JANUARY 20, 2017, FEIZERTIMES, PAGE A5 permit patrol APPLIED Mountain West Community Construction LLC, 5525 McLeod Lane NE, Bonaventure Senior Living, four story senior living, December 22, 2016, $0 William E. Lawyer, 1037 Summer Breeze Drive N, William E. Lawyer, extending kitchen wall into garage area, December 22, 2016, $2,000. 1577 Trent Ave N, MC Northwest, revision for fi re sprinkler, December 23, 2016, $0. Miguel A. Solorio, 394 Sandy Drive N, Francisco O. Valdovi- nos, patio cover, December 28, 2016, $6,428.16. Carlos W. Menezes, 4298 Cedar Ave N, Carlos W. Menez- es, addition of bedroom and closet area, December 28, 2016, $28,036. Ferge Construction LLC, 4944 Fillmore Street N, Ferge Construction LLC, fi re line, January 4, 2017, $11,169. Maralee Fletchall, 5185 Lacey Street N, Maralee Fletchall, new residence, January 9, 2017, $288,344. ISSUED Creepy and kooky The McNary High School drama department began its run of The Addams Family musical this week. (For the full story, see Page A5.) ABOVE: Skyla Cawthon and Ashton Thomas share a scene. LEFT: Members of the main cast and chorus perform a featured number. FEIZERTIMES/Derek Wiley Northwest Phone and Security Inc, 1030 Dearborn Ave NE, Eric Pittsley, new 390 SF accessory structure, December 23, 2016, $17,405.70. Artisan Custom Homes Inc, 3530 River Road N, Richard E.Withnell, interior remodel, December 30, 2016, $92,585. Dan Gilmour, 3524 Jack Street N, Chad H. May, garage con- version, December 30, 2016, $2,000. MC Northwest Inc, 5389 Bernard Street N, MC Northwest, new two story residence, January 4, 2017, $312,115.40. 1616 Trent Ave N, MC Northwest Inc, new two story resi- dence, January 4, 2017, $267,982. Miguel A. Solorio, 394 Sandy Drive N, Francisco O. Valdovi- nos, patio cover, January 9, 2017, $6,428.16. Ferge Construction LLC, 4944 Fillmore Street N, Ferge Construction LLC, fi re line, January 10, 2017, $11,169. Pronto Signs, 4095 Cherry Ave NE, Pronto Signs, new com- mercial bldg, January 11, 2017, $835,380. Salem City Club spotlights Oregon folk heroes On Jan. 20 from noon to 1 p.m. the Salem City Club invites citizens to come expe- rience “D.B. Cooper and the Exploding Whale: Folk He- roes of the Northwest, a slide show presentation.” Oregon author William L. Sullivan will take audience members on a tour of legend- ary northwest folk heroes such as Sacajawea, D.B. Cooper, and Bigfoot. There will be enter- taining and educational tales about historical fi gures that helped defi ne the spirit of the Blood drive Jan. 25 The Keizer Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is hosting an American Red Cross blood drive on Jan. 25. The church is located at 1375 Lockhaven Drive N.E. The drive starts at 1 p.m. To sign up, go to www.redcross- blood.org. Pacifi c Northwest. Sullivan will be selling and/ or signing copies of his books in the downstairs lobby. The event will be held at the Willamette Heritage Center, 1313 Mill Street S.E. The doors will open at 11:15 a.m. For luncheon reserva- tions, register online at sa- lemcityclub.com or call 503- 370-2808 by noon, Jan. 18. For more information email Jan Margosian at info@salem- cityclub.com or call 503-371- 7457. First Citizen Banquet Saturday The Keizer Chamber of Commerce is getting geared up for a party Saturday, Jan. 21. Tickets are now on sale for the First Citizen & Awards Banquet sponsored by the Keizer Chamber of Com- merce. Ticket cost is $55 for individuals or $400 for table sponsorship. The night begins at 6 p.m. To purchase tickets, go to www.keizerchamber.com. In addition to naming the city’s new First Citizen, awards are presented for Merchant of the Year, Service to Educa- tion and a President’s Award goes to a person selected by the outgoing president of the Chamber board of directors. The Keizer Civic Center, 930 Chemawa Road N.E., will host the event. The Chamber will be cel- ebrating the hiring of a new executive director, Danielle Bethell, and the continuation of the holiday light parade in 2016 in addition to honoring local dignitaries. Linda Baker and Carolyn Ream will act as emcees for the evening. The McNary Jazz Band will pro- vide music and professional swing dancers will be stop- ping by. We are Everything Except Overpriced Simple Cremation $795 Inexpensive Burial and Funeral Options FOLLOW THE KEIZERTIMES ON: Pre-Planning Available On-Site Crematory 4365 RIVER RD N, KEIZER 503.393.7037 Se habla español KEIZER CLASSIFIEDS NOW OPEN EMPLOYMENT MISCELLANEOUS MISCELLANEOUS Drive with Uber. No experience is required, but you’ll need a Smartphone. It’s fun and easy. For more information, call: 1-800-819- 1182 ONAC Do you owe over $10,000 in back taxes? We help people resolve tax debt. $50 cash back upon sign- up. BBB Accredited. Call for a free consultation 1-800-956-6048 ONAC Switch to DIRECTV. 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CALL OR TEXT OUR TIPLINE AT 503.383.9201 Have You Asked Yourself… Real Estate Professionals What’s my home worth in today’s market? TALK TO BOB Call or Text Bob Shackelford 503-983-4086 1220 20th St SE, Salem bobshack 1 @gmail.com Bob Shackelford is a licensed real estate agent in Oregon. BOB SHACKELFORD Broker Ask me about my 1 - Day Listing Program