FEBRUARY 10, 2017, KEIZERTIMES, PAGE A5 KeizerCommunity KEIZERTIMES.COM Best of McNary art on display by KAA Submitted Annie Purkey, blue ribbon, qualifi ed for state in solo acting on Saturday, Feb. 4. Josiah Henifi n, back, yellow ribbons, Emma Blanco and Skyla Cawthon were all regional fi nalists. McNary actors fi nish in top 10, 20 percent at regionals By DEREK WILEY Of the Keizertimes Four McNary students brought back ribbons from the Oregon Thespian South- ern Regional Acting Com- petition on Saturday, Feb. 4 at Central High School. Senior Annie Purkey, per- forming two monologues from the plays Rosencrantz and Guildenstern Are Dead and The Merchant of Venice, fi nished in SALEM the top 10 percent of 77 en- tries to qualify for the state festival in April. Seniors Emma Blanco and Skyla Cawthon were both re- gional fi nalists in solo musical, placing in the top 20 percent in their category. Blanco also teamed up with Josiah Heni- fi n to fi nish in the top 20 per- cent in duet musical. The Southern Regional Acting Competition included 386 entries from 28 schools south of the 45th parallel in Oregon. McNary’s fall production of Defying Gravity was also picked as one of two plays, out of 11 shows submitted, to be performed at the state festival on Friday, April 7, at the Salem Convention Center. Purkey will compete in solo acting on Thursday, April 6. RV SHOW SUPER SALE AT THE OREGON STATE FAIRGROUNDS Thursday thru Sunday THIS WEEKEND! FEB. 9 – 12 ALL THE TOP BRANDS! YOUR FULL SERVICE RV DEALER SINCE 1969 trailer sales JUST WEST OF I-5 • 3282 Silverton Rd NE - Salem 503 .585.7713 - wagersrvs.com By DEREK WILEY Of the Keizertimes McNary art teacher Todd Layton congratulated all the students who participated in the annual Keizer Art Asso- ciation show, which had its reception on Saturday, Feb. 4, saying that of the 600 kids that take art at the high school, “You guys have risen to the top.” At the very top was junior Maddie Weathers, who won Best in Show for her drawing of a dog wearing a hat. “I really like art so to win is special,” said Weathers, who was inspired by similar photo- graphs of dogs wearing hats, including one of her own dog taken in Sunriver. She said the drawing took fi ve to six hours. Her other two submissions were of pen- guins and a frog. “I like animals. They are a lot easier to draw than peo- ple,” Weathers said. Brooke Ridgway also took home a ribbon for an animal piece. Her work, Delilah, an acrylic painting of a cow in a pasture, won second place in the two-dimensional category. She got the idea while driving past the cow pasture in Keizer to visit her grand- mother. “I thought they were cute and I really want to work on nature pieces because I haven’t done a whole lot of that lately,” Ridgway said. “It turned out really well. I was really proud.” The piece took about 10 hours to complete. “I like old lady names and I thought it was an old cow,” Ridgway said of naming the cow Delilah. The show, which was judged by KAA board mem- bers Carol Harris and John DeJarnatt, will remain on display upstairs in the Keizer Heritage Center, 980 Chema- wa Rd. NE, through Feb. 25. Both Layton and fellow MHS art instructor Mark Kohley were appreciative of the Keizer Art Association. “It’s defi nitely the nicest show that our students par- ticipate in,” Kohley said. “This is really a great showcase for McNary High School and op- portunity Keizer Art Associa- tion gives us.” KEIZERTIMES/Derek Wiley TOP: Maddie Weathers won Best in Show for her drawing Dog. BOTTOM: Brooke Ridgway took second in the two-dimensional category for her painting of a cow named Delilah. Complete list of winners in- cluded: TWO-DIMENSIONAL • First place: Abe by Annie Pur- key • Second: Delilah by Brooke Ridgway • Third: Tree of Life by Rhea Peig • Juror’s Merit Award: Teddy by Annie Purkey and Irresistible by Shania Walls • Honorable Mention: Night Escape by Zena Greenwald, Osaka Castle by Sophia Olsen and Remember Me by Gretchen Meyer THREE-DIMENSIONAL • First: Once Upon a Time by So- nia Cuevas • Second: Triangular Vase by Willow Shamain • Third: Fruit Stack by Alison Repp and Hannah Lauden • Juror’s Merit: Catch Your Dreams by Zena Greenwald and Say Ahhh by Ashton Gei- ger Smith • Honorable Mention: The Purple Base by Willow Shamain, Don’t Just Stand There by Madi- son Munro and Obsidian Red by Maria Vargas PHOTOGRAPHY • First: Refl ecting Tree by Jordan Marshall • Second: Audri by Sophia Sa- linas • Third: Gorge by Ian Ovchinikov • Juror’s Merit: Vision of Self by Elizabeth Barleson, Fiery Sunsets by Taylor Johnson and Ripple by McKenzie Beard. • Honorable Mention: A Day in the Snow by Valerie Diede, Beachy by Sarah Eckert and Red Barn in Winter by Nicole Duran