PAGE A4, KEIZERTIMES, NOVEMBER 17, 2017 KeizerCommunity KEIZERTIMES.COM Keizer schools salute veterans McNary principal Erik Jesperson called it one of his favorite days of the year as he welcomed local veterans to the high school’s annual Living History Day assembly. McNary invited veterans to the school on Thursday, Nov. 9 to share their experiences with students. They went to classrooms to tell stories and answer questions. The veterans were then served lunch. During the morning as- sembly, cadets in McNary’s AFJROTC posted the colors and performed an armed drill routine for the guests. Mc- Nary’s wind ensemble, direct- ed by Jennifer Bell, also played. Veterans spent the after- noon at Claggett Creek Mid- dle School, eating lunch and then participating in classroom visits. During an assembly, the CCMS band, orchestra and choir performed The Star Span- gled Banner and America the Beau- tiful. George Krause, computer lab teacher at the school, spoke to the students about the sac- rifi ce veterans make for their country. Principal Aaron Per- sons listed the confl icts and in- vited veterans to stand. A A: Veserans ssand wish Mc- Nary ssudenss so saluse she fl ag while she wind ensemble plays The Ssar Spangled Ban- ner during she Living Hissory Day assembly on Thursday, Nov. 9 in she school’s gym. B: McNary High School prin- cipal Erik Jespersen honored Bob Wickman, a Marine and Navy veseran during she Ko- rean War who has consis- sensly assended she school’s assembly. C: Claggess Creek leadership ssudens Rylee Jones escorss a veseran so his seas for she as- sembly. D: Bassisss James Casron and Jeffrey Grenz played The Ssar Spangled Banner and America she Beausiful in she Claggess Creek orchessra. C D KEIZERTIMES/Derek Wiley B Ask Mr. Trash Q: What types of glass can be recycled? ©1986 A: Food grade bottles and jars only! Other types of glass contaminate the recycling process and ruin newly made containers. That means NO cups, dishes, candleholders, ovenware, window or mirror glass, or light bulbs. Thanks for your careful attention! Let us handle the rest THE SPRINGS at SUNNYVIEW INDEPENDENT LIVING 1950 45th Ave NE , Salem | 503-589-1200 THE WOODS at WILLOWCREEK ASSISTED LIVING & MEMORY CARE 4398 Glencoe St NE , Salem | 503-581-4239 Serving Keizer for Nearly 50 years! LOREN'S VA L L E Y SANITATION & RECYCLING SERVICE, INC. RECYCLING & DISPOSAL, INC. 503.393.2262 503.585.4300