MAY 26, 2017, KEIZERTIMES, PAGE A3 TEXTS: ‘My insides and outsides literally hurt’ (Continfed from Page A1) I am going to use the booze I brought to light it all on fi re in your apartment. In the middle of your bed.” On April 9, Robison claims to have poisoned the local heroin supply, and cautions her against using. “I turned a 1/4 lbs in a 1/2 lbs and now it’s making it’s way through Salem from 4 different routes. Don’t risk it. It’s not worth dying for,” Robison wrote. Robison himself later faced charges of manu- facturing and delivering methamphetamine. In a text to the victim’s father, on May 2, Ro- bison uses the word kidnap for the fi rst time: I saw her today and she was scared and angry. I knew I should have grabbed her. I should have thrown her over my shoulder and walked her to my truck a (sic) kidnapped her.” The following day, in another text to the fa- ther, he threatens to put a tracker on the victim’s car. Also on May 3, Robison contacts a friend saying he needs a “big favor from you by be- ing my driver for 10 minutes then I jump in my jeep, you bail in your direction and we part ways.” On May 5, Robison wrote to another ex- girlfriend about his plans: “I have to get this girl. I have to, I can’t wait any more. I have never experienced this before. My insides and outsides literally hurt. When I see her my heart races fast- er than it’s ever raced.” Robison also texted his mother on the same day saying he is going to go out looking for the victim. On May 9, Robison asked another person if he could help acquire methadone, a drug used by heroin addicts while detoxing, and tells him he plans to kidnap his ex-girlfriend. On May 10 and 11, Robison has a long ex- change with his cousin, David Elliot Cook, and the two lay out plans for a kidnapping attempt. Robison wanted Cook to be his getaway driv- er. Cook would later claim he talked Robison down and the pair worked on Cook’s car in- stead. The messages show Robison asking Cook to purchase black hair dye on his way to Salem, and whether Cook’s girlfriend knows anything about dying hair. Cook eventually plead guilty to charges of conspiracy to commit kidnapping and attempt to commit kidnapping. At the same time, Robison was writing love PLANS, continued from Page A3 James Young, “During inter- views, no one said he wouldn't do it.” The closest it appears any- one got to interfering with his plans was a veiled threat from the victim’s father on April 6, 2016, “I have made some phone calls. I highly suggest you stay away from my house the apartment property and my daughter if you call her look at her or touch her even one more time even think about her it is not going to end well for you thank you and have a nice day.” Robison’s roommate gave him 10 days to move out af- ter the victim forwarded him emails from Robison to her. “You’re doing crazy stalker s—t. I can’t even bring myself to open the emails. I was sick to my stomach all yesterday and today. This situation has become poisonous to me,” the roommate wrote. Two months later, Robison was still living at the same ad- dress. Robison tried to enlist an- other acquaintance as a get- away driver for the kidnap- letters to the victim in a notebook later seized by police. In an entry dated May 10, Robison wrote, “My love, you mean so much to me that I become physically sick when I think about how I treated you and the place it drove you to." Also on May 11, Robison asks another man about the availability of space on a large prop- erty he owns. He asks specifi cally if there is a barn or shack on the property. Additionally, he contacts the victim’s father again trying to explain himself. He wrote, “It’s like I have a mental breakdown several times a day sometimes. I have never felt this messed up about anything before.” Robison also mentions kidnapping again later in the exchange. On May 15, in a note to the victim, Robison details driving around the streets of Keizer look- ing for the victim or her car when he spots it in front of a house that would become the site of his fi rst arrest four days later. Robison initially drove past and cleaned out the front seat of his car before parking near the Cherry Avenue home, “I didn’t want you to have anything to hit me with if I took you. I didn’t think I would fi nd you let alone have an opportunity to grab you. My heart was racing .. I seriously felt like you could hook jumper cables to me and start a vehicle.” Robison wrote he got as far as kneeling down between the victim’s car and a neighbor’s car before deciding to leave. Sometime between May 15 and his arrest on May 19 at the site of the SWAT team serving a search warrant on at the 3555 Cherry Avenue home, Robison appears to have made another attempt to kidnap the victim. He asked a friend and her boyfriend to drive him to the victim’s house. Once they arrived, the woman and her boyfriend told police that Robison hid in the bushes while sending them to the front door. Robison wanted them to get her outside where he could grab her. The woman went to the door and spoke to the victim and told her to call the police. Robison sent one last message admonishing the woman and her boyfriend before being ar- rested trying to “rescue” his intended kidnap victim at the house on Cherry Avenue North- east. He makes a plea for them to understand his mission, “The girl who owns my heart is afraid of me because of miscommunication and lies, and drugs. It’s(sic) honestly feels like my chest is on fi re when I think about it for too long.” ping, but the deal appears to to lay low and how both have had a falling out over the men could make their escape. drugs Robison was offering in Cook was eventually charged as an accomplice. return. Finally, Robison enlisted a When Robison