PAGE A2, KEIZERTIMES, JULY 30, 2021 CAMP, Continued from page A1 trying to decide what we would do, and we kind of threw out all sorts of ideas,” Cain said. Cain and Barrie both teach language arts at Whiteaker Middle School, how- ever Cain also teaches a fi lm litera- ture class. The two knew they wanted to do a fi lm class but only landed on stop motion once it was suggested by Barrie. From there, things started to take action. Everyday the class would begin with a warm-up which would include some type of game or icebreaker to get the kids involved. “It’s just important that their having fun and feeling good about being here and being together,” Cain said. Some parents of the campers reached out to Cain and Barrie about how happy and excited their kids were about the program. “One parent said that their child felt like they lost their creativity but the camp brought it back to them,” Barrie said. Both instructors found it rewarding to watch the campers having social interactions again and enjoyed being able to see the smile on their faces. After warm-ups, the campers would then watch a video example of their assignment for the day. On Wednesday, July 21, the campers were assigned to make an advertisement about a food brand. A desk alongside the edge of the class had multiple brown paper bags with question marks on them. The kids would pick a bag at random and work with what was in the bag. Campers rushed to their stations and began gathering additional materials to make their vision a reality. Many of the kids were able to fi nish their video the same day that is was assigned and enjoyed watching each other’s fi nished projects at the end. Cain and Barrie both hope to be able Photo by BROOKLYN FLINT of Keizertimes to do the camp again in the future if given the opportunity. “Hopefully we will be able to get more bodies in and then just think of ways that we could make it bigger and better,” Cain said. brainfood sudoku answers pg A21 sudoku Xavier Sandoval works on a project in Salem-Keizer's film animation camp at McNary High School. Enter digits 1-9 into blank spaces. Every row must contain one of each digit. So must every column, & every 3x3 square. maze by Jonathan Graf of Keizer BRIAN & APRIL McVAY 503.510.6827 - Call or Text anytime Sam Goesch Ins Agcy Inc As lifelong residents, we are your Keizer neighbor. We know this market and we are here to help! Sam Goesch CLU, Agent Enjoying real estate since 1998 3975 River Rd N • Suite 3 • Keizer Oregon Licensed Real Estate Brokers 3975 River Road N - Keizer, OR Bus: 503-393-6252 - Web: State Farm , Bloomington, IL (1211999)