PAGE A2, KEIZERTIMES, MARCH 1, 2019 Invisalign & Traditional Braces Customized Financing FOR A FREE CONSULT CALL 503.362.0500 orthodontics for children, adolescents & adults Truly Amazing Smiles SCHOOLHOUSE SQUARE 5099 RIVER ROAD N, KEIZER for kids by kids Ready to be (Capt.) Marvel-ed? BY LAUREN MURPHY Of No Adults Allowed Over the years there have been several Captain Marvels, but Marvel Studios will release its fi rst Captain Marvel fi lm this month. In the comics, Carol Danvers (the character in the upcoming movie) starts out as a United States Air Force offi cer. She meets Captain Mar-Vell who is a Kree commander. Mar-Vell was fi ghting for the Kree, an alien race, in the infamous Kree- Skrull war. The Kree are a race of super intelligent warriors. The Skulls are a race of shape shifters. The Kree-Skrull war was never really explained, it’s just been going on forever. During one of the many battles they fought together Danvers gets hit with a ton of energy and her DNA melds with Mar-Vell’s. Now she has some powers and takes on the title Ms. Marvel. Captain Mar-Vell and Ms. Marvel fought side-by-side for years in the comics. Eventually, she takes on the title Captain Marvel, she becomes an Avenger and agent of S.W.O.R.D (an agency that protects Earth from aliens). In the new movie, her origin story is a little diff erent. Although it’s not totally clear where she gets her powers from, the trailer shows her falling from the sky (in her U.S. Air Force uniform) and blue energy crackles at her fi nger tips. Danvers comes to Earth and doesn’t remember her past as a human. All she knows is her life as a Kree commander as the fi lm goes on she gets fl ash backs about her past and her life on Earth. One of the strangest things in the trailer (stranger than a young Nick Fury with two eyes, and aliens) is the cat. There is a clip where Danvers and Fury are walking down a hall way on what appears to be a mission, Fury stops to pet a cat. Although most fans of the cinematic universe thought that it was just a cute clip to humanize Nick Fury, comic book fans recognized the cat as Danvers’s pet in the comic books. Who would’ve thought an alien commander would have a regular house pet, because he is just a regular cat, right? • Marvel once trademarked the word Artwork by McNary High School senior Kianna Johnson. Follow her on Instagram: @oozean “zombie.” • Spider-Ham (aka Peter Porker) has a 17-issue comic series. • Venom was created by a fan and purchased for $220. • Luke Cage was the fi rst black superhero with his own comic. • Iron Man and Captain America are tied for the character who has appeared in the most (9 each) modern Marvel Cinematic Universe. • Actor Vin Diesel, who voices Groot in the Guardians of the Galaxy movies, gets specials script revealing what his character is actually saying each time he says, “I am Groot.” • The original Captain Marvel was a Kree Comander named Captain Mar-Vell, he was also a man. Captain Marvel will be the fi rst Marvel Cinematic Universe movie to feature a female superhero, but this super woman has already appeared in numerous Marvel movies. What’s her name? (The picture above is a hint) Junior Why did Spider-Man join the swim team? Because he has webbed feet PRESS Pass This badge re cognizes the boy or girl below as a du ly authorized member of the Keizertim es Junior Pres s Corps and thanks him/h er for their di ligence in reporting on the commun ity of Keizer. Send your answer to: We will select ONE WINNER with the correct answer to receive a gift certifi cate to TONY’S KINGDOM OF COMICS. Entries due by noon on Tuesday, March 5 KIDS! Earn your junior press pass and a custom Keizertimes notebook. Email noadults@keizertimes. com to fi nd out how. LYNDON ZA IT Publisher, Ke Z izertimes Ste phanie SI MON T ON