PAGE A22, KEIZERTIMES, SEPTEMBER 24, 2021 McNary moves into second place with staight-set victory against Summit The McNary volleyball squad took over second place in the Mountain Valley Conference standings on Tuesday night with a 25-17, 25-19, 25-23 win against Summit. Senior outside hitter Emily Lettenmaier led the way with 12 kills while Bella Rodriguez had a team-high of 13 digs. The Celtics return home on Tuesday, Sept. 28 to take on Sprague at 6:30 p.m. A: Lexi Eldridge digs the ball to keep a rally alive. A B: Taylor Detrant hits the ball past the Summit block. C: Hailey Schwinof prepares to serve. D: Maddox Snider goes up for the kill. Photo by MATT RAWLINGS of Keizertimes B C D AUTO ACCIDENTS INCREASE 15 PERCENT IN THE FALL CAUTION! DRIVERS TYPICALLY FAIL TO ADAPT TO THESE CHANGING CONDITIONS: A SPECIAL OCC ASION • Slippery roads caused by falling leaves • Darker evenings • First heavy rain of autumn Th is PSA provided by: CALLS FOR A Give Us Your Keys, & You’ll be Pleased! 3353 Silverton Rd NE, Salem 503-363-1990 SPECIAL SETTING 4 Acres of Landscaped Gardens Ample Parking Private Dressing Rooms 5655 Windsor Island Rd N, Keizer 503-393- 0732 | LOGHOUSEGARDEN.COM NEWS TIPS? If it's happening in Keizer, or to someone from Keizer — WE WANT TO KNOW.