DECEMBER 7, 2018, KEIZERTIMES, PAGE A9 RATES: ‘Services should be menu-driven’ (Continued from Page A1) a time,” Parr said. “If the rates keep going up, the hauling ser- vices should be menu-driven. If I don't want the blue cart, I shouldn't have to pay for it.” Keizer resident Royce Young spoke in support of the haulers. “Price increases are not something I look forward to, but [the haulers] are very trans- parent about the need and eval- uation,” Young said. Resident Jessica Davidson wanted the council to consider other potential effects of a rate increase. “Some of my neighbors are burning trash in their fireplace. I feel like an increase in that is going to occur because of this,” Davidson said. Haulers requested the in- crease because of global market changes in recycling. In the past year, disposing of recyclables has gone from a revenue gen- erator to an expense that con- sumed much of the businesses' profit margins. Fuel prices also increased 38 percent in the same time period. Councilors questioned whether the increase could be made temporary with a stipula- tion for a review in 12 months, but City Attorney Shannon Johnson said that likely wasn't possible. “I don't know that we have the authority to mandate a de- crease. I'm not familiar with any mechanism for us to do so,” Johnson said. Haulers pay franchise fees to the city in exchange for access to its residents and can request increases when profits fall be- low 10 percent or as a result of major market shifts. The last in- crease to garbage rates was ap- proved two years ago. In lieu of a rate review, the council's approval of the new rates included a call for updates on how the city is doing in meeting recycling goals. PORCH, continued from Page A1 or parcel boxes have become available in recent years that allows the delivery service to secure packages in the box until you arrive home to re- trieve them. Door cameras, security cameras, and video doorbells with motion sen- sors can all be used to monitor your porch for package deliv- ery. Such video surveillance systems, especially those that are visible to would-be thieves can deter crime, but in the off chance the thief is brazen enough to steal the packages knowing he/she is being re- corded, these surveillance sys- tems can result in useful video and still photographs that law enforcement authorities can use to identify the thief. • Finally, keep an eye out for suspicious vehicles and individuals in your neighbor- hood. Don’t hesitate to call the police to respond to investi- gate when suspicious vehicles or individuals are observed. The U.S. Postal service is also offering an Informed De- livery Service. The service lets you see what’s expected to arrive in your mailbox soon, whether it's important mail or packages. You can sign up at Even if you would rather be surprised when you open the mailbox each day, it's a good idea to register your ad- dress and its residents. Seven people in Michigan recently used the service while reg- istering for credit cards and then stole the cards out of the recipients mailboxes. They were caught after running up more than $400,000 in fraud- ulent charges. You can also opt out of the service by emailing Breakfast with Santa at KFD slated Dec. 9 The Keizer Fire District hosts its annual Santa Breakfast, a tradition that is nearly as old as the district itself, on Sunday, Dec. 9 from 7:30 to 11:30 a.m. All-you-can-eat pancakes, sausage, eggs, milk and coffee will be served. The cost of the breakfast, which supports the Keizer Volun- teer Firefighters Association, is $6 for adults, $3 for children ages 3-12 and free for 2-and-under. Photos with Santa are free and many of the same families return year after year. NOW 2 CLINICS TO KEEP YOU ACTIVE CALL 503-391- 9112 NEW SOUTH OFFICE 1010 13th St SE, Salem 1797 Lansing Ave NE, Salem W W W . N W F A M I L Y C H I R O . N E T 30% * OFF SPECIAL Call now for your free in-home consultation! 503-362-5199 CCB#171799 Blinds • Shutters • Shades • Drapes • Home Automation *30% OFF applies to select products. Some exclusions apply, not applicable with other offers. ©2018 Budget Blinds, LLC. All Rights Reserved. Budget Blinds is a trademark of Budget Blinds, LLC and a Home Franchise Concepts Brand. Each franchise independently owned and operated. public notices NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING AMENDMENT TO KEIZER DEVELOPMENT CODE TEXT AMENDMENT CASE NO. 2018-25 PURPOSE OF HEARING: The City Council will hold a public hearing to consider proposed revisions to the Keizer Development Code to amend Section 2.403 (Shared Housing Facilities) to clarify the standards governing accessory dwelling units. In addition, revisions to Keizer Development Code Section 1.200 (Definitions) and Section 3.101 (Summary of Application Types) are proposed to align the changes. LAND USE DECISION CRITERIA: The criteria upon which the decision on this matter is to be based can be found in Section 3.111 (Text Amendments) of the Keizer Development Code. DATE AND TIME OF HEARING: Monday, Decem- ber 17, 2018: 7:00 PM. LOCATION OF HEARING: Keizer City Council Cham- bers, Keizer City Hall, 930 Chemawa Road NE, Keizer. HOW TO PARTICIPATE: Anyone desiring to speak for or against the proposal may do so in person, or by representative, at the public hearing. Written comments may be submitted to the Keizer Community Development Department, (930 Chemawa Road NE, Keizer, 97307, or prior to the public hearing, and must be received no later than 5:00 pm on the day of the hearing. The file with the staff recommendation relating to the above land use case may be reviewed on-line at www., or hard copies may be obtained at City Hall for a reasonable cost. After the close of the hearing the City Council will approve, deny, modify, or refer back to the Planning Commission for additional consideration. Interested persons should become involved in the decision making process. Failure to raise an issue, either in person or in writing, or failure to provide sufficient specificity to afford the decision making body an opportunity to respond to the issue precludes appeal to the Land Use Board of Appeals based on that issue. Copies of the Keizer Development Code are available for viewing at the City of Keizer, Community Development Office or it can be reviewed on-line at www. - Phone # (503) 856-3441 or (503) 856-3439. UPON REQUEST, AUXIL- IARY AIDS AND/OR SPECIAL SERVICES WILL BE PRO- VIDED TO PARTICIPANTS WITH DISABILITIES. TO RE- QUEST SERVICES, PLEASE CONTACT CITY HALL AT (503)390-3700, OR TDD AC- CESS AT 1-800-735-2900, AT LEAST TWO WORKING DAYS (48 HOURS) IN AD- VANCE OF THE HEARING. 12/7 PUBLIC NOTICE Fire District Seeking Citizen Budget Committee Members The Keizer Fire District is seeking individuals to consider serving a 3-year term on the Fire District Budget Committee. The budget committee reviews the budget proposed by the budget officer, listens to comments and questions from interested citizens and approves the budget. There will be two positions open on the five member budget committee. To be eligible you must be a registered voter in the Keizer Fire District and cannot be an officer, agent, volunteer or employee of the Keizer Fire District. The budget committee typically meets at least twice in the spring. Interested individuals can obtain a packet of information at the Keizer Fire Station, 661 Chemawa Road NE, Keizer, Oregon, or on the website at Addition- al information can be obtained by contacting Fire Chief Jeff Cowan at 503-390-9111. The application filing deadline is 5:00 pm on Friday, December 28, 2018. The Board of Direc- tors anticipates filling these vacancies at the January 15, 2018 Board Meeting. 12/7, 12/14