PAGE A8, KEIZERTIMES, AUGUST 31, 2018 B Scouts serve at community dinner C A D Members of Boy Scout and Cub Scout Troop 105 served food and waited tables at the monthly Co- immunity Dinner at St. Ed- ward Catholic Church. A: Sam Demianew. B: Back row (from left): Gavin Henny, Thomas Old- ridge, Josh Hansberry, Nick Meuchel, Sean Hansberry, Eli Meuchel, Cody Free- man, Josh Nelson, leader Ron Borsch, leader Joe Demianew, Nick Kosicwizz, Liam Stitt, Charlie Stitt, Sam Demianew, Kyle Andersen. C: Terri Pace. D: A group of scouts serve visitors. KEIZERTIMES/Lyndon A. Zaitz public notices SUMMONS BY PUBLICATION SUMMONS BY PUBLICATION IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR THE COUNTY OF MARION Summons by Publication Case number: 18DR16259 In the Matter of the Marriage of Pedro Emiliano Velasco Bautista, Petitioner and Meisy Velasco Lepai, Respondent TO: Meisy Velasco Lepai, NOTICE TO RESPONDENT: READ THESE PAPERS CAREFULLY! You must “appear” in this case or the other side will win automatically. To “appear” you must fi le with the court a legal document called a “motion” or “answer.” The “motion” or “answer” must be given to the court clerk or administrator within 30 days of the date of fi rst publication specifi ed herein along with the required fi ling fee. It must be in proper form and have proof of service on the plaintiff’s attorney or, if the plaintiff does not have an attorney, proof of service on the plaintiff. If you have questions, you should see an attorney immediately. If you need help in fi nding an attorney, you may contact the Oregon State Bar’s Lawyer Referral Service online at http://www. or by calling (503) 684-3763 (in the Portland metropolitan area) or toll-free elsewhere in Oregon at (800) 452-7636. Summary Statement and the demand for relief: The object of this complaint is the marriage between Pedro Emiliano Velasco Bautista and Meisy Velasco Lepai. Petitioner seeks that the marriage between the parties be dissolved, granting further relief in accordance with the allegations of the petition, and granting such further relief as the court fi nds to be just and equitable. This summons is published by order of Judge Sean E. Armstrong, dated August 7, 2018, directing publication in the manner required by ORCP 7 D(6)(a). Tomas Hernandez OSB No. 133840 Attorney for Petitioner 3850 Portland Road NE, Ste. 200 Salem, OR 97301 (503)746-9277 The date of the fi rst publication is August 17, 2018. 8/17, 8/24, 8/31, 9/7 NOTICE TO INTERESTED PERSONS NOTICE TO INTERESTED PERSONS In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Marion Case No. 18PB06135 In the Matter of the Estate of Richard W. Peters, Deceased. Notice is hereby given that Richard W. Peters died May 3, 2014, and that by order of the above entitled Court, the undersigned has been appointed Personal Representative. All persons having claims against the Estate are required to present them to the Personal Representative at 693 Chemeketa Street NE, Post Offi ce Box 2247, Salem, Oregon 97308-2247, within four months after the date of fi rst publication of this notice or said claims may be barred. All persons whose rights may be affected by this proceeding are advised that additional information may be obtained from the records of the Court, the Personal Representative, or the attorneys for the Personal Representative. Jeffery B. Peters Personal Representative Sherman, Sherman, Johnnie & Hoyt, LLP Attorneys for Personal Representative 693 Chemeketa Street Post Offi ce Box 2247 Salem, Oregon 97308-2247 Date of fi rst publication: August 24, 2018 Second and third publication: August 31, 2018 and September 7, 2018 8/24, 8/31, 9/7 PUBLISHED SUMMONS IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR LINCOLN COUNTY Juvenile Department Case No. 18JU05285 PUBLISHED SUMMONS In the Matter of KRISTOPHER M SAUNDERS A Child. TO: Kristopher Ryon Saunders Sr. IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF OREGON: A petition has been fi led asking the court to establish jurisdiction under ORS 419B.100 for the above- named child. YOU ARE REQUIRED TO PERSONALLY APPEAR BEFORE the Lincoln County Court at 225 West Olive Street, Newport, Oregon 97365, on the 12th day of October, 2018 at 10:00 a.m. to admit or deny the allegations of the petition and to personally appear at any subsequent court-ordered hearing. YOU MUST APPEAR PERSONALLY IN THE COURTROOM ON THE DATE AND AT THE TIME LISTED ABOVE. AN ATTORNEY MAY NOT ATTEND THE HEARING IN YOUR PLACE. THEREFORE, YOU MUST APPEAR EVEN IF YOUR ATTORNEY ALSO APPEARS. This summons is published pursuant to the orders of this court signed July 27, 2018, and August 9, 2018. The orders direct that parents be served by publication. This summons shall be published once each week for three consecutive weeks, making three publications in all, in a published newspaper of general