PAGE A4, KEIZERTIMES, APRIL 21, 2017 KeizerOpinion KEIZERTIMES.COM McNary eases scholarship search By ROCHELLE FARRIS Funding a vocational or college education is not a cheap venture for students and their families. The path seems daunting for many and often there is confusion in the application, scholarship and fi nancial aid process. In the past, parents and students may have felt alone in navigating this important path. McNary High School recognized the importance of having this kind of support for our students. This year fami- lies have a resource avail- able to them to answer questions and minimize the confusion and com- plexities of the college application and scholarship process while sup- porting students by helping them become both college- and career- ready. The McNary High School Col- lege and Career Center opened this year in October. Since that time, I have had the privilege of walking alongside our students and families helping them navigate the pathway opportunities available to them after high school. I get to meet with stu- dents one-on-one and in classroom settings, while also providing eve- ning events and college and career presentations throughout the year. The College and Career Cen- ter is open to students during our school day, before school on Mon- days and after school Tuesday—Fri- day. I have worked tirelessly to pro- vide information to our students about local scholarships available in our community while also inform- ing them of the larger state and national scholarship options. I also have provided workshops through- out this academic year on college and scholarship organizations and “How to Write Scholarship Essays That Get Noticed.” Students at McNary get many opportunities to hear presentations from local career professionals who are invited to present about the fi elds they work in. This year we have had health care professionals, business owners, software engineers and many others present. This gives students the ability to explore career options and get questions answered about a particular fi eld of interest. The College and Career Center has its own webpage (mcnary.salkeiz. ready/) within the Mc- Nary High School web- site that provides great information for our stu- dents and their parents. Recognizing not all students will choose to attend college after high school, there are many opportuni- ties for students that do not include post-secondary education. I also act as a resource to these students. Exploring career opportunities through apprenticeship, military or on-the-job training opportuni- ties that will also lead to successful careers. Our College and Career Center also provides resources for students looking for part-time jobs and community service opportuni- ties. Building resumes, writing cover letters and preparing for interviews are also areas that I get to support. While I realize it takes time to build awareness of McNary’s Col- lege and Career Center offerings, I have been working diligently to get the information out to our students and families. The benefi ts and results of the College and Career Center have been signifi cant even after only being open for six months. McNary High School has already increased the rates of students applying for the Free Application for Federal student Aid (FAFSA). Last year at the end of the school year (June 2016) there was a total of 192 students who had completed the FAFSA. Currently, in April, we have 227 that have com- pleted applications and I continue to follow-up with seniors who may need additional help fi nishing their applications. In addition, we have guest column Why McNary Kloset matters McNary Kloset was unveiled at McNary High School last week to much fanfare. The Kloset is open and serving students who are in need. The project came from the collective minds of Audrey But- ler and Stephanie Wit- tman of the Keizer Network of Women (KNOW) a Keizer Chamber Founda- tion group along with counselor Kim Pittsley and assistant principal Rhonda Rhodes at McNary. Ms. Butler intended to donate some unused clothing to a consign- ment shop but she said something told her to call the school before proceed- ing. She asked the school if there was a need for clothing and found there is a great need for clothing for students in need. And the clothing was just the start. McNary Kloset is now housed in a former teacher’s lounge in a school that is bursting at the seams. Though space is a premium at McNary the Kloset will put that space to good use. The McNary Kloset is a cup- board for students who are in need of a piece of clothing or two. Besides clothing the Kloset also offers food and snacks and, importantly for stu- dents, toiletry items. Any visitor to the Kloset on open- ing day saw racks of jackets, pants, shirts, tops, a few pairs of shoes, tooth brushes and paste and other personal items and food—a meal or a snack. The unfortunate reality is that there are students in our community that face shortages of the basic needs of daily life. McNary Kloset is not a ‘come anytime’ place, it re- quires a request and an escort. That’s not to limit who uses the room but to protect the dignity of the recipients of its bounty. McNary Kloset is a low-cost way to provide for those who are in need through no fault of their own. The project is not tax-payer supported and is not