confi ded in another ex-girlfriend about friend and her boyfriend to the turmoil he was experienc- give him a ride over to the vic- ing and the violent thoughts tim’s apartment. The pair grew suspicious he was having, of a black the woman bag Robison responded, brought with “Jeez! :-(.” him, and the The wom- conversation an later told led to him police she divulging his thought Ro- kidnap plans. bison was just Robison ranting. wanted the Robison’s — Offi cer James Yofng Keizer Police Department couple to get mother ad- the victim out vised him to of her house get counsel- ing. In a later exchange, Ro- so he could grab her. Instead, bison was frustrated about his the woman went to the door mother’s ability to understand and spoke to the victim and the “code” he was speaking in. told her to call the police. They left Robison hiding “Oh ok,” was the response from another acquaintance in the bushes and did not call Robison told about his kidnap police themselves. When the plans. Robison had wanted man was later questioned, he the friend to help him get said he didn’t interfere because methadone for his girlfriend the intended victim might who believed he would be have needed the help. “Every person we talked to “rescuing” from drug abuse. At times, Robison’s cousin, was like, ‘Oh yeah, (Robison David Elliot Cook, appears to is) a problem. Inevitably, we’d be helping plan a kidnapping ask them if they called the po- attempt discussing details like lice,” Young said. None of them had. purchasing hair dye, where “ Dfring interviews, no one said he wofldn’t do it.” 2,899 Installed $ MITSUBISHI GL – 12,000 BTU NOW THROUGH JUNE 30, 2017 Additional charge for over 15 feet. Customer supplies electrical. Cool Deals Hot Offers MAJESTIC ECHELON II ASK ABOUT ALSO QUALIFYING FOR $ DIRECT VENT GAS UP TO 550 FIREPLACE OREGON TAX CREDIT HEARTH & HOME LLC As an Energy Trust of Oregon trade ally, we can help you access cash incentives to make it easier to improve your home’s energy effi ciency. ASK ABOUT LAUNDRY PRO 3800 River Rd N #180 Keizer - 503.378.1125 - CCB #200318 ® WITH CERTIFIED SPACE TECH BOX, continued from Page A1 Northeast. When SWAT is on a scene two perimeters are established, one for the immediate area where the team is operating and a secondary, outer ring for additional protection. While the operation was ongoing, Robison drove a van through the outer perimeter, around a police vehicle with lights fl ashing and into a nearby parking lot. “He went through the exterior perimeter and I thought he was going to pop back out after the driver realized he'd made a mistake,” Olafson said. Robison had other ideas. He got out of his van and started walking toward the house where the search warrant was being served. Olafson got out of his vehicle and began asking what he was doing. Robison told Olafson that he needed to get to the house to “rescue” his ex-girlfriend. “The visual presence of the SWAT team would be enough to deter many, many people and he was walking toward them,” said Offi cer James Young, who became the second primary investigator on Robison's case. The ex-girlfriend, and Robison's intended kidnapping victim, was known to police as part of other investigations. While Olafson was talking with Robison in the parking lot, other offi cers noticed the butt of a handgun sticking out of Robison's pants. At that point, Robison was taken into custody and he gave consent to search his vehicle. The search yielded a pipe that tested positive for methamphetamine, a can of bear spray – a type of pepper mace – and a notebook with details about the comings and goings at the house being searched. “He was watching the house like we would,” Olafson said. Police also seized Robison's phone based on the assumption that it may have additional evidence of stalking behavior. Robison was taken to the Keizer police station and questioned regarding his approach of the house and motivations. Olafson left the encounter feeling like he had been the one under interrogation. Robison was taken to Marion County Correctional Facility and charged for the concealed weapon and drugs, but he had no prior record and was likely back on the street within 12 hours. The Phone Robison seemed to police unconcerned about them keep- ing his phone and alluded to the possibility of trying to “wipe” it remotely. It was kept in a pro- tective bag to prevent such ac- cess while Olafson applied for a warrant to search it. The warrant was approved six days after police met Robison in the parking lot and Olafson began reviewing its contents on May 31. The messages included threats to the victim and others that appeared to show he had attempted to kidnap the woman at least twice in the three weeks leading up to his encounter with police. Messages also revealed that Robison had told numerous people about his intentions and no one had contacted police with any concerns. One exchange between Robison and the victim suggested that he had let himself into her home and assaulted her while trying to take possession of her phones. Another exchange between Robison and a friend showed him asking her for a ride to the victim's apartment. When the friend arrived, Robison had a black bag with him containing scales to the point where we could charge him with the a gun and bear spray. “Robison told (the woman manufacture and delivery of and her boyfriend) about his methamphetamine. He was plan to take the victim and get trying to save a girl from dope her clean. He wanted them to while manufacturing and selling go up to the door and get her it,” Olafson said. Items found in and around to come outside,” Olafson said. When they arrived at the the home were more troubling. “I found a bag that I described apartment, Robison got out