JANUARY 19, 2018, KEIZERTIMES, PAGE A7 Liberty House gets $50K grant Liberty House has been awarded a $50,000 Commu- nity Partnership Grant from Salem Health. Grant funds will support medical evaluations for chil- dren in Polk County referred for concerns of abuse or ne- glect. Liberty House will use the funds to make these medical assessments available in Polk County, making it easier for children to get the specialized, life-saving help they need in a location that is closer to home. Currently, to be seen at Liberty House, children from Polk County must travel to Salem. The time and dis- tance involved create signifi - cant barriers for the children and their families. The grant will meet a critical, top-pri- ority need. “We are deeply grateful for this incredibly generous grant from Salem Health. This is an investment in chil- dren that will save lives and help children get specialized, critical medical assessment when they need it,” said Ali- son Kelley, Liberty House CEO. Liberty House is a com- munity assessment center (ORS 418.782) and provides medical assessment, inter- viewing, counseling and sup- port for children referred for concerns of abuse, neglect, trauma or grief, serving over 600 children and fami- lies each year from Marion and Polk counties. Liberty House offers a child-friendly environment that allows chil- dren to be seen by a provider with expertise in child abuse, and to feel safe during the process of answering ques- tions from investigators who are responding to concerns of abuse. Liberty House is located just south of Keizer in Salem. obituaries Submit an obituary through our website at keizertimes.com or send an email to: editor@keizertimes.com Leona Fay Schroeder Cole October 17, 1936 – January 10, 2018 Leona Fay Schroeder Cole and children Christopher and was born Oct. 17, 1936 in Jamie; Mary (Bill) Sughroue O’Neill, Neb., to William and children Casey and Samu- el; Thomas Jr. (Karen) “Bill” Schroeder and Cole and children Letha Violet Patterson. Sarah and Ashley; She passed away at her Henry Cole and son, home in Keizer on Sean; daughter, Patri- Jan. 10, 2018. cia Cole along with Leona was married many great, great for 37 years to Thom- grandchildren. as Spencer Cole, Sr., Leona was pre- who preceded her in L. Schroeder ceded in death by her death. parents and sons-in- She loved read- ing, puzzles and, above all else, law Hugh Spencer and Rod- ney Michaelson. family. In keeping with Leona’s Leona is survived by her daughter, Carla Spencer and wishes, no public services will her children Travis and Jenny; be held. Assisting is Virgil T. daughter, Jeanette Michaelson Golden Funeral Service. KEIZERTIMES/Eric A. Howald K9 Offi cer Kobe was introduced to the Keizer City Council at a meeting Tuesday, Jan. 16. Kobe is fi lling the role left vacant with the sudden death of another K9 offi cer last year. KPD gets new K9 offi cer By ERIC A. HOWALD Of the Keizertimes The Keizer Police Depart- ment has a new K9 offi cer to replace Bruno who died sud- denly of an infection in Octo- ber 2017. Kobe, a black German shep- herd from Czechoslovakia, was introduced to the Keizer City Council at its meeting Tuesday, Jan. 16. Keizer K9 offi cers are expensive and purchased with private donations to the de- partment. Kobe is a tracking dog, not a drug dog, and was purchased from Adlerhorst Kennels in Riverside, Calif., in November 2017. In addition to the training Kobe received in Czechoslo- vakia, he and his handler, Of- fi cer Scott Keniston, attended a month-long K9 training acad- emy in Albany. Keniston, who was Bruno’s partner, is an experienced han- dler so most of that training was paid special thanks to Kenis- to apprise him of Kobe’s skills ton’s wife and two sons, who and subtleties and to refi ne were also in attendance, for their communication during their role in supporting the K9 tracking and trailing, building unit. searches, area searches, discard- “Taking on the responsi- ed article searches, apprehen- bility takes the whole family,” sion, handler Kuhns said. protection, and “These dogs other dynamic aren’t kenneled and potentially at the depart- dangerous ac- ment, they go tivities. home with the Kobe is offi cer and be- now certifi ed come a part of through the the family.” Oregon Police Along with — Jeff Kuhns Canine As- presenting po- Deputy Police Chief sociation and lice service began work- dog Kobe, the ing Keizer’s department streets in December. Kobe’s honored the late, retired U.S. fi rst deployment ended with Marine Corps Master Gun- him fi nding and apprehending nery Sergeant Lou Nordyke a wanted felon who fl ed from and his late wife, Nancy. The offi cers. Nordykes were longtime In Kobe’s introduction be- friends of the police depart- fore to the Keizer City Coun- ment and generous donors to cil, Deputy Chief Jeff Kuhns the K9 program. “They… become a part of the family.” Sam Goesih CLU, Agent Sam Goesih Ins Agiy Ini 3975 River Road North Keizer, OR 97303 Bus: 503-393-6252 Web: SamGoesih.iom State Farm , Bloomington, IL 1211999 WorshipDirectory These Salem-Keizer houses of worship invite you to visit. Call to list your church in our Worship Directory: (503) 390-1051 John Knox Presbyterian Church JOIN US FOR SUNDAY WORSHIP 452 Cummings Lane North • 393-0404 8:30 am • 10 am • 11:30 am • 6 pm PEOPLESCHURCH 4500 LANCASTER DR NE | SALEM 503.304.4000 • www.peopleschurch.com Father Gary L. Zerr, Pastor Saturday Vigil Liturgy: 5:30 p.m. Sundays: 8:15 a.m. & 10:30 a.m. La Misa en Español: 12:30 p.m. Celebration Services Saturday Evening 6:00 pm Children’s Programs, Student and Adult Ministries 1755 Lockhaven Dr. NE Keizer 503-390-3900 www.dayspringfellowship.com Sunday Morning 9:00 am and 10:45 am www.KeizerChristian.org Rev. Dr. John Neal, Pastor Worship - 10:30 a.m. Education Hour - 9:15 a.m. Nursery Care Available www.keizerjkpres.org