BAGE A10, KEIZERTIMES, FEBRUARY 8, 2019 JACKSON, continued from Page A1 File One potential change (seen above) up for discussion is turning Walery Blaza into a true focal point and community gathering space. . RIVER RD: New docs show off big possibilities (Continued from Page A1) The plan presents three possible scenarios: building out based on current regula- tions and zoning, putting in place effi ciency measures to promote more intense devel- opment or a greater range of housing options, or upzoning certain areas to increase the amount or type of develop- ment that could occur. Some of the effi ciency measures under consideration include: • Rezoning commercial zones to mixed use. • Increasing the types of development permitted under mixed use zoning. • Reducing landscaping re- quirements. • Reducing front and rear setbacks. • Reducing parking re- quirements. • And, allowing smaller lot widths. The city also recently re- leased a draft of public invest- ment opportunities within the commercial corridors. Some of the suggestions are: • Establishing a Mainstreet Program that focuses on community value issues like aesthetics, cleanliness, wayfi n- ding and event hosting. • Establishing an econom- ic development department that focuses on building and expanding local business, supporting workforce devel- opment and advocating for quality of life. • Developing public park- ing lots. • Design and implement streetscaping plans that pro- mote vibrancy and multi- modal transportation. • Enhancing and beautify- ing Claggett Creek near the Lockhaven/River Road in- tersection. • Improving the Wheat- land/River Road intersec- tion. • Sidewalk upgrades. • Developing a north/ south bike pathway parallel to River Road North. • And, putting in a public plaza in the area around the city’s annual Christmas tree. being involved, knowing who was in my son’s orbit,” she said. She also got involved in the Parent-Teacher Club and helped the organization achieve independence as a non-profi t while streamlining the behind- the-scenes work. She spear- headed the fundraising and installation of the sign that still sits out in front of the school – a process that included nav- igating procedure within the school district, the city of Keiz- er and neighbors. She even convinced the installer to move it to her preferred location after it ended up getting anchored in the wrong place. “Every time I drive by it, which isn’t all that often, I still think it’s in the spot where it belongs,” Jackson said. She still does the account- ing for the group more than a decade after her youngest son, Cody, completed his stint at Gubser. “I do it because my profes- sion is keeping track of num- bers and its easy for me, but it’s super-valuable to them. It has a big impact. I’m impacting all of those families,” Jackson said. When Nicholas graduated from McNary High School, Jackson fostered the annual graduation party group’s tran- sition to non-profi t status and continues to make sure that no one overspends the budget. She’s seen all of the time she spent with Rotary and the ar- ea’s chambers of commerce re- turned in spades. When Nich- olas and Cody began talking about careers in engineering and dentistry, fel- low Rotarians and business associates helped ensure the boys knew what they were getting into. All the while, AccurAccounts has been growing. When she pur- chased the com- pany it had 30 clients. It has 180 and six em- ployees now. Which brings us to the second thing that note in the meeting room signals: Jackson is a meticulous planner. The reason she gave up the treasurer slot at Rotary was because she and husband Randy had anoth- er engagement on her calendar coming up: Cody. She’d put his expected arrival in her planner. “The planner has been the key to my success,” she said. From tee-ball to McNary’s varsity baseball team, Cody only ever had one scorekeeper, his mom. If a game got rained out or rescheduled, her business clients had to choose anoth- er time to meet. She stuck to her kids’ commitments above all else. “You can’t live only thinking about how much money you’re going to make. The things I’ve made time for are the things I enjoy doing, and they’ve al- lowed me to make connections I otherwise wouldn’t have,” she SERVICES SERVICES Beginning Acoustic guitar lessons @$25 per 30 min session. For more info Contact Debi @ 503-404-3900 A PLACE FOR MOM. The nation’s largest senior living referral service. Contact our trusted, local experts today! Our service is FREE/no obligation. CALL 1-888-651-5669. Get a SMARTPHONE for $0 DOWN* with AT&T Next® and AT&T Next Every Year #8480 1) Pick Your New Phone. 2) Pick Your Plan. (*Req`s well-qualifi ed credit. Limits & restr`s apply.) CALL 1-855-593-4474. 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What IS recyclable now? ©1986 MUSIC LESSONS LAWN SERVICES Celebrate Statehood Feb.16 ASK MR. TRASH KEIZER CLASSIFIEDS 0215 said. Despite the lengthy list of involvement, she was surprised to be named as Keizer’s First Citizen at a Keizer Chamber of Commerce banquet in January. “There are so many that give back and who are much more visible. I’m happy to help one person through my business, but I want- ed to help more people,” she said. However, when it came time to de- liver an impromptu speech, she had no hesitation. “Rotary and business has taught me about relationships, and then you have a family that supports you. When I got up on that stage, I was talking to my family,” Jackson said. Act before investment tax laws change Krisstine Jacobsen Principal Broker / Owner Call me at 503.504.7330 for a FREE market analysis of your investment property crossword