PAGE A6, KEIZERTIMES, JULY 30, 2021 OHA recommends universal mask use indoors In responses to a large jump in cases and hospitalizations and new national guidance calling for masking measures to prevent the spread of the highly trans- missible Delta variant, the Oregon Health Authority (OHA) is recommending uni- versal mask use in public indoor settings throughout the state to protect Oregonians from COVID-19. “(The) sharp rise in cases and hospital- izations in Oregon are sobering reminders that the pandemic is not over, especially for Oregonians who remain unvaccinated,” said Dr. Dean Sidelinger, state epidemiolo- gist and state health offi cer. “The highly contagious Delta variant has increased tenfold in the past two weeks in Oregon, and it is now estimated to be associated with 80% of the new cases in Oregon. The use of face masks provides signifi cant protection for individuals who are unvaccinated as well as an additional level protection from a small but known risk of infection by the virus for persons who have already been vaccinated.” According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), people who are vaccinated with currently available vac- cines are protected from the virus and the circulating variants, including the Delta variant that is now seen in the majority of Oregon’s new cases. NEWS TIPS? If it's happening in Keizer, or to someone from Keizer — WE WANT TO KNOW. OHA’s recommendation aligns with the CDC’s new guidance issued today that everyone, including fully vaccinated per- sons, wear a mask in public indoor settings. OHA’s recommendation applies statewide, and not just areas with higher infections and high transmission, as cases have increased across the state in recent weeks due to the Delta variant. OHA is continuing to call on local community and public health leaders, and businesses, to encourage vaccination and masking to prevent new outbreaks in areas of substantial and high transmission. obituary Kathleen “Kathy” Reynolds Martinez September 19, 1943 – July 13, 2021 Kathleen “Kathy” Reynolds Martinez was a caring wife, mother, grandmother, sister and friend. She left this world sud- denly on July 13, 2021, in Salem, OR. at the age of 77. Kathy was born in Greybull, Wyo. on September 19, 1943, to William and Maude Reynolds and was the third of four daughters. Her family moved to Anchorage, Alaska in 1951. After high school, while working in the secretarial fi eld, she met a handsome Air Force ser- viceman who was stationed at Elmendorf AFB in Anchorage. In 1963, Kathy and Ivan “Marty” Jose Martinez eloped to Denver and were married at Lowry AFB. They were stationed at several Air Force bases in Colorado, Texas, and back to Anchorage. Their last post was at Mt. Hebo AFS in Oregon, and when Marty retired from the Air Force, they settled in Keizer. with their two sons, Steven and David. Kathy worked at Willamette Lutheran Home and the Oregon Department of Transportation as an administrative assistant until she retired at age 55. But, the job she loved the most was caring for her two sons, attending their various school and sporting events, and even act- ing as a Boy Scouts Den Mother. When the boys were in college, Kathy was sure KATHLEEN “KATHY” REYNOLDS MARTINEZ / Submitted Photo to attend every “Mom’s Weekend” and loved the one-on-one time (and par- ties) with her sons. In 1996 she lost her beloved Marty, but handled the devas- tating loss with strength and dignity. In later years, being a grandma gave her great joy. She was a fun-loving and gener- ous grandmother who was always giving big hugs and little gifts. Her house was a great family gathering place where lots of laughs were shared. She also enjoyed traveling, golfi ng, reading, baking cook- ies and a nice glass of wine. Her sense of humor and compassionate heart will be dearly missed. She is survived by her two sons, Steven (Andrea) of Southlake, Texas, and David (Mary) of Portland, Ore., and her three grandchildren: Drew, Trent, and Erika, all of whom she was immensely proud. She is also survived by her sisters Joan Atkins and Faye Reynolds. She is preceded in death by her husband, Marty, and her sister Marie Bensorosky. Funeral services will be held Aug. 5, at 11 a.m. at Keizer Christian Church. Reception at the church will follow. Memorials or donations in memory of Kathy may be made to the Keizer Community Food Bank. Worship DIRECTORY These Salem-Keizer houses of worship invite you to visit. Call to list your church in our Worship Directory: 503-390-1051 YOUR CHURCH'S LISTING HERE. Call Bill at 503.390.1051