AUGUST 14, 2020, KEIZERTIMES, PAGE A5 KeizerCommunity KEIZERTIMES.COM Cookout for fi rst responders By ERIC A. HOWALD Of the Keizertimes Beth Parker wanted to show her support for Keiz- er’s fi rst responders, then she had to stop telling friends and neighbors about it. “Everyone I told wanted to help. I had to stop talking about it because we could only have so many people,” said Parker, owner of Tender Touch Grooming. On Tuesday, Aug. 11, Parker arranged for a good, old-fash- ioned cookout at the Keizer Police Station. Parker was moved to ac- tion through a conversation with her partner, Scott Bold- enow, who spoke with an of- fi cer who responded to their neighborhood. “The thing Scott took away from the conversation was that morale was pretty low among the offi cers. Then I saw a YouTube video of an offi cer crying in her patrol car,” Parker said. The video Parker refer- enced was posted by a dis- traught offi cer upset over A interactions, and possible food tampering, at a fast food restaurant. “When I saw that, I was crying,” Parker said. Parker began organizing in earnest three weeks prior to the event. She and others chipped in to purchase ham- burgers and sausages to feed the crew at the Keizer Police Department, but as she start- ed gathering prices for what it would take to put on the shin- dig, she ran into more help. “I called Oregon Valley Farms and they offered to do- B KEIZERTIMES/Eric A. Howald C D nate 100 burgers, then I called Mt. Angel Sausage Company and they donated 40 sausag- es. At that point, I was crying again,” Parker said. In the end, she and her co-conspirators ended up with more than enough food to feed the police department. To help avoid leftovers, she invited crews from the Keizer Fire District and Keizer Public Works as well. Parker’s mood was joyous as the event unfolded, but doesn’t think she’s done yet. A: Scott Boldenau serves lunch to offi cers Jorge Miran- da and Jeremy Worledge. B: Pastor Kevin Spade, of Bik- ers for Christ, plates a burger for Offi cer Martin Powell. C: Det. Arsen Avetisyan gar- nishes a his lunch. D: Victor Hess and Aaron Kennan of the Keizer Fire Dis- trict Collect sides and condi- ments. To help with the next fi rst responder support effort, give her a call at 503-999-1673. KCL book sale Aug. 22 The Keizer Community Library will hold a one-day book sale on Saturday, Aug. 22, from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. at Jeff and Sheryl’s On the Turn restaurant at McNary Golf Club,. Sale items will include hardcover and paperback books, audio books, CDs, DVDs, VHS tapes, puzzles and games. A bag sale will be fea- tured all day. Shoppers can fi ll a grocery bag for $5 (all bags will be provided). Also, pre- fi lled bags of books featuring a single genre will be available for $5. Other prices are 50 cents for paperback books, $1 for hardcover books, $1 for CDs and puzzles, 50 cents for VHS tapes, plus special pricing on a few items. Payment may be made with cash, debit cards and credit cards only. Information about donat- ing books and other media, including no-contact “Porch Pick Up,” is available on the library’s website, keizerlibrary. org. McNary Golf Club is lo- cated at 155 McNary Estates Drive N. Face coverings will be required for everyone, in- cluding children age 5 and older, and social distancing will be observed according to state requirements. Book sale proceeds fund the library’s operations. sudoku Enter digits from 1-9 into the blank spac- es. Every row must contain one of each digit. So must every column, as must every 3x3 square. maze Keizer & Salem’s Go-To-Guy for Buying & Selling TALK TO BOB The go-to Realtor with 22+ years in the real estate & mortgage lending industry. 2016 Call or Text 503-983-4086 3975 River Rd N Suite 3 - Keizer Maze by Jonathan Graf of Keizer K EIZER CHAMBER OF COMMERCE MERCHANT OF THE YEAR 2018-19 K EIZER CHAMBER OF COMMERCE PRESIDENT BOB SHACKELFORD Broker Bob Shackelford is a licensed real estate broker in Oregon.