SINCE 1979 • VOLUME 39, NO. 26 SECTION A MARCH 30, 2018 $1.00 Manic final minutes Suspect in shooting led police on fevered chase before his death By ERIC A. HOWALD Of the Keizertimes Less than a week before Ryan Chapman robbed a Pizza Hut and led police on a pursuit that ended with him being shot and killed he was a suspect in the robbery of another River Road business. Keizer Police Department (KPD) offi cials now suspect Chapman was one of two men who entered Cooper’s Deli, 5408 River Road N., and robbed the location of an undisclosed amount of currency and cigarettes on March 9. One of the men in that incident was estimated to be about 6-foot-3 and carrying a silver handgun, now believed to be the same weapon Chapman was holding when he was shot and killed by a KPD’s Offi cer Tyler Wampler on Wednesday, March 14. Chapman was 6-foot-4. Chapman is suspected of playing a part in more than a dozen armed robberies in Keizer and Salem leading up to the fateful robbery at Pizza Hut. In a press release issued by Brendan Murphy, Chapman was described as fi tting the description given to police by witnesses at the robberies and “local law enforcement was told that the suspect was becoming increasingly brazen with his fi rearm, which was described as a small, silver handgun.” Local police department offi cers were being told to be on the lookout for a man matching Chapman’s description in pre- patrol briefi ngs before starting their shifts. On March 14, Chapman entered the Pizza Hut location at 4492 River Road North in Keizer wearing a ➒ Chapman was shot while hiding between two cars in the driveway at 1741 Springtime Court NE ➍ Goes into cul-de-sac and turns around, Barber still in pursuit. Chapman nearly runs into Offi cer Carrie Anderson's patrol car as he turns back onto Chemawa ➎ Offi cers Wampler and Carroll in separate cars are trying to fi nd him and go east up Dearborn to Verda ➋ Chapman fl ees Pizza Hut on foot to Dietz Avenue where he gets into a red Hyundai Watched by an employee of Pizza Hut returning from a delivery robbery at Pizza Hut civilian vehicle at the intersection of Springtime Court and Chemawa TOTAL DISTANCE TRAVELED BY CHAPMAN: 3.4 Miles ➐ Ofc. Wampler, Carroll are north of the roundabout at this point and watch Chapman go through the roundabout and follow him in direct pursuit Track season underway PAGE B1 Rolling on the river ➏ Sgt. Barber and Ofc. Anderson encounter citizens on the street directing them up 13th Avenue, saying that’s where Chapman went. They get behind him again and see him turn right on Dearborn ? ➊ Armed ➑ Chapman crashes into PAGE A3 ➌ Stops at Harcourt and Lawless where Sgt. Greg Barber fi rst spots him KEIZERTIMES/Andrew Jackson black and grey coat with his face covered. An employee of the restaurant told police Chapman pushed a gun into their ribs and demanded cash from the register. Chapman put the money into a black backpack and fl ed the store on foot. At 5:58 p.m., another Pizza Hut employee returning from a delivery saw Chapman fl eeing, called 9-1-1 and reported they were following a maroon Hyundai without plates that Chapman was driving. The witness continued following the vehicle and giving updates while the call was broadcast over the dispatch connection. KPD offi cers Wampler, Carrie Anderson, Dan Carroll and Sgt. Greg Barber all joined the pursuit in marked vehicles with lights and sirens. Chapman led the pursuing offi cers on a 3.4-mile chase through several residential areas that lasted about four- and-a-half minutes. Smoke was coming off the Hyundai’s tires before colliding with a white Nissan Sentra at the intersection of Chemawa Road Northeast and Springtime Court Northeast. Chapman fl ed on foot into the cul-de-sac and Wampler pursued him on foot with an AR-15 rifl e along with Anderson. The driver of the Sentra was uninjured. Wampler recognized Chapman’s attire as matching the description of the suspect in other robberies and called to him, “Stop, or you will be shot” and “Get on the ground,” knowing that Chapman had used a gun during the robbery. Chapman reportedly looked back twice, but ignored the shouted commands. Surrounded by single- family homes and residents watching the scene unfold both, offi cers testifi ed that they were concerned for their Please see MANIC, Page A7 Reward upped to $10K in Keizer disappearance Cynthia Martinez By ERIC A. HOWALD Of the Keizertimes The FBI has upped the ante in the search for a missing woman last seen as a bar in south Keizer. In addition to a Crime Stoppers of Oregon reward of up to $2,500, the Federal Bureau of Investigation is now offering a reward of up to $8,000 for information leading to resolution the disappearance of Cynthia Martinez. Martinez, of Woodburn, had attended a birthday party in the Wood- burn area July 15, 2017, and then went to Tequila Nights Alvarez-Olivera in Keizer ar- riving at about 12:30 a.m. on July 16. She was last seen leav- ing Tequila Nights with two Hispanic males approximately two hours later in a blue 2004 Honda Odyssey minivan. The minivan has since been located by investigators. Keizer Police Department Deputy Chief Jeff Kuhns stressed that the new award is being offered by the FBI, not the Keizer Police Department. Keizer’s general fund constraints prevent the department from offering rewards in such cases. “If the FBI is working in partnership on a criminal investigation with the Keizer Police Department and their case agent that is assigned to assist our investigators believes offering a fi nancial reward may assist in furthering the investigation or resolving it, that agent can make a request through his/her chain of command for reward money to be offered,” Kuhns said. In the months since Martinez went missing, Kuhns estimated the agencies collaborating on the investigation have invested She's TOPS Please see MISSING, Page A10 Gun shots fi red near Cummings Elementary Keizer Police Department offi cers responded to a report of shots being fi red near Cummings Elementary School about 10 p.m. on Friday, March 23. 9-1-1 dispatchers told Keizer offi cers several reports of shots being fi red had been received and evidence confi rming the fi ring of a weapon was found at the scene. Police offi cials are not releasing the details of what was found while the investigation continues. Additionally, one individual driving through the area reported his vehicle was struck by a bullet shattering the rear window of his 1996 Nissan Sentra. The victim resides in the neighborhood. A KPD detective has been assigned for further investigation and an additional search for evidence was executed the following day. The Salem-Keizer School District has been notifi ed of the incident. No injuries or victims were reported nor have any suspects been identifi ed. March! KEIZERTIMES/Eric A. Howald McNary High School student Beck Danner was one of several area students to speak at the March for Our Lives in Salem Saturday, March 24. Danner partnered with another speaker to read from a letter written by the mother of a victim in the shooting at Umpqua Community College shooting in October 2015. An estimated 2,500 people participated in the march. Jauregui headed to Redwoods PAGE B1