PAGE A16, KEIZERTIMES, AUGUST 27, 2021 High hopes set in place for McNary boys soccer S ccer McNary junior midfielder Johann Singh Sanchez (8) was a second-team all-league performer for the Celtics last season. BY MATT RAWLINGS Of the Keizertimes After posting a 7-3-2 record during the shortened spring season, McNary boys soccer coach Miguel Camarena is exhilarated for his team to be able to play a full schedule this fall. “It feels like we are alive. You can see the smiles on the fi eld and all the emo- tions that this sport brings,” Camarena said. “We are excited to see more of a normal season.” Despite graduating their top scorer in Eddie Martinez — who was a fi rst-team all-league selection with nine goals and 11 assists on the year — the Celtics bring back a lot of fi repower in the midfi eld. Juniors Hudson Brunk, Johnny Bravo and Johann Singh Sanchez all received all-league recognition as soph- omores last season and are expected to be three of the top players in the Mountain Valley Conference (MVC). “I believe we will have the best mid- fi elders in the league,” Camarena said. Senior Max Baez and juniors Oscar Chavez and Fisher Vanslyke also got some minutes in the midfi eld last season. With loads of talent and expe- rience in one position group, Camarena plans to have a handful of his midfi eld- ers move up to forward during certain times to increase goal-scoring chances. “Any of our midfi elders could move up and play forward and score more goals for us,” Camarena said. One forward that Camarena is set- ting high expectations for is senior Axel Zapien Sanchez, who is returning to the soccer fi eld after playing football last year. “I’m hoping he can be a guy that will FILE PHOTO, Keizertimes score a lot of goals for us,” Camarena said. The Celtics had multi-goal games in seven of their 14 contests last season, but Camarena wants to put even more of an emphasis this year on fi nishing when they get opportunities. “I'm not concerned if we are missing goals, but I am concerned if we aren't creating opportunities. But we need to put a focus on fi nishing. We score a lot of goals, but we also miss a lot of goals. So it will be a focus of ours. Our coaches will be putting in a lot of work with our Worship DIRECTORY These Salem-Keizer houses of worship invite you to visit. Call to list your church in our Worship Directory: 503-390-1051 YOUR CHURCH'S LISTING HERE. Call Bill at 503.390.1051