PAGE A4, KEIZERTIMES, DECEMBER 9, 2016 KeizerOpinion KEIZERTIMES.COM Make them prove it America has been a tab- loid kind of nation for a while now. Tabloid-style news gets attention over in-depth news that reports what is actually happening. In the past, news racks were full of periodicals with come-on cover stories such as “I Married an Alien.” Sure, they were fun to read but most people took those stories with a huge grain of salt. These days tabloid stories embrace our celebrity culture—those types of magazines herald breathless headlines that ramp up our curiosity about this or that A-, B-, C- and D-List names. We are never so engaged as when we are faced with a story about our favor- ite famous person. Tabloid-type news invaded main- stream media and any number of Websites. The First Amendment allows anyone to write and publish any thing they wish, regardless of how incredu- lous it is. Last week the president-elect, with- out evidence, said that there were 3 million illegal votes cast in last month’s presidential election. Some may think that if he said it, it must be true. The problem with that is that every news outlet reported his statement; to be fair, most of those outlets added that it was an unfounded and unverifi ed alle- gation. But that won’t matter to a large portion of the citizenry. editorial A reasonable person can read an outlandish story in a supermarket tabloid, roll their eyes and move on. But when outlandish stories are spread by government lead- ers and media outlets, many reasonable people would give that story some cre- dence. It is human nature to believe what one reads or hears on the news. An old saw says “You can’t believe everything you read.” That adage seems to have lost some of its power in our current climate. The antidote to fake news is edu- cation. It is important for our schools to prepare our high school students for college and a career. That calls for in- struction in skills. We must not, ever, lose sight of the fact that education must continue—or return—an ele- ment of developing critical thinking. Some of us learn that if an offer is too good to be true, it probably is. The fl ip side is that if something sounds too outrageous, it, too, is probably false. In math and science classes students are asked to show their work to prove how they came to the answer. We should expect nothing less from our leaders—political, media or oth- erwise. If they make a statement that seems too far out, we should ask them to show us their work—prove it. —LAZ Fake news vs. junk news By DEBRA J. SAUNDERS The big “fake news” stories of 2016 were the polls. Most showed Donald Trump losing big in No- vember, thus cable news ran countless renditions of the many ways Trump could not possibly win the necessary Electoral College vote. Getting the story utterly wrong should result in hand-wringing, hair-pulling and pain- ful introspection in my profession; in- stead many in the news business have turned their hungry eyes on “fake news” disseminated on Facebook and Google. That’s right. After a year of getting the story consistently wrong, journal- ism gurus are pointing to phony sto- ries not produced by the mainstream media. After the election, The New York Times ran a piece about Election Day titled “The Hoaxes, Fake News and Misinformation We Saw on Elec- tion Day.” An example from the piece: A GOP mayor in Georgia tweeted that Republicans vote on Tuesday, 11/8, but Democrats vote on Wednes- day, 11/9. Hello, Gray Lady; it was a joke. How desperate do you have to be to include that tweet as an example of misinformation? “Fake stories and memes that crop up during live news events have been a problem on social media for years, but a wild election season has high- lighted the news media’s slow response to them,” the Times’ story began. Slow response? Au contraire, the media have been too quick to seize upon every little speck of dirt one can fi nd surfi ng social media. Back in the day, TV news looked to newspapers for good stories; now producers troll Twitter for what they call “content.” Trump could spin out days’ worth of free TV time from a single tweet— two days on the tweet itself followed by two days on Trump’s failure to react appropri- ately. (“We wouldn’t even be discussing this,” some droll expert would assert, if Trump had walked back his original offense.) Jour- nalists always have been overly concerned with what people say as opposed to what they do. Trump understood how to exploit that preoccupation by mining the public’s contempt for the media. Yes, I know that there are real “fake news’ stories—such as the one about the armed man, who fi red off a round or two before he was arrested, who went to a D.C. pizzeria to in- vestigate a bogus story about Hillary Clinton. Kudos to the good reporting that took apart the bogus “pizzagate” story. Thing is, for days before that in- cident, cable news was buzzing about “fake news” and the election -- as if hard-to-swallow conspiracy theories swayed those voters who had not de- cided between Clinton and Trump. Methinks “fake news” would not be a ubiquitous story if Clinton had won the White House. It certainly wasn’t news when Donald Trump won the GOP primary. “Fake news” got big when voters acted in a way that did not confi rm the mainstream media’s preconceptions. There seems to be a cautionary tale in these “fake news” stories, as in: If only voters had heeded “real” news, then Trump would not be president- elect. But really, journalists have only themselves to blame for handing the reins of reportage to amateurs. If a candidate’s remarks on social media confi rmed the biases of most of the journalism class, then it was a cable news story. 2016 was the year of emp- ty-calorie reportage. Fake news, bad. Junk news, our bad. guest column (Creators Syndicate) Keizertimes Wheatland Publishing Corp. • 142 Chemawa Road N. • Keizer, Oregon 97303 phone: 503.390.1051 • web: • email: Lyndon A. Zaitz, Editor & Publisher POSTMASTER Send address changes to: SUBSCRIPTIONS One year: $25 in Marion County, $33 outside Marion County, $45 outside Oregon PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY Publication No: USPS 679-430 Keizertimes Circulation 142 Chemawa Road N. Keizer, OR 97303 Periodical postage paid at Salem, Oregon What Donald Trump should read By MICHAEL GERSON Whatever his other considerable achievements, our president-elect is not known for his broad reading in American history. But Donald Trump is about to enter that history. And in the spirit of new beginnings, he might view this as an opportu- nity to accumulate some inspiration, both for his inaugural address and his manner of governing. If you were to recommend three American texts for our president- elect to read and ponder before tak- ing the oath of offi ce, what would they be? There are, of course, so many possibilities that any proposed list is almost entirely subjective. In a casual survey of friends, I got strong op- tions by Thomas