SINCE 1979 • VOLUME 38, NO. 34 SECTION A MAY 26, 2017 $1.00 Salem man built box to confine ex-girlfriend on drugs and I am going to save her.” Olafson said it was one of the most unusual interviews he'd ever conducted. Not only did Robison counter every question with another question, Olafson said he was adamant about being in control. Olafson typically doesn't follow his cases through the justice system, but he said he maintained a close watch on Robison's during the past year. In July 2016, Robison pleaded guilty to charges of burglary, assault, conspiracy to commit kidnapping, attempt to commit kidnapping, delivery of methamphetamine and stalking. He was sentenced to 15 years in prison, but is appealing the length of the sentence. Keizer police offi cers are only now able to talk about the case because litigation pending against other suspects involved recently wrapped up. The story begins almost exactly a year ago. By ERIC A. HOWALD Of the Keizertimes The most disturbing aspect of Clinton Russell Robison's plans to kidnap his ex-girlfriend is diffi cult to pin down. It might be the way he brazenly drove through a police barricade and attempted to approach a home where a SWAT team was executing a search warrant. It could be the numerous threatening text Submitted Above: A Salem man allegedly constructed this box to keep his ex-girlfriend in messages he sent while she detoxed. Top Left: glinton Russell Robinson's booking photo. to the intended victim and others — Offi cer Darsy Olafson , Keizer Police Department (see related story people he told thinking during questioning that this was weird and he was below, Texts a stalker.” of his plans after his initial arrest. provide). Robison countered telling “We got him back to the who never called the police (see The box he built to keep his related story below, Many knew.) station and he was fl at-out Olafson, “Did you not hear victim in once he'd completed But for Offi cer Darsy telling us that he had been what I just said? This girl is his plan is certainly near the top Olafson, of the Keizer Police following her and tracking her of the list. Department (KPD), it was and he had found her at this There's also the numerous the closed loop of Robison's house,” Olafson said. “I told him ctim while Sent to vi r home: “ He was watching the house like we would” Celts roll to 2nd round PAGE A12 A “rescue” mission On May 19, 2016, KPD offi cers were backing up the Salem Police Department SWAT team while it executed a warrant on a suspected drug house at 3555 Cherry Avenue Please see BOX, Page A3 tside he Many knew Texts provide plans, no window into one called kidnapper’s mind police By ERIC A. HOWALD Of the Keizertimes Clinton Russell Robison made little secret of his plans to kidnap an ex-girlfriend in the spring of 2016. According to transcripts of text messages, Robison con- tacted at least eight people who likely had some knowl- edge of what he was threaten- ing to do and no one called the police. The list includes Robison’s mother and room- mate and the father of the victim. That stood out to Offi cer Please see PLANS, Page A3 By ERIC A. HOWALD Of the Keizertimes Clinton Russell Robison broke up with the woman who became his in- tended kidnap victim in March 2016. Text messages and love letters from the next three months, leading up to his arrest in May 2016, show his men- tal state deteriorating and words turn- ing into action. Robison was intent on “rescuing” the woman from her alleged drug use. On April 2, 2016, Robison and his victim argue about him keeping a key to her home. Robison had recently let himself into her home while she was there and wrestled two phones away from her. “Do you know why crazy people do crazy things? It’s really quite obvi- waiting ou until I You have 5 to call count to 2 utside o e me or b ing to let or I am go And I’m myself in. se the going to u ught to ro booze I b fi re in n o ll light it a ment. your apart A questionable display 07:42 AM Mom PAGE A2 54 AM 4, 2016, 5: ous. I don’t know why Mon, Apr so many people play dumb to it, other because they get Sent to an nd: ex-girlfrie pushed over the er edge,” Robison I have nev d e c n e wrote. "You have experi 42 AM e this 5, 2016, 7: lik g in Thu, May pushed me over anyth y insides the edge twice before. M losing es id I really am now ... Let me and outs ’s n It e . h rt. W my mind know when you literally hu g in rt a th e y h like this catch onto what I see her m entire y n m a s e th r plagu you should already races faste . . ced existence know about me.” it’s ever ra AM 44 6: , 16 5, 20 Later in the ex- Thu, May change, Robison demands that the victim “get the key” from him in the next hour or he will view it as consent to whatever comes next. In the next several days, again Robison con- in the early morning of tinues to harass April 5. Robison appears to be sitting the victim, sending outside the victim’s apartment when as many as 83 mes- he issues another ultimatum: “You have sages in the span of until I count to 25 to call me or be out- 90 minutes. side or I am going to let myself in. And The situation comes to a head Please see TEXTS, Page A3 Cute as a button PAGE A16 KFD budget grows more than 12% Gangway, here comes the parade KEIZERTIMES/Eric A. Howald Ashlynn and Grayson ghaffi n get excited as the Keizer Iris Festival parade approaches on Saturday, May 20. For more photos, see pages A5, A6 and A7. By DEREK WILEY Of the Keizertimes Like its call volume, Keizer Fire District's budget is grow- ing. The 2017-18 budget, ap- proved by the KFD Budget Committee at a public hear- ing on Wednesday, May 17 and now awaiting adoption by the board of directors, calls for a 12.2 percent increase of $764,113. Most of the expansion, $695,388, comes in personnel services, which includes three new positions (fi refi ghter/ paramedic, information tech- nology analyst and volunteer coordinator), as well as PERS and union costs. The district has applied for a SAFER Grant for the vol- unteer coordinator position to help with recruitment and retention of volunteer fi re- fi ghters. Revenue is also up, a Please see KFD, Page A16 Salang tops discus PAGE A12