PAGE A4, KEIZERTIMES, SEPTEMBER 3, 2021 What an Oregon pediatric doctor wants parents to know about COVID-19 as schools reopen BY RACHEL ALEXANDER For the Keizertimes There’s still much pediatricians and infectious disease experts don’t know about how the more contagious Delta vari- ant of COVID spreads among children, Dr. Dawn Nolt said. But Nolt, a professor of pediatrics and infectious diseases at Oregon Health and Science University’s Doernbecher Children’s Hospital, said pediatricians remain in agreement that in-person school can operate safely this fall, provided miti- gation measures are in place. “Overall, we feel that the priority should be in-person education,” Nolt said. “Once you have that, then the next priority is how to keep them safe.” The issue has renewed signifi cance as school is less than a week away from starting in Salem-Keizer, and in many of Oregon’s largest districts. While kids 12 and older have the option to be vaccinated against COVID, their younger classmates don’t. Nolt said that means it’s up to the adults around young children to ensure they’re protected and avoid outbreaks that can lead to quarantines, school closures and sick kids — problems that have plagued some districts in other parts of the country that opened schools earlier. Nolt said she understands why parents are worried when they see headlines about infected,” she said. young children with serious cases of Since the pandemic began, 15,099 COVID or pediatric hospital beds fi ll- Oregonians age nine and younger have ing up in other parts of the country. But been diagnosed with COVID. Of those, 164 she said it’s also important to remember young chil- dren remain very unlikely The virus particle itself to develop serious illness is super small, but it's from COVID that requires hospitalization. carried by this lovely, juicy “The studies early in liquid. And that is bigger the pandemic showed that they’re less likely to be than the mask openings. infected, they’re less likely That's what we're trying to to have severe disease” com- capture, not the virus. pared to adolescents and adults, Nolt said. That’s held true for the Delta variant as well, she said. She said reports from — DAWN NOLT OHSU Professor southeastern states where kids with COVID are fi lling up pediatric hospitals refl ect surging COVID infections across all age groups, have been hospitalized, about 1%, and one not just kids. has died. “It's not that the Delta variant is making The number of Oregon kids testing those kids more sick. It's just we're seeing positive for COVID has climbed signifi - such large numbers of kids be infected, cantly over the past month as the number that even a small percentage that end up of cases across all age groups has risen, needing ICU care, hospital care is a large according to Oregon Health Authority number. Here in Oregon, we're not see- data. ing that level of numbers of kids being The rate of new infections is highest among 12 to 17-year-olds, who are eligible to be vaccinated. Household transmission is the most common infection source for kids who do get sick, rather than an out- break outside the home or an unknown source. About three in fi ve kids who test pos- itive for COVID report any symptoms of illness, the most common being a cough. Pacifi c Islander, Latino, Native American and Black children are also con- tracting COVID at higher rates than white, Asian and multiracial children, state data shows. State data also shows hospitalization rates for children remain low, and pediat- ric hospital beds are in much better supply than beds for adults. The week of Aug. 8, OHA reported fi ve kids age fi ve and under hospitalized with COVID statewide, as well as one kid between the ages of six and 11, and one between the ages of 12 and 17. As of Aug. 25, about one in fi ve inten- sive care unit beds for babies and children in Oregon was empty — a far higher share than for adults, where fewer than 8% of beds were vacant. Nolt said masking and vaccinating adults who will be around unvaccinated children remain key strategies for prevent- ing the spread of COVID in schools. Oregon Gov. Kate Brown is requir- ing students, employees and visitors in