PAGE A8, KEIZERTIMES, AUGUST 17, 2018 KeizerCommunity KEIZERTIMES.COM Cummings principal wants to inspire By DEREK WILEY Of the Keizertimes Magda Romero had no in- tentions of going to college after graduating from Dayton High School. But her school counselor had other plans. “She completed a scholar- ship for me and got me go- ing,” Romero said. “It was just never in my mind to do higher education. That was just not something that my family talked about.” Now, as the new principal of Cummings Elementary, Romero wants to encour- age kids in the same way the school counselor did for her. “That’s what I love about my job is to just start planting those seeds and telling people if I can do it, you should be able to do it,” Romero said. Romero’s journey to be- coming a principal started as an offi ce manager at an el- ementary school in McMin- nville. It was there where she was encouraged to go back to school to become a teacher. After fi nishing what she had started about 10 years earlier, getting her associate’s degree from Chemeketa Community College, Romero enrolled in the Bilingual Teacher Path- way program at Portland State University. Her fi rst job was at Rich- mond Elementary in Sa- lem, where she taught third through fi fth grade for nine years. “I never intended to be- come administration,” Rome- ro said. “I think it’s all because I wanted to be able to advo- cate for kids and families and encourage them do what I do “This is the sweetest place they could have asked me to come to.” — Magda Romero and believe that you can have it.” Romero saw she could make a bigger impact as a principal so she went back to school and got her master’s in special edu- cation at Portland State. She spent the 2017-18 school year as an assistant prin- cipal, working part-time at Keizer and Chavez Elementary schools. Cummings is her fi rst prin- cipal job. “This is the sweetest place they could have asked me to come to,” Romero said. “I feel so fortunate to be here at Cummings because they have a really strong community. The neighborhood association is amazing. The PTC is out- standing. They’re relentless in working to provide the school with whatever it is they need. The staff, a lot of them have been here a long time. I’m re- ally excited to be here and feel really lucky that it’s such a strong community and a good school.” Romero isn’t looking to make any immediate changes. “I don’t feel like it’s my school,” she said. “I feel like I’m going to catch the train as its KEIZERTIMES/Derek Wiley Magda Romero, of Dayton, is the new principal at Cummings Elementary after spending last year as the assistant principal at Keizer Elementary and Chavez Elementary. going and I want to ride the ride with them.” Romero, who has three children of her own, has asked the faculty at Cummings to share photos of their families on a wall in her offi ce. “Family is really important,” Romero said. “ I want to not just get to know them but get to know who their family is and what drives them is really important to me. That’s what I like about Cummings is it feels like a family.” Cummings is hosting an open house on Tuesday, Sept. 4 from 4:30 to 6 p.m. Romero looks forward to meeting all the families. “I’ve always loved kids and I feel so lucky,” Romero said. “I would do this for free. I re- ally would because I love kids so much.” SENSATIONAL ® Carpet by Dreamweaver $ 2 9 * / sq yd All the softness you love, now in your carpet. *Installation included with 8 lb. cushion. Carpet Cleaning Any Size 1-Story Home Any Size 2-Story Home $ $ 1 49 ** 2 49 ** **Some restrictions may apply. • 4930 River Rd N, Keizer 503-371-8188 CCB #162221 • KEIZER ROTARY AMPHITHEATER AT KEIZER RAPIDS PARK FREE 2018 SUMMER CONCERT SERIES GATES SHOW OPEN STARTS 5:00 pm 6:30 pm For complete concert schedule go to Saturday, August 18 Witness this toe-tappin’ tour of the golden era of rock & roll SPONSOR TITLE SPONSOR MORE SPONSORS City of Keizer • Columbia Bank • Uptown Music • KSLM 104.3 FM • UPS Store Keizer Vision Source • Willamette Valley Bank • Rich Duncan Construction Santiam Brewing Co. • Salem Electric • Walsh & Associates • R Bauer Insurance Advantage Renovations LLC • Highway Fuel • Rasmussen Spray Service