AUGUST 27, 2021, KEIZERTIMES, PAGE A15 TEST DRIVE NOW — BRONCO SPORT & MACH E OREGON'S #1 FORD DEALER 8 YEARS RUNNING 3555 River Rd N, Keizer (503) 463- 4853 McNary looking for bounce-back season on the pitch SPORTS McNary forward Sydnee Alfano battles for position in a game from last season. Alfano was the leading scorer for McNary last year and one of the top returners in the MVC. BY MATT RAWLINGS during the shortened spring season, Of the Keizertimes fi nishing with a 2-9-1 record and going As she prepares for her second year winless in league play. But Brouse at the helm of the McNary girls soccer believes that the struggles from last program, head coach Lauren Brouse season have made her squad more couldn't contain her excitement when battle-tested. talking about the potential of the 2021 season. Our returners went “It feels really through some of those good to be out here. It actually feels frustrating losses like my fi rst season and experienced that because things are more normal and hearbreak, but they know it's the time of year what they need to do to that we usually play,” Brouse said. fi x some of the things “I feel way more that happened last year. excited about this year than last year.” With an infl ux of youth, McNary girls soccer head coach the Celtics went through some growing pains — LAUREN BROUSE “Our returners went through some of those frustrating losses and experi- enced that heartbreak, but they know what they need to do to fi x some of the things that happened last year,” Brouse said. “Some of the JV girls we called up got a ton of playing time on the fi eld last year, we swung a lot of them up, so I just feel like we have a lot more under our belt and we are a little more prepared.” The Celtics return a multitude of players from last season's team, none more important than juniors Tessa Fisher and Sydnee Alfano — both are entering their third season on the var- sity roster. Fisher was a fi rst-team all-league midfi elder last season with four goals and an assist and Alfano earned sec- ond-team honors as a forward after leading the Celtics in scoring with seven goals and one assist. Brouse expects Fisher and Alfano to be team leaders for the Celtics this season, but has also encouraged them to be more aggressive in goal-scoring FILE PHOTO, Keizertimes S ccer opportunities. “I expect them to take leadership roles. I want them to work together and have Tessa looking for Sydney on through balls. But I also want them to be a little more selfi sh up there. They do look to pass a lot, but I want them to take more opportunities to be aggres- sive,” Brouse said. “I think they are both a little more confi dent to go do that now with both being juniors. They know that eyes are on them and that teams know them, but I think they are ready for that challenge.” Sophomore Maya Alston is another returning midfi elder that is expected to See GSOC, page A21