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M h a m Jo d g p we at th ir m red cente er a hen ced n a n alk wit op a n c e in w ti fa me ht Keiz w dvan d o z. ly cing plac two w a ed Bish sin- s th o ho e r ig m- enth t, a score igue ns gle als - Fa d re fter dre llow ith a r io sin He be th Sale sev r igh nd odr o ru r ha tt a hop o fo , w and ana ares ing gle the to all a k y R lcan h F nd. lio Bis cian left nd, x C om a- sin out. evin inn in gled d b ta ft n b Vo wit mou er Lu to seco Ale o P Ar m ded st- K to t sin passe to as le ore hth e co gle g by . 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T y co be g, nea o of de g rap he d ju to thin be id. nes only scho ies, co owin g st e is an to hen ave clo e to ez sa ideli not ny ctivit nies sh arin issu ring ant ps w ey h on hav artin gu to, o a r a mo we the sp ls w k to t th acti re's o ere M The pply als of the Gir tan Bu distr the we a ut nts on c d in 's a that e e ati de an it o e t c ts u tha nic rad ld it's to so en be 1979 – 2019 ak at m life s er e f h o o l ro nt rg co for de es n h rc ea e u n s tee er od z i Ke VOLUME 41, NO. 4 se ou ’s H lor y Ta r tu en SECTION A $1.00 NOVEMBER 1, 2019 ek cre le n b l o ra tol esto n r a um ut is H b : ial ive fic ulat m cu MIRACLE M C NARY By MATT RAWLINGS Of the Keizertimes Remember to “fall back” on Sunday AT PAGE A3 e us Ho r’s ylo a T at life r In what was arguably the of most he l tro important situation of the on season, c for es senior quarterback ea Erik Barker rch s n tee made the biggest izer throw of his life e in his fi nal game K at Flesher Field. With 1:17 remaining in the contest, the McNary football squad trailed West Salem by a score of 23-21 with no timeouts and the ball on their own 35- yard line facing second-and-10. With great protection from his offensive line, Barker faded back to pass in a clean pocket, saw Junior Nunez break open up KEIZERTIMES/Matt Rawlings Please see MIRACLE, Page A6 Boy, 7, critically injured crossing River Road A 7-year-old boy crossing within a crosswalk on River Road North was severely in- jured when a car collided with him on Tuesday, Oct.29. At 4:53 p.m., offi cers were dispatched to the intersection of Sam Orcutt Way Northeast and River Road North. Preliminary investigation into the crash indicated a 30-year-old woman operating a black 2015 Chevrolet Tahoe was in the Please see BOY, Page A7 McNary’s Erik Barker dodges a pair of West Salem defenders. The senior quarterback threw for 249 yards and the game-winning touchdown, helping the Celtics move to 3-0 in Mountain Valley Conference play. Alleged burglar bitten by K9 while fl eeing Two burglars tried for a second bite at the same ap- ple and ended up in handcuffs Tues- day, Oct. 22. On Oct. 21, a theft from a vehi- Lara-Alvarez cle on Clark Ave- nue Northeast was reported to Keizer police and the items taken included a 9mm pistol. The following day, about 1:35 p.m., Keizer offi cers responded to a report of suspicious activity at the same Clark Avenue address. Offi cers were told two males had ridden into the area on bi- cycles and jumped over a fence into the backyard of a home. As offi - cers arrived on the Mercado-Urenda scene, they spotted two men exiting the garage of the residence. The men fl ed on bikes, ignoring the offi cer’s commands to stop. Additional offi cers arrived in the area, but the men had abandoned their bikes and contin- ued their fl ight on foot. Around the same time, offi cers entered the home where the burglary had occurred and found several fi rearms staged next to the back door. The Keizer Police Department K9 team responded to the area to begin tracking the suspects. One man was found hiding in a bush in a nearby backyard on Harcourt Avenue North- east. He refused to surrender to the police and was bitten by K9 before be- ing taken into custody. Minutes later, the second suspect was found hiding in a wood pile. He surrendered without incident. The two suspects were later A minute-by-minute account of KPD response to a potential threat at MHS On Wednesday, Oct. 23, Keizer Police Department responded en masse to the report of a possible male with weapons in the parking lot at McNary High School. No suspect was found after a search that lasted more than an hour, but listening back to offi cers’ radio conversations with 9-1-1 dispatch and fellow offi cers provided a window into how police responded and the seriousness with which the event was treated. What follows is a partial timeline of events as they unfolded at the high school and in the surrounding area. 8:24 — Three additional police vehicles head toward campus. Police request 9-1-1 dispatchers contact the school and advise them of the situation. 