @keizertimes PREFERRED HOME: Rusty has a chronic urinary issue and is on a special diet. Both cats are very aff ectionate but Rusty doesn’t do well with young children or other pets. Worship DIRECTORY These Salem-Keizer houses of worship invite you to visit. Call to list your church in our Worship Directory: 503-390-1051 YOUR CHURCH'S LISTING HERE Call Robin at 503.390.1051