PAGE A12, KEIZERTIMES, JULY 13, 2018 New Chamber leaders KEIZERTIMES/Paula Moseley The Keizer Chamber of Commerce inducted its new president and new board members at a luncheon Tuesday, July 10. President Bob Shackleford (center in blue shirt) was inaugurated. New and returning board members (left to right) are: Jonathan Thompson, Lyndon Zaitz, Kalynn Wright, Alica Self, Shawn Lapof, Scott White, Nate Bauer, Carlos Pineda, Kyle Juran, Nigel Guisinger, Larry Jackson and Dave Walery. Many hands, quick work Homan, Rhonda Rich, Den- nis Phipps, Carol Phipps, Mar- tin Doerfl er, Noble Beckard, Karyl and Ron Allen, Princi- pal Magda Romero, Kristen The West Keizer Neighbor- hood Association and numer- ous neighbors and allies spent a Saturday morning in June sprucing up around Cum- mings Elementary School. The group of about two dozen volunteers trimmed trees, spread bark dust and picked up debris. Contributors includ- ed: Carol Doerfl er, Carolyn Nopp and family, Craig Spotts and family, Shawn Lapof, Ryan Brush and James Hutches Taylor Landscaping provid- ed edging around sidewalks. Rotarians pass gavel The Rotary Club of Keiz- er held its annual installation banquet on Wednesday, June 27, with the surprise an- nouncement about the Keizer Rotary Aboretum at Keizer Rapids Park. Before the passing of the president’s gavel, outgoing president Mark Caillier an- nounced that the Keizer Ro- tary Arboretum would be named in honor of 52-year club member Wilbur Bluhm. Bluhm is horticulturalist Emeritus with the Oregon State University Extension Service. He also completed a tree inventory of Keizer in 2013 (there are 241 differ- ent types of tress in our city). Bluhm was surprised by the honor but he made no com- ments of his own. The arboretum was planted as a response to a challenge from former Rotary Interna- tional president Ian H.S. Rise- ley. He challenged the 33,000 clubs around the globe to plant a tree for each member of their local club for environ- mental sustainability. The fi rst 36 trees of the Keizer arbore- tum were planted on Nov. 4. A total of 76 trees have been planted. After the presentation to Bluhm the past presidents in attendance at the dinner gave the incoming president advice for his tenure. At the end Mark Caillier passed the president’s gavel to A.J. Nash. Joining Nash on the 2018-19 Rotary Club of Keizer board are president-elect Raeanne McDonald, past president Caillier, treasurer Mark Baker, Don’t Lose Money from a ZILLOW Zestimate estimate Call or Text 503-983-4086 3975 River Road N, Suite 3, Keizer PUT MY ABOVE: Outgoing Rotary President Mark Caillier with Wilbur Blum. RIGHT: Caillier passes the gavel to Rotary’s new president AJ Nash. KEIZERTIMES/ Lyndon A. Zaitz secretary Alana Neads, Rotary Foundation president Marc Adams, and board members Cari Buchholz, Ron Hudkins, Erik Jespersen, Jason Lewis and Dr. Cynthia Strawn. Rotary Club of Keizer completed community proj- ects that utilized 776 vol- unteers and 3,300 volunteer hours in the past year. The club has been donating funds and labor for community projects totaling more than $750,000 over 50 years. , KNOWLEDGE, SERVICE AND TO WO R K F O R YO U . BOB SHACKELFORD Broker is a licensed real estate broker in Oregon.