8:25 — 9-1-1 dispatchers perform a scan of the phone number the text arrived from and learn it hasn’t been used to contact the police before. Three officers arrive at the campus. The school has been contacted. Additional informa- tion from the person who sent the text comes in: it appeared to be a hi gh school student wearing a backpack, but the witness could not discern the race of the suspect. 8:26 — Multiple additional offi- cers arrive on the scene. Offi cers station themselves at multiple access points to the campus (Lockhaven, Chemawa, Sandy, and the construction staging area near St. Edward Catholic Church.) An additional offi cer arrives on a bike and begins roaming the campus. Offi cers begin closing off the drive- ways to the campus off Chemawa Road and Lockhaven. An offi cer requests dispatchers try to call the number the text was sent from. The student is identifi ed. Another officer arrives at the Robindale access point to campus. 8:27 — Offi cers talk to two construc- tion workers who say they have not seen anything. An offi cer inside the school is trying to locate the class- room of the student who contacted 9-1-1. Offi cers prepare to enter the school and conduct a search. 8:29 — The parking lot is deemed clear of threats. Additional offi - cers are requested at the front of the school to begin a search. The school has been placed on a level 2 lockdown. 8:32 — Officers are conducting visual searches of areas like the football stadium and around por- table classrooms. Other offi cers are working in pairs searching the hallways inside the school. Offi cers are still trying to locate the 9-1-1 caller inside the school. 8:35 — Contact is made with the student who notifi es offi cers where he is in the building. Officers are conducting closer searches around the portable classrooms. 8:39 — Offi cers want to search the upper levels of the gym and school security moves to help them enter. Students found in bathrooms are taken by officers to classrooms and locked in. 8:40 — Offi cers locate the 9-1-1 caller in his classroom and begin interviewing him. Offi cers believe witness account and say, “it doesn’t sound like he’s making this up.” 8:41 — Offi cers begin expanding the search to areas outside McNary’s cam- pus. An more detailed description of the suspect goes out over the police band: the suspect is a probable teen- ager of unknown race wearing dark clothing with a dark blue backpack and a hood pulled up over his head. The weapons he was carrying are thought to have been a baseball bat and a small rifl e. 8:43 — Offi cers call Keizer Elementary School and request a level 1 lockdown as the search widens. An offi cer sta- tions at the elementary school. 8:48 — More details on the suspect come in: a younger male adult of aver- age build. Keizer Elementary moves from a level 1 lockdown to a secure alert so that students can be allowed in the building. School had not yet begun for the day and cars and kids were lining up outside the building. Officers begin discussing moving McNary from a level 1 lockdown to a secure alert to allow students to enter the building. They are confi dent the suspect had not entered the building at this point. 8:53 — Two officers are sent to Cummings Elementary to monitor the school as students arrive. Cummings is also put on a level 1 lockdown. 9:02 — An offi cer discovers a black PAGE A2 Please see BURGLARS, Page A8 INSIDE THE ACTION 8:23 a.m. — A report of a person running around McNary High School’s parking lot with two weapons, is sent to 9-1-1 via text message. Two Keizer police offi cers head toward campus. Fire at McNary Oaks hoodie in the stands at the football fi eld, but he is not certain it’s con- nected to the incident. 9:08 — A modifi ed level 1 lockdown takes effect at McNary allowing stu- dents already on to enter the building, but no one can leave. Students are escorted from buses to the school. McNary administrators are working on a plan to allow students to move around while officers remain on campus. 9:12 — McNary moves to secure alert status and all traffi c coming into the school is permitted. 9:14 — An offi cer requests that the student reporting the incident be brought out to the parking lot to look at a vehicle in which a blue backpack and baseball bat were spotted. 9:15 — Someone from the FBI calls to inquire whether their assistance is needed. It’s declined. 9:16 — Regular activities have resumed and offi cers are beginning to disperse outward. 9:18 — A 9-1-1 caller on Chehalis Drive North reports that a boat in their backyard is moving back and forth and dogs in the yard are “going crazy.” Chehalis is two blocks west of McNary’s campus. Three offi cers head toward the address. 9:30 — Offi cers fi nd no signs of anyone in the backyard of the Chehalis address. Calls regarding the suspicious person at McNary cease shortly thereafter. Dungeons and dragons and drama at MHS PAGE A4 Netters claim postseason spot PAGE A14