SINCE 1979 • VOLUME 38, NO. 46 SECTION A AUGUST 18, 2017 $1.00 1 0 1 E S P I L EC TIMES 1. What is an eclipse? ONCE IN A LIFETIME SEE SPECIAL SECTION 9:05 A.M. Partial eclipse begins TOTAL SOLAR ECLIPSES are the effect of the moon passing betveen the sun and Earth. It's believed that the dazzling results are unique to our planet because of the distance betveen Earth and the sun and the size of our moon. Keizer and the surrounding areas vill be in the umbra, the darkest part of the shadov. Others vill experience only a partial eclipse, called the penumbra. It can take up to 375 years for a total solar eclipse to occur again in a specifi c location. 60 + active 10:17:24 A.M. Totality begins 10:18:19 A.M. Full totality 10:19:14 A.M. Totality ends 10:37 A.M. Partial eclipse ends 2. Phases of the eclipse AN ECLIPSE HAS FIVE PHASES, BUT ONLY ONE HAS A COOL NAME. FIRST CONTACT SECOND CONTACT When the edge of the moon fi rst begins to overlap the sun. The sun begins to disappear behind the moon. TOTALITY The sun is completely covered by the moon. This vill last for about 2 minutes in the Keizer area. THIRD CONTACT FOURTH CONTACT The outer edge of the sun begins to reappear. The last moments before overlap disappears. Hope in a box PAGE A3 3. What to look for DIAMOND RING EFFECT About 10 to 15 seconds before and after totality CORONA The lighted edge of the sun during totality. Keep an eye out for changing colors. Those might be plasma eruptions on the surface of the sun, shooting hundreds of thousands of miles into space. BAILY'S BEADS Keizer teen wins 1st alternate PAGE A4 About 5 seconds before and after totality. This is the effect of the sun's light passing through the moon's peaks and valleys r Others th ings to watch fo SHADOW BANDS About 1 minute before totality, moving vavy lines of alternating light and dark can be seen on the ground and along valls. These are the result of Earth’s turbulent atmosphere refracting the last rays of sunlight. STARS Depending on hov dark it gets vhere you are, stars could appear. APPROACHING SHADOWS If you are going to a place vith good elevation, vatch the shadov approach. UMBRA EDGES Spare a fev seconds during totality to look avay to the outer edges of the umbra (darkest shadov). You vill probably be able to see the edges in the sky. Reporting by KEIZERTIMES/Eric A. Hovald Design by KEIZERTIMES/Andrev Jackson 4. Safety First Do not look directly at the sun vithout eclipse- vieving glasses or proper protective eyevar. Paper shades should be CE certifi ed vith an ISO 12312-2:2015 Blue Day If case of an emergency call 911 fi rst. If you cannot get through (cellular coverage could be very spotty and/or overloaded), text 911 vith your location and the nature of the emergency. PAGE B1