DECEMBER 29, 2017, KEIZERTIMES, PAGE A5 KeizerOpinion KEIZERTIMES.COM Bundy mistrial highlights distrust By DEBRA SAUNDERS As Washington conservatives question whether partisan FBI of- fi cials working for Special Coun- sel Robert Mueller have stacked the deck against President Donald Trump, a criminal case in Las Vegas points to the sort of fed- eral prosecutorial abuses that give the right cause for paranoia. Last week, U.S. District Judge Gloria Navarro declared a mistrial in the infamous 2014 Bunker- ville standoff case against rancher Cliven Bundy, his sons Ammon and Ryan, and co-de- fendant Ryan Payne, on the grounds that federal prosecutors improperly withheld evidence. The standoff, in which both sides were armed, was a national news story that pitted a Western rancher against federal offi cialdom. Bu- reau of Land Management offi cials had tried to seize Bundy’s cattle following a decades-long dispute over grazing fees. The rancher had stopped paying federal grazing fees in 1993 to protest a BLM directive that he cut back on cattle grazing in order to accommodate the threat- ened desert tortoise. In the course of the trial, Navar- ro found that prosecutors failed to share video surveillance, maps and FBI interview reports with defense attorneys. “A mistrial in this case is the most suitable and only remedy available,” Navarro explained. As the Las Vegas Review-Journal reported, the judge stressed that she did not want her decision to be seen as a signal that the defendants are not guilty. Navarro’s decision apparently was a refl ection on federal offi - cials. It follows release of a memo by BLM investigator Larry Wooten that described “a widespread pattern of bad judgment, lack of discipline, incredible bias, unprofessionalism and misconduct, as well as likely policy, ethical and legal violations among senior and supervisory staff ” in the BLM’s Offi ce of Law Enforcement and Security. Wooten wrote that he had seen “excessive force,” described offi cers grinding Bundy’s son Dave’s face in gravel and opined that federal of- fi cials were intent on commanding “the most intrusive, oppressive, large scale and militaristic cattle impound possible.” In an apparently partisan refer- ence that used a term Hillary Clin- ton designated for some of Trump’s supporters, Wooten wrote that a federal prosecutor said, let’s get these “shall we say Deplorables.” (Likewise FBI agent Peter Strzok and FBI lawyer Lisa Page, who worked on Mueller’s probe into Russian interference in the 2016 election, shared texts in which they called Trump a “loathsome human.” Mueller removed Strzok after he learned of the texts.) Wooten also wrote that the Bundy case “closely mirrors” the circumstances behind the trial of former Sen. Ted Stevens, R-Alaska. In 2008, federal prosecutors in- dicted Stevens, a Republican sena- tor, for failing to report that an oil contractor had paid for renovations on his Alaska cabin. A jury convict- other voices The promise Few things hold such promise as the dawning of a new year. When the calendar turns to January 1, we shake off the old year and look to the new with a sense of optimism; all that we want to achieve in the next 12 months is as doable as any of the best laid plans. Schools, governments and busi- ness generally have their own new year without benefi t of the calen- dar. The school year begins anew each September; govern- ments operate on a fi scal year that start in July or October; and businesses can choose to begin their year whenver they wish. At the end of each year media outlets compile lists of the top stories and events of the previous 12 months, scrapbooking the year into neat little boxes and stories. We feel it is more important to look forward to what may be and what could be coming. The past is the past, all that man can do is learn from it. Looking forward, Keizer resi- dents and voters will have a busy year in 2018. The fi rst election, for Measaure 101, is on January 23 when voters will be asked to retain the Oregon legislature’s temporary tax on hospitals, insurance compa- nies and a few other groups to make up for a Medicaid funding shortfall in order to keep low-income Ore- gonians insured. Keizer and Oregon residents are like those in every oth- er part of the nation—no one wants their taxes to increase or their health insurance premiums to go up. Mea- sure 101 could result in that. In May voters will pass judge- ment on the $620 million bond for the proposed Long-Range Facili- ties Plan for Salem-Keizer School District. The Long-Range Facilities Plan is