OCTOBER 19, 2018, KEIZERTIMES, PAGE A3 I BELIEVE IN ★ Knowing our neighbors and working together for our shared benefi t. ★ Keizer as a safe and vibrant community for our families, friends, neighbors and visitors. ★ The potential for a successful River Road Business Community through encouraging appropriate development in Keizer. ★ Beautiful parks and public places that refl ect the pride and spirit of our town for the enjoyment of all citizens. ★ Responsible and effi cient land use planning, utilizing our resources for smart and effective growth. ★ Affordable housing as a necessary component of a balanced community— especially given our recent increase in population. ★ Public education of the highest quality for Keizer’s children. ★ The need to care and assist men and women who have served our country. As the wife of a disabled Army veteran, I am honored to do what I can to support those who gave their all. Keizer is the center of my life, my home and my family. Here I raised my children, sent them to school and watched them grow into adulthood. Twenty years eqperience in mortgage lending has given me a unique and valuable perspective I would like to share with my fellow citizens. My hope and vision is to sustain and encourage every positive aspect of this community to the best of my ability. THESE INDIVIDUALS ARE SUPPORTING ELIZABETH SMITH FOR CITY COUNCIL Marlene Parsons Richard Walsh Donna Damme Current Keizer City Councilor Previous Keizer City Councilor Retired Military Veteran Vote Elizabeth Smith F O R K E I Z E R C I T Y CO U N C I L FOLLOW ME ON FACEBOOK www.facebook.com/ElizabethSmithKeizer/ Questions or ideas? Direct message me there. Paid for by Elizabeth for Keizer