AUGUST 6, 2021, KEIZERTIMES, PAGE A15 Feel -Good presented by STORY Saluting the people that make us proud of our community Keizer City Councilor Roland Herrera hosted a get-together in his neighborhood at Country Glen Park and helped raffl e off nearly two dozen prizes for attendees. “It has been amazing, because we have an amazing neighborhood. All these rela- tionships are beautiful. The reason we have this night out is for our community. Crime goes down and people get along better. Bringing everyone together is amazing,” Herrera said. “It is all about relationships. To me, the most rewarding thing is having people meet people and get along. As a city councilor, I love when we do this because it means so much for our community to know each other and support each other.” “Everybody in Keizer knows the value of our community ties. Our fi re trucks are blue, the city logo is blue, the street signs are blue, and these are the types of events that link all that together. This is what makes Keizer such a close knit commu- nity,” added Keizer Fire Chief Jeff Cowan, who attended a get-together at McNary Estates. Colleen Busch announces raffle prize winners at Ben Miller Park. Photo by LYNDON ZAITZ of Keizertimes Keizer City Councilor Roland Herrera (middle) with organizers of the Country Glen Park get-together. Photo by MATT RAWLINGS of Keizertimes Maintaining the HEALTH of your skin is ESSENTIAL to your overall health You can count on our board certifi ed physicians, and healthcare professionals to provide you the best in comprehensive dermatology. Visit our website or Facebook page for SUMMER SKINCARE TIPS that will help you BEAT THE HEAT (503) 463-6799 • 5900 Inland Shores Way N, Suite 202, Keizer •