aimed at meeting schools’ long term needs in areas such as ca- pacity and building safety. The May election is also a pri- mary for state and county offi ces. In November’s general election, the city of Keizer will be voting on its mayor and three councilors. It may seem like a lot of elec- tion ballots to peruse throughout the year, but the election results will shape the way we live here in Keiz- er. That is true especially regarding the growth of Keizer; there is a very good chance that the councilors who are serving starting in January 2019 will have a big say in whether or not our Urban Growth Bound- ary will be expanded. The future belongs to those that plan for it. It is easy to conclude that 2018 will be a big year for Keizer. The opening of the Waremart gro- cery store at Creekside Shopping Center will herald a revitalization of that faded retail development. Keiz- er households have been counting the days until Keizer’s second gro- cery store opens its doors and offers prices that budget-minded consum- ers want. The addition of a cin- ema at Keizer Station will bring entertainment choices to the city that residents have been clam- oring for years, especial- ly after Keizer Cinema closed in the 1990s. The new year prom- ises to be very good for Keizer and its residents. We have the amenities we need: streets, sewers, parks and schools. A former Keizer mayor used to say when it comes to spending money on public projects it comes down to ‘must-have’ and ‘like-to- have.’ If there is no money available after paying for the ‘must haves,’ then it falls on the city’s private and philantropic organizations to work on the ‘like to haves.’ A good ex- ample of that is Keizer’s public art program, led by the Keizer Cham- ber Foundation. A case can be made that Keizer has what it needs. If nothing was added or changed, most Keizerites would be happy with the status quo. That’s a good situation for those who want to retain Keizer’s quaint atmosphere. Just as many wildlife animals are deep in hibernation until the thaws of spring, we humans will also hun- ker down in January and February, recuperate from the hectic holidays, recharge and get ready to attack life with gusto again come March. There is high school to graduate, colleges to apply to; many will seek new employment or buy a new house. As we turn the calendar to a new year, each person will remem- ber the good in the past, overlook the bad while planning and hop- ing for a year of personal prosper- ity for themselves and achievement for their school-age children. It’s a promise the calendar makes to us and a promise we have to work at to make happen. —LAZ our opinion Keizertimes Wheatland Publishing Corp. 142 Chemawa Road N. • Keizer, Oregon 97303 Phone: 503.390.1051 • MANAGING EDITOR SUBSCRIPTIONS Eric A. Howald ASSOCIATE EDITOR Derek Wiley One year: $25 in Marion County, $33 outside Marion County, $45 outside Oregon PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY ADVERTISING Publication No: USPS 679-430 Paula Moseley POSTMASTER Send address changes to: PRODUCTION MANAGER & GRAPHIC DESIGNER Andrew Jackson LEGAL NOTICES EDITOR & PUBLISHER Lyndon Zaitz Keizertimes Circulation 142 Chemawa Road N. Keizer, OR 97303 BUSINESS MANAGER Laurie Painter Periodical postage paid at Salem, Oregon RECEPTION Lori Beyeler INTERN Random Pendragon ed Stevens, who lost the re-election. Only later did the case fall apart after a Department of Justice probe found prosecutors had withheld ex- culpatory evidence. Attorney Gen- eral Eric Holder, who inherited the case after President Barack Obama won the White House, asked the courts to throw out the conviction. Wooten is no fan of Cliven Bun- dy who, he wrote, instead of “prop- erly using the court system or other avenues to properly address his grievances, he chose an illegal, un- civilized and dangerous strategy in which a tragedy was narrowly and thankfully avoided.” Tragedy was not averted in the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge in Oregon last year when law en- forcement shot and killed Robert “LaVoy” Finicum during a Bundy- inspired showdown. “Clearly Bundy should not be made out to be some kind of hero,” observed Jim Burling, vice president of the property-rights oriented Pa- cifi c Legal Foundation. “But BLM and DOJ are doing everything they can to turn Bundy into some kind of martyr and they’re giving him far more credibility than he should be given.” Attorney General Jeff Sessions takes the matter seriously. Accord- ing to spokesman Ian Prior, Sessions “personally directed that