JULY 2, 2021, KEIZERTIMES, PAGE A7 Fire concerns loom over 4th A fireworks stand at 4575 River Rd N. supports the McNary HIgh School band and is one of the largest fundraisers for the group. Photo by BROOKLYN FLINT of Keizertimes State offi cials are reminding Oregonians to “Be prepared, be responsi- ble, be safe and be aware,” when it comes to fi reworks this Independence Day. Several local authorities have asked Oregonians to refrain from lighting fi re- works altogether in consideration of the hot, dry weather of the past week. The fi reworks season in the Beaver State ends July 6. Oregon law bans possession, use, or sale of fi reworks that fl y, explode, or travel more than six feet on the ground or 12 inches into the air. Fireworks com- monly called bottle rockets, Roman can- dles, and fi recrackers are all illegal in Oregon. Under Oregon law, offi cials may seize illegal fi reworks and fi ne off enders up to $500 per violation. Those who mis- use fi reworks or allow fi reworks to cause damage are liable and may be required to pay fi re suppression costs or other dam- age. Parents are also liable for fi reworks damage caused by their children. If you do light off fi reworks, remember the four B’s of safe fi reworks use: • Be Prepared before lighting fi re- works: keep water available by using a garden hose or bucket. • Be Safe when lighting fi reworks: keep children and pets away from fi reworks. • Be Responsible after lighting fi re- works: never relight a dud. Wait 15 to 20 minutes then soak it in a bucket of water before disposal. • Be Aware: use only legal fi reworks and use them only in legal places. brainfood Although we are currently closed we are still serving the community. More than a building, a center without walls. We are still working hard to bring you programs, activites, and services that you rely on. VIRTUAL PROGRAMMING • REASSURANCE CALLS • FOOD & CARE BOXES Stay up to date and connect — www.facebook.com/center50plus Fit 50+ YouTube Fitness Class REGISTER AT WEBSITE BELOW ZOOM CHAT Reconnect with our drop-in groups. Give us your name and phone number as well as the name of the class you wish to attend. Email us: Connect50plus@cityofsalem.net www.cityofsalem.net/center50 | 503-588-6303 | 2615 Portland Road NE crossword answers pg A19