Keizertimes. (Salem, Or.) 1979-current, August 20, 2021, Page 6, Image 6

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McCartney 3, 2, 1 a must-watch for Beatles fans
down from six hours to two like many of
your grandfather’s monologues? Sure.
Was it sometimes a wee bit diffi cult to
follow these two musicians when they
delved into the intricacies of certain
pieces? Yes, as I am far from an expert
when it comes to these things, and these
are world-class virtuosos we’re talking
about here. Would I have had them cut
any of this? Hell no.
If you are a fan of The Beatles, or
music in general, you gotta check this
McCartney 3, 2, 1 is now available on
in Keizer news
Rick Rubin (left) and Paul McCartney discuss music and other topics in McCartney 3,2,1, which is available on Hulu.
Of the Keizertimes
I’ve always been an older soul when
it comes to music, mostly preferring
bands that haven’t put out a new record
in decades and that were comprised of
legendary fi gures, many of which are,
sadly, no longer with us. As Eddie Van
Halen tragically reminded us this last
year, these legends are only on the earth
for as brief a time as any of us “normal”
people, so we darn well better appreci-
ate them while they’re here. Perhaps this
is what was going through the mind of
Rick Rubin when he sat down with the
Walrus himself in McCartney 3, 2, 1, a
fascinating and intimate documentary/
miniseries that is destined to become a
must-watch for fans of The Beatles here,
there, and everywhere.
impressed me was how enthusiastic and
much like having your grandfather
regale you of tales of the good old days if
your grandfather happened to be one of
the most famous musicians of all time.
That’s not where the similarities
to grandparent-story-time stop, how-
ever: Some bits of McCartney 3, 2, 1 are
more interesting than the others, and
the casual discussion format means
that there is very little linearity in the
story telling. One second the two are
discussing the lives of each member
of the Fab Four pre-fame, the next they
are talking about Sgt. Pepper's Lonely
Hearts Club Band (1967) before going
back to Revolver (1966). At fi rst this
bothered me a bit, but then I accepted
that this is a perfectly reasonable tactic
that enhances the feeling of this being
a natural one-on-one instead of a mere
verbal biography of Paul McCartney.
Could McCartney 3, 2, 1 have been cut
sudoku answers pg A22
lively Sir Paul was, even after decades
and decades of similar Beatle-related
interviews. Gracious and personable,
he never once seemed annoyed at being
asked a question or resentful of his uni-
versal fame, discussing each song and
experience as if it were the fi rst time
the subjects had been broached. He and
Rubin, himself an iconic fi gure in music
but from behind the scenes, have a rap-
port that makes for a very relaxing and
intimate watching experience that is
enhanced by minimalistic stage design
and a complete lack of any other players
(next time, Ringo). Whenever I watch
a documentary like this I ask myself,
“Could this have been a podcast?” The
answer here is no, as the visuals go a
long way setting the mood the creators
wanted to convey. If there is one word
I would use to describe McCartney 3,
2, 1 it would be “comfortable;" it is very
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