PAGE A6, KEIZERTIMES, JULY 9, 2021 Bigfoot sighted in Keizer park Hyrum Kohler Classical recital slated Sat. A wood-carved Sasquatch was installed at Keizer Rapids Park last week. James Lukinich, a McNary High School alum, is the artist. The Keizer Public Art Commission purchased the piece with grants and donations. Photo by ERIC A. HOWALD of Keizertimes Hyrum Kohler, a McNary High School alum and viola virtuoso, will perform a free recital at McNary High School Saturday, July 10. Kohler, along with Keizer pianist Anne Britt, will be playing works from early 20th Century English, American and women composers in a program titled Out of Obscurity. The performance begins at 6 p.m. in the Ken Collins Theater. Kohler is waiting to hear if he will need to keep a list of attendees in for the purpose of contact tracing if needed. Kohler began arranging and compos- ing music of his own as early as his high school days. Since that time he earned a spot on the Brigham Young Honors String Quartet, the group was featured on a weekly devotional broadcast by the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. Kohler arranged the piece the group performed. NEWS TIPS? WE WANT TO KNOW. Worship DIRECTORY These Salem-Keizer houses of worship invite you to visit. Call to list your church in our Worship Directory: 503-390-1051 YOUR CHURCH'S LISTING HERE. Call Bill at 503.390.1051