victim to any bureaucratic maze—it is the re- sult of caring and sharing Keizerites and school offi cials. It is important that students have every opportunity to focus on their studies while at school. Grumbling stomachs and cold shoulders impeded the education process. McNary Kloset should know no season except the school year. There is no short-term coat or food drive to fi ll its shelves and racks. Donations are always accepted. The Keizer Chamber of Com- merce offi ce and the Keizer branch of Willamette Valley Bank are drop-off sites for slightly used clothing, new personal care products and food. McNary Kloset matters because it helps our kids from our community. When a coat or a snack is given, the donor can be confi dent that someone who lives in the neighborhood or is friends with their own child, is get- ting something that can turn a world around. —LAZ Parks fee It was Mr. Post’s lack of knowledge on the trans- portation package that I found the most disturb- ing. It is bizarre because it is happening in his own district and that he has put no effort to fi nd out what transportation package en- tails. Has Mr. Post forgotten that St. Paul is in the district that he is bound by oath of offi ce to represent? And that representation is not prescribed by the Constitution nor state law to be extended to only one ideology. A corrupt politician is bad and a repre- sentative that does not represent is just as bad. Mr. Post has given up on being our representative when he calls on us to do his job for him. Then I ask why are we paying him a government sal- ary? He must think it is nice to have a government job in which he is being paid to do nothing. David McCall Keizer our opinion To the Editor: The headline for this article is very mislead- ing. The headline states “Parks fees get majority support”. The article goes on to state that there were 1,102 surveys returned from Keizer’s “roughly” 14,300 households. Using these numbers that is a return rate of less than 8% of the total households. Marion County Elections reported on March 8, 2017 that Keizer had 19,483 households which takes the return rate down to 5%. Marion County also reported that Keizer has 23,357 reg- istered voters. I can not understand how this survey would represent the majority of Keizer. Jim Keller Keizer letters Rep. Post is not doing his job To the Editor: The founders of American gov- ernment, in their wisdom, gave us a representative system. A system in which the voting citizen has a voice in government policy through a rep- resentative in the legislature. This is a contract between the elected offi cial and the citizens of a district. To be their voice. Representative Bill Post has broken that contract. It is the job of a representative to represent, not make excuses as to what he cannot do. The representative needs to get the job done. After all it was Mr. Post that asked for the position in the fi rst place. He says he has no ability to craft legislation on the budget, trans- portation, or funding for veterans, but he does not say why. Is he inept, or has his monolithic ideology moved so far to the right that even talking to a Democrat is beyond his ability? Vote for Bateman To the Editor: I urge the election of Mark Bate- man to the Satem-Keizer School Board. I have known Mark for sev- eral years. I have served with him and observed his performance on various committees and boards at the First United Methodist Church in Salem. Mark is a problem solver and is well prepared for this position. His previ- ous experience with a variety of orga- nizations and the fi nancial challenges facing each have all contributed to his preparation to serve on the school board. John Joelson Keizer Keizertimes Wheatland Publishing Corp. • 142 Chemawa Road N. • Keizer, Oregon 97303 phone: 503.390.1051 • web: • email: Lyndon A. Zaitz, Editor & Publisher POSTMASTER Send address changes to: SUBSCRIPTIONS One year: $25 in Marion County, $33 outside Marion County, $45 outside Oregon PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY Publication No: USPS 679g430 Keizertimes Circulation 142 Chemawa Road N. Keizer, OR 97303 Periodical postage paid at Salem, Oregon one student at McNary who re- cently accepted her Act Six Schol- arship which is a full-tuition, full- need community leadership award to attend Warner Pacifi c University for all four years. We also are ex- cited to have our fi rst Ford Family Foundation fi nalist who will be in- terviewing in May for a scholarship that pays 90 percent of the cost of attendance to any college in Or- egon for all years he attends post- secondary education. Scholarship awards keep coming in and we are excited to get to celebrate with our senior students. Additionally, McNary High School is working toward becoming the fi rst AVID Demonstration High School in Oregon. I coordinate with AVID teachers who are dedi- cated to the successful implementa- tion of the AVID College Readiness System. Freshman through Seniors learn about college preparation, which includes researching post- secondary academic programs, ap- plying to colleges, and completing fi nancial aid and scholarship appli- cations. This year McNary AVID seniors have already received nearly $500,000 in scholarship awards. The College and Career Center will hold an event Tuesday, April 25 at 6:30 