PAGE A2, KEIZERTIMES, AUGUST 6, 2021 RAMPAGE: of the Week ‘it's important to pause and observe that the greatest tragedy in this incident, by far, is the death of Ms. Dietzel’ Continued from page A1 presented by VICKI BRAMMEIER Where and how do you volunteer? "I volunteer at Keizer Community Library as the manager of the library." Why do you volunteer? "I want to support a cause I believe in. I have loved libraries all my life and want to help make this wonderful resource available in my community." of a sudden from my bedroom window, I saw a vehicle fl y by and a police offi cer right on his tail." Beck remains hospitalized, police said, but information about his condition wasn’t released. The Marion County District Attorney's Offi ce on Friday charged Beck for felony crimes of fi rst-degree manslaughter, attempted aggravated murder with a fi re- arm, unauthorized use of a motor vehicle, felon in possession of a fi rearm, failure to perform duties of a driver to injured per- sons, fl eeing a police offi cer. He also was charged with driving under the infl uence of intoxicants, a misdemeanor, accused of having a blood alcohol level of .15. The State Police announcement listed Beck as being from Olympia, but he is listed at a Silverton address on the dis- trict attorney's charge. Court records show Beck was charged in Lincoln City in 2016 for driving with a suspended license. The records show his suspended license listed an Olympia address. The district attorney's charging doc- ument said that Beck was convicted in 1990 for fi rst-degree robbery in the Spokane, Washington, area. The Oregon State Police will lead the remainder of the investigation. The state police on Saturday also identifi ed the Keizer Police Department offi cers placed on routine administrative leave after the incident as: Sgt. Kevin DeMarco, with the agency 14 years. Courtesy Aleasha Dietderich-Fonseca Offi cer Scott Keniston, with the agency 14 years. What does volunteering do for you? Offi cer Michael Kowash, with the agency three years. "Volunteering uses skills I have developed over the course of my life. Since I am retired, it’s a pleasure and a privilege to use those skills in my community." Offi cer Jeremy Darst, with the agency three years. How would you get others to volunteer in their community? With KeizerFEST taking place this weekend, Teague admitted that the department is feeling fatigued. He does, however, believe that the six offi cers "There is something for everyone in volunteering – you can use your skills or develop new ones; you can work with a group or independently; you can meet like-minded people or people you might otherwise not encounter. Volunteering is a great way to enrich your life." A candlelight vigil was held in memory of Becky Dietzel on Monday, Aug. 2. Offi cer Chad Fahey, with the agency three years. Offi cer Cody Stupfel, with the agency one year. could possibly be back to work within a week. “I can tell you that the Keizer Police Department is worn thin. We're pres- ently in the process of hiring four offi cers and we're now entering a late-planned (KeizerFEST) week down six more offi - cers, thus each of us who remain are carrying an additional load. Thankfully, every one of our police offi cers is men- tally and emotionally strong, thus our only hurdle is time. Each of the six is anxious to get back to work, but that won't happen for a week or more as we run through the standard, time-con- suming processes, including grand jury and other, statutorily required events,” Teague said. Teague also commented on the offi - cers who put their lives on the line to pro- tect the Keizer community. “It's notable that we have good, dil- igent offi cers, who knowingly entered a dangerous situation and were unex- pectedly drawn into a gunfi ght. The vast majority of police offi cers serve their whole careers without ever fi ring a fi rearm in the course of duty, and for the vast majority of those who have, I'm rather certain that they found it to be surreal, prepared for but nevertheless unexpected. The fact of the matter is that we cops are a lot more like you than we are like whatever stereotype might exist, especially as we hire good, solid, people of character, which all of these men are,” Teague said. “Thank you Kevin DeMarco, Scott Keniston, Michael Kowash, Jeremy Darst, Chad Fahey and Cody Stupfel.” Keizer Mayor Cathy Clark showed her support and appreciation for Teague, and the entire department during a Keizer City Council meeting on Monday, Aug. 2. “I know there is a lot you can't talk about yet, but we just want to make sure that every offi cer knows how much love has been poured out, and good thoughts, towards you (Teague) and the entire staff as we go through this very diffi cult time,” Clark said.