Jefferson, Abraham Lincoln and Ronald Reagan. But since I get to choose, here are my selections: First, Martin Luther King’s Let- ter from a Birmingham Jail. Written in 1963 from solitary confi nement, it was a response to local white clergy- men who had condemned protests and accused King of being an out- side agitator. For King, no one is an outsider when it comes to confronting injus- tice because “injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere.” King based a vision of human dignity on moral law, which takes precedence over unjust human laws. And King urges—actually demands—that white America see events from a different perspective. “When you have seen vicious mobs lynch your mothers and fathers at will ... when you have seen hate-fi lled policemen curse, kick and even kill your black brothers and sisters ... then you will understand why we fi nd it diffi cult to wait.” The lessons here? The limits of “law and order,” set at the bound- aries of con- science; the importance of protest in a free society; the need for empathy as the basis for justice. Second, I’d propose Franklin D. Roosevelt’s “Four Freedoms” speech to Congress in 1941. America had not yet been attacked at Pearl Har- bor. But Roosevelt knew that the country would eventually be en- gulfed by the disorders of the world. So he set out to overcome isola- tionist sentiment and build public support for military aid to a belea- guered Britain. In his view, America opposes “any attempt to lock us in behind an an- cient Chinese wall.” Instead, “the future and the safety of our coun- try and of our democracy are over- whelmingly involved in events far beyond our borders.” The engage- ment and sacrifi ce of Americans, he realized, had to be rooted in an “un- shakable belief in the manner of life which they are defending.” And so he set out the goals of “freedom of speech and expression—everywhere in the world ... freedom of every person to worship God in his own way—everywhere in the world ... freedom from want ... freedom from fear.” That theory of America’s global role has been embraced by Demo- cratic and Republican presidents since World War II, helping defend the American people from grave dangers and stabilizing large por- other views tions of the world. It is the great power of historical texts that they speak to us differently, in different times. We read certain speeches and documents again and again. But then, in a new light, they speak across the years, as close as a voice over your shoulder. This is true of my third choice: George Washington’s “Letter to the Hebrew Congregation of Newport, Rhode Island.” Washington was re- sponding to a letter of thanks from representatives of the largest Jewish community in colonial America. “It is now no more that tolera- tion is spoken of,” replied Washing- ton, “as if it was by the indulgence of one class of people, that another enjoyed the exercise of their inher- ent natural rights. For happily the Government of the United States, which gives to bigotry no sanction, to persecution no assistance requires only that they who live under its protection should demean them- selves as good citizens.” Washington continued: “May the Children of the Stock of Abraham who dwell in this land, continue to merit and enjoy the good will of the other Inhabitants; while every one shall sit in safety under his own vine and fi g tree, and there shall be none to make him afraid.” This is the proper response to an- ger and division. We are not a nation that grants tolerance; we are a nation that recognizes inherent rights, held equally by all the Children of Abra- ham, and everyone else. And when we come back to our deepest values, as we always do, there shall be none to make them afraid. (Washington Group) Post Writers We should be taking care of us fi rst Listening to any apostle of the refugees fl ooding our country, one learns that they want every Ameri- can to invite these folks into their homes as guests for however long it takes for them to get settled here and fi nd a job. The refugees, they argue, should be fi rst in line to take any available jobs no matter the con- sequences to U.S. citizens or those who arrived by lawful immigra- tion procedures. There’s a whole lot more, too, that we’re expected to give so that these folks feel welcome and warm here. Now, these folks are refugees for a reason; in the example of Aleppo, came apart and their gov- ernment turned on them because their menfolk were shooting at an entrenched dictator, trying to over- throw the government. Why they did not make an effort to stop the madness of attacking a madman be- fore it began is explained usually by “enshallah” (God’s will) then waiting for us to save them. These days they want a safe haven and the best place for that is Canada, Western Europe or the U.S. Point in fact is they really do not want to be anywhere but home in that part of the Middle East, Pakistan or from wherever they have fl ed. It can be predicted that they most likely will not seek to integrate with we hea- thens here, will not work at learn- ing our language, will not adopt our customs or live by our sectarian laws. The war-torn among them will most often keep their heads down and make an effort to keep from get- ting deported due to bad behaviors. However, what’s become more and more common, in the places where they’ve relocated, is that the small children brought with them and those born here are far too often radical- ized by Mus- lim terrorists, mainly ISIS and al-Qaeda leader- ship, after which they buy guns and make bombs to settle imaginary wrongs on innocent Americans. Almost every day in the American media there is an article by one of the bleeding heart refugees’ apostles. It tells of how the refugees in their homes are so wonderful that you, Mr. and Ms. America, just must open your doors and embrace them. They never say that when those who’ve invited them in or brought them here from afar, and tire of their dif- ferent ways of doing things and for- eign-minded demands, sooner or later to rise, that these folks will be turned loose on the rest of us to pay gene h. mcintyre the price of supporting them after their sponsors walk away. Meanwhile, how is it that more of us are not doing anything about the huge and growing number of Americans with children who are without employment, any means of self-support and homeless? These are the American people inside our bor- ders for whom help and sustenance should fi rst be directed. In any kind of a moral universe, our own must be assisted before we go running around the planet to relocate those persons who really don’t want to be here and are a danger to the all the rest of us. Finally here, and perhaps most telling, our state and national coffers are nearly empty, the people refuse more taxes, the U.S. Congress only supports warring overseas, and America’s corporations get a free ride with no social responsibility. (Gene H. McIntyre’s column ap- pears weekly in the Keizertimes.)