circulation in Marion County. Date of fi rst publication: August 17, 2018 Date of last publication: August 31, 2018 NOTICE READ THESE PAPERS CAREFULLY IF YOU DO NOT APPEAR PERSONALLY BEFORE THE COURT OR DO NOT APPEAR AT ANY SUBSEQUENT COURT-ORDERED HEARING, the court may proceed in your absence without further notice and take jurisdiction of the above-named children either ON THE DATE SPECIFIED IN THIS SUMMONS OR ON A FUTURE DATE, and may make such orders and take such action as authorized by law. RIGHTS AND OBLIGATIONS (1) YOU HAVE A RIGHT TO BE REPRESENTED BY AN ATTORNEY IN THIS MATTER. If you are currently represented by an attorney, CONTACT YOUR ATTORNEY IMMEDIATELY UPON RECEIVING THIS NOTICE. Your previous attorney may not be representing you in this matter. IF YOU CANNOT AFFORD TO HIRE AN ATTORNEY and you meet the state’s fi nancial guidelines, you are entitled to have an attorney appointed for you at state expense. TO REQUEST APPOINTMENT OF AN ATTORNEY TO REPRESENT YOU AT STATE EXPENSE, YOU MUST IMMEDIATELY CONTACT the Lincoln County Court, Juvenile Department at 225 West Olive Street, Newport, Oregon 97365, phone number (541) 265-4236, between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. for further information. IF YOU WISH TO HIRE AN ATTORNEY, please retain one as soon as possible and have the attorney present at the above hearing. If you need help fi nding an attorney, you may call the Oregon State Bar’s Lawyer Referral Service at (503) 684-3763 or toll free in Oregon at (800) 452-7636. IF YOU ARE REPRESENTED BY AN ATTORNEY, IT IS YOUR RESPONSIBILITY TO MAINTAIN CONTACT WITH YOUR ATTORNEY AND TO KEEP YOUR ATTORNEY ADVISED OF YOUR WHEREABOUTS. (2) If you contest the petition, the court will schedule a hearing on the allegations of the petition and order you to appear personally and may schedule other hearings related to the petition and order you to appear personally. IF YOU ARE ORDERED TO APPEAR, YOU MUST APPEAR PERSONALLY IN THE COURTROOM, UNLESS THE COURT HAS GRANTED YOU AN EXCEPTION IN ADVANCE UNDER ORS 419B.918 TO APPEAR BY OTHER MEANS INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, TELEPHONIC OR OTHER ELECTRONIC MEANS. AN ATTORNEY MAY NOT ATTEND THE HEARING(S) IN YOUR PLACE. PETITIONER’S ATTORNEY Kristyn M. Houston Assistant Attorney General Department of Justice 1162 Court Street NE Salem, OR 97301-4096 Phone: (503) 934-4400 ISSUED this 14th day of August, 2018. Issued by: Kristyn M. Houston 145304 Assistant Attorney General 8/17, 8/24, 8/31 NOTICE TO INTERESTED PERSONS IN THE CIRCUIT COURT FOR THE STATE OF OREGON IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF MARION Probate Department Case No. 18PB02010 NOTICE TO INTERESTED PERSONS In the Matter of the Estate of Laurie Anne Hoover-Atwood, Deceased. Date of death: October 31, 2011. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the undersigned has been appointed personal representative. All persons having claims against the estate are required to present them, with vouchers attached, to the undersigned personal representative at 6510 SE Foster Road, Suite D, Portland, OR 97206, within four months after the date of fi rst publication of this notice, or the claims may be barred. All persons whose rights may be affected by the proceedings may obtain additional information from the records of the Court, the personal representative, or the lawyers for the personal representative, Lisa Paolo. Dated and fi rst published on August 24, 2018. /s/ Lisa Paolo Personal Representative Personal Representative Lisa Paolo 6510 SE Foster Rd, Ste D Portland, OR 97206 (503) 498-8528 Attorney for Personal Representative Shawn Morgan, OSB # 122103 6510 SE Foster Rd., Ste D Portland, OR 97206 P: (503) 498-8528 8/24, 8/31, 9/7 NOTICE TO INTERESTED PERSONS IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR THE COUNTY OF MARION Probate Department Case No. 18PB05280 NOTICE TO INTERESTED PERSONS In the Matter of the Estate of: MARGARET SUZANNE SOLBERG, Deceased. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Nathan M. Parker has been appointed Personal Representative of the above-captioned estate. All persons having claims against the estate are required to present them, with voucher attached, to the undersigned Attorney for the Personal Representative, Nathan M. Parker, Attorney at Law, P.O. Box 13006, Salem, Oregon 97309, within four (4) months after the date of fi rst publication of this Notice, or the claims may be barred. All persons whose rights may be affected by the proceedings may obtain additional information from the records of the Court, the Personal Representative, or the Attorney for the Personal Representative, Nathan M. Parker, Attorney at Law, P.O. Box 13006, Salem, Oregon 97309; 503-399-0180. DATED this 24th day of August, 2018. /s/ Nathan M. Parker Nathan M. Parker, OSB #134476 Attorney