of the vehicle and hid behind as a 'go-bag.' It had survivalist bushes while the woman went books, rope, lubricants, restraints to the door. The woman told and other types of tie-downs. the victim about Robison's Small amounts of alcohol and intentions and told her to call marijuana,” Young said. A ball gag, collars and sawed- the police before leaving. The couple drove away with off weapons were also among Robison still hiding in the Robison's possessions. Olafson was standing outside bushes and searching through his bag. No one called the the house and noticed a large amount of plywood leaning up police. “The victim didn't and the against something else. Olafson couple thought they had done moved the plywood and found the box. their duty,” Olafson said. The box, which is now in Another kidnap attempt occurred while police were the possession of KPD, is about surveilling the house on Cherry fi ve foot tall and three-and-a- Avenue. Text messages from half foot wide. It's constructed Robison to the victim provided out of four-by-four posts and details about her cleaning her layer-upon-layer of plywood. It car outside the Cherry Avenue is extremely heavy. The interior home when he drove past. space is about three-foot wide Robison continued driving and and four feet tall. Robison would later tell pulled into the Keizer/Salem Area Senior Center parking lot police that it was constructed to so that he could clean out the keep and ship tools, but some of front seat of his car and remove the details do not bear that out. “You would pay hundreds anything the victim might hit of dollars to ship just the box,” him with. In text messages, Robison Young said. Offi cers found industrial- described returning to the nearby area and parking before type kitchen mats with porous approaching the home and surfaces inside. They suspect crouching near the victim's Robison planned to put his car. He eventually left without victim in the box while she detoxed and the mats would executing his scheme. Police knew precisely when keep her from drowning in her Robison was in the area that day own vomit if she got sick and because surveillance notes and passed out. Additionally, bracing brackets are on photog raphs the outside of showed the the box where victim cleaning they cannot be out her car. tampered with “He would inside. If the also send box was meant her circular for shipping, u l t i m a t u m s ,” — Offi cer James Yofng the parcel Olafson said. Keizer Police Department would be more “He would tell secure with the her that she brackets on the needed to text him in the next fi ve minutes or interior. “It was pretty clear it had he would take it as a sign that he needed to come rescue her.” been built for a person,” Olafson No matter what the victim said. Olafson was ready to call off chose to do, it required making the search of the house when contact she did not want. “The texts would get more Young opened one last cabinet. and more descriptive and Inside he found an improvised graphic. He would threaten explosive device. The Salem to poison the drugs going Bomb Squad determined it was around the Salem-Keizer area inactive in its current form, but and caution her against using that it was likely meant to be them,” Young said. “He would affi xed to box and detonate if tell her to watch the news that the box was violently jostled or night for something happening tipped over. Things had been moving so around where she lived, and if something happened it was the quickly, it wasn't until the search result of something he had done was completed that Young was able to take stock of it all. because of her.” “The gravity of it didn't Olafson and Young read the text messages together and really sink in until we found things like the box and the came to the same conclusion. “We looked at each other sawed-off weapons and the and said we have to go fi nd her,” explosive device,” Young said. Young said. A Quick Plea On July 7, 2016, Robison Searches Olafson and Young found pleaded guilty to many of the victim at her father's home. the charges fi led against him. They had badges displayed, but Olafson and Young had nothing they were in plainclothes and but praise for how the case was the woman would not come to handled given that Robison had no priors. the door. “(Deputy District Attorney) She later told the offi cers she feared they were more of Jennifer Gardiner did a Robison's accomplices sent to miraculous job of organizing the case and presenting it. He get her out of the home. Eventually, the woman's plead guilty to felonies and they father arrived on the scene convinced the judge that he and he was able to diffuse the needed the maximum sentence of 15 years,” Olafson said. situation. He said KPD offi cers take They brought the victim to the Keizer Police Station for a any case of stalking seriously, but full interview, and requested the that most of the offenses involve help of the KPD detective squad people driving by someone's in fi nding Robison himself. home or workplace or harassing Detectives initially tried to phone calls. Robison took it to fi nd Robison at his Woodburn another level. “It's like having a high school employer, but he had called in sick. They tried a home he baseball team up against a major shared with a roommate next league team or one level below it,” Olafson said. “If he had the and found him there. Additional search warrants opportunity he would have were issued for a new search of taken her. He says that he just Robison's van and the home wanted to help her get clean, but I'm not certain she would itself. “In the car we found dope, ever have seen the light of day delivery tools and packaging again.” “ The gravity of it didn’t really sink in...” pfzzle answers