PAGE A18, KEIZERTIMES, JULY 16, 2021 TEST DRIVE NOW — BRONCO SPORT & MACH E OREGON'S #1 FORD DEALER 8 YEARS RUNNING 3555 River Rd N, Keizer (503) 463- 4853 SPORTS Walk-off Game-winner from Markantonatos puts Mavericks over the top BY MATT RAWLINGS Of the Keizertimes C oming into the Mavericks series opener with the Senators, Nick Markantonatos never had a walk-off hit. But when he got his opportunity to be a hero on Friday, July 9, Markantonatos made the most of it. With the game tied at 5-5 in the bottom of the ninth, Markantonatos launched a two-run blast over the right fi eld wall to give the Mavericks the 7-5 victory over the Senators. “It feels great. I got the pitch I was look- ing for and I just drove it,” Markantonatos said. “The kids were grinding. We were in position all game, we were just missing that one big hit. Fortunately, we got it,” Alan Embree said, the Maverick's manager. The Senators jumped on top into the lead top of the fi rst thanks to a sacrifi ce fl y by Blayze Arcano-Liacuna and an RBI- single from JaVon Logan. However, the Mavericks responded with three runs in the bottom half of the frame to take the He was throwing me lead. With the bases fastballs all game, but loaded and two outs, Leomar Jiminez I like the off -speed stuff . punched a see- So when he threw one low, ing-eye, two-run sin- gle past the Senators right in my power zone, shortstop. Moments later, Drake Zarate I just drove it over. would score on a wild pitch to give the Mavericks the lead. The Mavericks Mavericks player were active on the bases throughout much of this game, as they stole seven good jumps,” Embree said. bases on the night — three of which came Both teams would put up crooked in the fi rst inning. numbers once again in the second inning. “We were just taking advantage of situ- Tanner Cantwell came through with an ations. Our boys were aggressive and got RBI-double for the Senators to tie the game — NICK MARKANTONATOS up, which was followed by a two-run single from Edgar Vela, putting Salem back on top 5-3. But in the bottom half of the frame, RBI-hits from Rodny Rodriguez and Matt Holliday allowed the Mavericks to tie the game at 5-5. After giving up fi ve runs in the fi rst two innings, Mavericks pitcher Ethan Rosebeck settled in and put up goose eggs for the next fi ve frames. “He didn't want to come out of the game. That is the kind of kid you want,” Embree said. “He battled his butt off .” Not to be outdone, however, was Senators pitcher Alan Vazquez. Vazquez came to the hill in relief in the third inning and gave one of the most memorable performances in the brief history of the Mavericks League, striking out 16 hitters in just over six innings of work. See WALK-OFF, page 23