an expert in the Department’s discovery obli- gations be deployed to examine the case and advise as to next steps.” As for the Justice Department, said Burling, “If they want to en- force the law, they should look at the mirror fi rst.” (Creators Syndicate) Residents should help decide how to grow city By GENE H. McINTYRE The question asked on the front page of the December 8 issue of the Keizertimes hopefully will mo- tivate every Keizer resident to get involved in deciding how and where our city grows. The issue most certainly got me refl ecting on how relatively easy it has been to get around this town but how that condition is changing and will predictably become so much more challenging if we do not plan and act wisely. A considerable stroke of pure genius was the decision to occupy—for multiple retail and living space use nearby—that area named Keizer Station border- ing Lockhaven Drive, Ridge Drive, I-5 and the south side of Volcanoes Stadium. Keizer Station re- minds me of my early days as a school teacher in Beaverton, having Portland’s then newly-built Lloyd Center, where there was always a place to park, it was crime-free and it offered the only one-stop shopping in Oregon at the time. At present, shopping malls may be on the decline else- where while Keizer Station is one that will be viably-important for years to come. River Road North is getting more and more congested and thereby increasingly diffi cult to negotiate as a result of businesses along it where—as just one exam- ple—drivers think it’s okay to block the street so they can get their cof- fee. Keizer police could start issu- ing tickets but that’s a negative for them when it should be a business responsibility to establish a site that does not impede traffi c. Conditions we have already, and growing, along River Road North, could be cur- tailed if a proactive city council and mayor would not permit traffi c-im- peding conditions. While we’ve still got a measure of time, we should move as much busi- ness by incentive to Keizer Station and increase available space there so that new or existing businesses can locate or re-locate there instead of River Road. At the same time, more high rise apartment buildings for seniors (such as Bonaventure at Keizer Station) and the general population should be built in what could become a much larger space for all in- vestors interested in de- veloping retail space and apartment buildings. Keizer Station is rapidly expanding and will continue to grow as Keizer’s population grows and more traffi c uses Interstate 5. It would appear urgent then to ne- gotiate with Volcanoes Stadium to help its owners relocate, although it may require eminent domain to get it done. Then, too, there’s open land immediately to the west of the ball park and some, too, just north of it before farmland that could be in- corporated into an expanded shop- ping center as we move through the years of growth and development predicted to come and, to one de- gree or another, has already arrived. Regarding this subject, most certainly a case for civil engineer- ing and road work should be a part of development deliberations. All paths to Keizer Station become heavily congested before holidays guest column and often during certain times of any day. Woodburn Company Stores became a dangerous exit before the highway improvements were made. This is the time to get started for Keizer Station, not only for its freeway location but also ac- cess by the Salem Parkway NE as well as Chemawa and Lockhaven Drive. Another casualty of letting things grow topsy turvy is the rich farmland near Keizer’s city limits, that land adjoining it and the Urban Growth Boundary (UGB). The en- tire nation keeps using up rich farm land to house people on city lots and acreage when it would seem proac- tively wise to ask how we’ll even- tually feed everyone when land to grow fruit, vegetables and farm ani- mals is covered with people living on it. It’s truly a matter that’s ig- nored at what promises human peril. Hope proactive over reactive be- comes a well-established Keizer mo- dus operandi. Otherwise, we give our next generation big problems we likely could have done a whole lot about. One fi nal thought here: talk, persuade, cajole a large grocery, pharmacy, clothing, electronics, jew- elry store to be built inside Keizer Station. That would be a crown- ing apex to a shopping location that could be among the very best in Oregon and the Pacifi c Northwest. (Gene H. McIntyre lives in Keizer.) 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