p.m.: Junior Jumpstart, is a college planning event for cur- rent juniors and their parents to get some helpful step-by-step col- lege information to help prepare for your senior year. Preparation is the key. During this event attendees will receive helpful hints on ACT/SAT testing, completing college and scholarship applications and under- standing the fi nancial aid process. NCAA athletic eligibility informa- tion will also be presented in an ad- ditional presentation at 7:30 p.m. for those interested. (Rochelle Farris is the coordig nator of the College and Career Center at Keizer’s McNary High School.) Change how colleges do business By GENE H. McINTYRE Through creative problem-solv- ing and thinking outside the pro- verbial box, it’s possible to come up with ways and means to address Or- egon’s public college and university costs outside of double-digit tuition increases. What comes to mind is relief by way of college sports, ad- ministrative costs, and Oregon leg- islative action. Let’s begin by looking at the his- tory of American colleges and uni- versities. There was a time when people attended an institution of higher education mainly to acquire further education beyond second- ary school to earn a degree and re- alize the opportunity to work in the fi eld of their choice. Back when it was possible to earn, during sum- mers and part-time school year jobs, to meet all costs through graduation. This writer was one who accom- plished that feat. What has been no- ticed most poignant- ly nowadays is that col- lege and university costs come not only from the traditional expenses, like tuition,, books, room and board, et cetera, but also a school’s participation in sports programs. Sports were once extracurricular for fun and exercise or played by in- state participants motivated by ath- letic prowess and school spirit. Just one facet of what’s going on in college-level sports is the extreme and excessive salaries, bonuses and perks paid to coaches as well as their subordinates. One example among many can be cited recently from the University of Oregon where it was announced that a UO football assistnt coach, a “defensive coor- dinator and linebackers coach,” will be paid $1.15 million per year. While there are many assistants for different team func- tions at UO alone, the head football coach at UO, Willie Taggert, now owns a 5-year contract worth $16 million while, in basketball, head coach Dana Altman possesses a 7-year contract at $18 million. Then there’s track and fi eld, baseball and a whole host of other sports for men and, since Title IX, women, also. Without an encyclo- pedia of higher education costs for administrators, let a couple of examples serve to enlighten. University of Oregon President Michael Schill receives an annual base salary of $798,400 plus a free car, free hous- ing, a spending allowance and other perks. Meanwhile, just a few miles up the road, Oregon State Uni- vesity’s president, Ed Ray, comes in at an annual $699,876. Their sup- port staffs are also paid handsome salaries along with many an envi- able perk. There could be efforts made to reform the way Oregon’s higher education schools conduct business. What stands in the way of direly needed improvements and reason- able costs are the persons who serve on their governing boards: many know little from personal experi- ence about the fi nancial plights of the average Oregonian seeking a college education. The presidents and oth- er managers (deans and department heads) often receive six-fi gure remu- nerations that are far re- moved from the Oregon families that send their sons and daughters to them. Sports are man- aged and controlled al- most exclusively these days by coaches seeking the highest pay- check with no loyalty involved. The Oregon Legislature could do a lot to make college costs more affordable by keeping tuitions low. How so? They could reform the state’s tax structure so that the corporations making huge profi ts in Oregon would have to pay their fair share of education costs at all levels, a condition they’ve escaped by the reduction creep of lobby- ists’ activity. Too often, unfortu- nately for Oregonians, it’s become guest opinion apparent, too many Oregon legis- lators are more interested in keep- ing their political job than behaving like statesman and are beholden as virtual servants to the corporations that contribute to their campaign chests. One fact, though, that ought to catch the attention of our legisla- tors is the PERS consequence for these obscene and solvency-busting salaries. Back to the future. Oregon’s youth and young adults want a chance to embrace the American dream. To accomplish an opportu- nity for more among us to attend and graduate, there’s a need for he- roic leadership efforts by those in power positions willing to fi ght for sane paychecks in sports and ad- ministrative positions, now hav- ing gone stratospheric. However, as long as Oregonians are willing to accept everything currently go- ing on without protest, then those who benefi t from what’s hap- pened will continue without a sec- ond thought because in no way will these people with pockets full ever be self-correcting. (Gene H. McIntyre lives in Keizer.) Share your opinion Email a guest opinion (550 words) or a letter to the editor (300 words) by noon Tuesday. Email to: