PAGE A12, KEIZERTIMES, SEPTEMBER 10, 2021 LIFE Comic books and concerts help feed community Tony's Kingdom of Comics and Collectibles offers an array of free comics in return for a food donation. “Uptown always makes sure to run events and other things during the hol- idays and times that we especially need it,” said Jim Johnson, director of the Keizer Community Food Bank. “It gives us a fl ow of money that we can almost count on.” Cash donations allow the Keizer food bank to purchase hygiene products and other items that people may need but aren’t donated as often. Grove gives away free comics for any food donations at the comic shop, which provides a consistent fl ow of food for the food bank, according to Johnson. From the very fi rst day Tony’s Kingdom of Comics opened their doors 15 years ago, there’s been a food barrel accepting donations by the front door. Grove said his grandma, who raised him, always emphasized the importance of sudoku helping your community. “No matter how good things were, she always gave back. Toys throughout the year to the children's hospital or to underprivileged kids. Always donating time to food banks,” Grove said. “So when I opened the shop, I just thought, ‘This is a way I can give back.’” Grove has been in Keizer since 1983 and said this was another way to say thank you after all the community has done for him and his daughters over the years. Grove’s most recent fundraiser pulled in 336 lbs of food and $128 in cash dona- tions. Another $1,075 was raised in an auction for the Shriners Hospital for Children in Portland. Grove does auc- tions throughout the year for various causes and the auction items come at his own cost. “I think if everybody helped out a lit- tle bit, the world would be a better place. Like I said, it’s important. This town has been good to me,” Grove said. “It sure Feel -Good STORY Saluting the people that make us proud of our community presented by brainfood sudoku answers pg A14 By JOEY CAPPELLETTI For the Keizertimes Tony Grove and Paul Elliott probably aren’t maximizing profi ts. Grove, the owner of Tony’s Kingdom of Comics and Collectibles, gives away free comic books. Elliott, the owner of Uptown Music, gives out free $10 gift cards and puts on free concerts. While Grove and Elliott may not directly benefi t from these free off erings, hundreds of families throughout the Keizer area have. For more than a decade, Grove’s and Elliott’s shops have fundraised thousands of dollars worth of food and cash dona- tions for the Keizer Community Food Bank. These free giveaways act as a way to incentivize customers. “We believe nobody should go hun- gry. So it seemed pretty straightforward to us that when we held events and con- certs and things like that, while some people would charge actual money for a ticket, we would always ask for a canned food donation,” said Elliott, who’s owned Uptown Music with his wife for seven years. Elliott, who was the manager before owner, has been at Uptown Music for 23 years in total. He said the shop has put on fundraisers and given to food banks the entirety of the time he’s been there. “Everybody that works here at some point or another has been in a tight spot before. And through the kindness of oth- ers was able to kind of make it through some rough times,” Elliott said. While many give without incentive, the shop puts on special fundraisers during times of the year that the food bank especially needs donations. Elliott will often take a percentage out of every purchase during the holidays to give to the Keizer food bank. Photo by JOEY CAPPELLETTI of Keizertimes Enter digits 1-9 into blank spaces. Every row must contain one of each digit. So must every column, & every 3x3 square. maze by Jonathan Graf of Keizer