and Personal Representative TEXT AMENDMENT CASE NO. 2018-21 PURPOSE OF HEARING: The Planning Commission will hold a public hearing to consider proposed revisions to the Keizer Development Code to amend Section 2.315 (Development Standards) to clarify building design standards such as color, as well as clarify the process for requesting alternative design review. In addition, revisions to Keizer Development Code sections 1.200 (Defi nitions), 3.101 (Summary of Application Types), and 3.202 (General Procedures) are proposed to align the changes. LAND USE DECISION CRITERIA: The criteria upon which the decision on this matter is to be based can be found in Section 3.111 (Text Amendments) of the Keizer Development Code. DATE AND TIME OF HEARING: Wednesday, September 12, 2018: 6:00 PM. LOCATION OF HEARING: Keizer City Council Chambers, Keizer City Hall, 930 Chemawa Road NE, Keizer. HOW TO PARTICIPATE: Anyone desiring to speak for or against the proposal may do so in person, or by representative, at the public hearing or may submit written comments to the Keizer Community Development Department, (930 Chemawa Road NE, Keizer, 97307, or prior to the public hearing, and must be received no later than 4:00 pm on the day of the hearing. The fi le with the staff recommendation relating to the above land use case may be reviewed on-line at, or hard copies may be obtained at City Hall for a reasonable cost. After the close of the hearing the Planning Commission will forward their recommendation to the City Council for their consideration. Interested persons should become involved in the decision making process. Failure to raise an issue, either in person or in writing, or failure to provide suffi cient specifi city to afford the decision making body an opportunity to respond to the issue precludes appeal to the Land Use Board of Appeals based on that issue. Copies of the Keizer Development Code are available for viewing at the City of Keizer, Community Development Offi ce or it can be reviewed on-line at www. - Phone # (503) 856-3441 or (503) 856-3439. UPON REQUEST, AUXILIARY AIDS AND/ OR SPECIAL SERVICES WILL BE PROVIDED TO PARTICIPANTS WITH DISABILITIES. TO REQUEST SERVICES, PLEASE CONTACT CITY HALL AT (503)390-3700, OR TDD ACCESS AT 1-800-735-2900, AT LEAST TWO WORKING DAYS (48 HOURS) IN ADVANCE OF THE HEARING. SUMMONS BY PUBLICATION 8/31 s/ Jeremy Clifford Jeremy Clifford OSB No. 142987 920 SW 3rd Ave, 1st Floor Portland, OR 97204 Phone: (971) 201-3200 Fax: (971) 201-3202 Of Attorneys for Plaintiff 8/24, 8/31, 9/7 SUMMONS BY PUBLICATION NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING AMENDMENT TO KEIZER DEVELOPMENT CODE Case No.: 18CV11258 Judge: Tracy A. Prall IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR THE COUNTY OF MARION FEDERAL NATIONAL MORTGAGE ASSOCIATION (“FNMA”), Plaintiff, v. ERIKA HASKELL AKA ERIKA LYN HASKELL AS SUCCESSOR OF THE ESTATE OF JAMES E. JENKINS AKA JAMES EDWARD JENKINS; GABRIAL S. JENKINS AKA GABRIEL JENKINS AS SUCCESSOR OF THE ESTATE OF JAMES E. JENKINS AKA JAMES EDWARD JENKINS; JASON HASKELL AKA JASON R. HASKELL AKA JASON RAY HASKELL; JPMORGAN CHASE BANK, N.A.; CAPITAL ONE BANK; FIRST RESOLUTION INVESTMENT CORPORATION; FEDERAL DEPOSIT INSURANCE CORPORATION, ON BEHALF OF SILVER FALLS BANK; OCCUPANTS OF THE PROPERTY, Defendants. To: ERIKA HASKELL AKA ERIKA LYN HASKELL AS SUCCESSOR OF THE ESTATE OF JAMES E. JENKINS AKA JAMES EDWARD JENKINS; GABRIAL S. JENKINS AKA GABRIEL JENKINS AS SUCCESSOR OF THE ESTATE OF JAMES E. JENKINS AKA JAMES EDWARD JENKINS; and OCCUPANTS OF THE PROPERTY You are hereby required to appear and defend the Complaint fi led against you in the above entitled cause within thirty (30) days from the date of service of this summons upon you, and in case of your failure to do so, for want thereof, Plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief demanded in the Complaint. NOTICE TO DEFENDANT: READ THESE PAPERS CAREFULLY! You must “appear” in this case or the other side will win automatically. To “appear” you must fi le with the court a legal paper called a “motion” or “answer.” The “motion” or “answer” (or “reply”) must be given to the court clerk or administrator within 30 days of the date of fi rst publication specifi ed herein along with the required fi ling fee. It must be in proper form and have proof of service on the plaintiff’s attorney or, if the plaintiff does not have an attorney, proof of service on the plaintiff. If you have questions, you should see an attorney immediately. If you need help in fi nding an attorney, you may call the Oregon State Bar’s Lawyer Referral Service at (503) 684-3763 or toll-free in Oregon at (800) 452-7636. The relief sought in the Complaint is the foreclosure of the property located at 4978 SEA GALE WAY N, KEIZER, OR 97303. DATED: August 16, 2018 McCarthy & Holthus, LLP 8/31, 9/7, 9/14, 9/21