PAGE A4, KEIZERTIMES, MAY 6, 2016 KeizerOpinion KEIZERTIMES.COM Mother playing ‘the woman’s card,’ she retorted: “Deal me in.” Becoming a mother and running a house- hold gives a woman more management skills than most men will ever have. Most successful people will give ample credit to their mothers. Moms don’t just kiss away tears and bandage knees, they also instill in their children the traits they’ll need to fl ourish in the world. Anyone who’s watched a wildlife documentary knows how fi erce ani- mal mothers are when it comes to protecting their brood. We’ve taken their names to heart such as grizzly mama, a mother who protects their child with the strength of a seven- foot tall Alaskan grizzly bear. We all love our mothers. They make us who we are because they are the primary care givers. They feed us, dress us, read to us and tuck us into bed. This of course does not trivialize the father, but it is hard to change centuries of tradition. Moms are so grand that we have dubbed the world around us Mother Nature, which is appropriate because mother is a force of nature when it comes to her children. Nature is sunny, rainy, stormy, calm and breezy. Just like our mothers. By LYNDON ZAITZ We have a two bil- lion-way tie for the best mother in the world. With few exceptions every- one is certain that their mother is the most loving, kindest, funniest, pretti- est and smartest mom in the world. We all love our mothers. Americans will celebrate Mother’s Day on Sunday, May 8. Doesn’t it seem we’re shortchang- ing mothers when they have only one day to call their own? It is not really a day off for them—they may get to eat breakfast in bed and a din- ner at a local restaurant, but you can bet that mothers across the nation will be spending part of ‘their’ day doing laundry, picking up after their kids and the many tasks a mother does every single day. When I grew up my mother did not work outside of the house. With fi ve children (born over a span of eight years) my mother never had a day off. Vacation? Are you kidding? Mom’s duties traveled with her: cook meals over a campfi re, wash the dishes, clean the trailer. In the 1960s the Peace Corps was called “the toughest job you’ll ever love.” How quaint. The actual toughest job is being a mother. Even tougher is being a mother with a ca- reer outside the home. When presidential candidates say that the only female in the race is on my mind (Lyndon Zaitz is publisher of the Keizertimes.) Christine Dieker Christine Dieker’s last day as ex- ecutive director of the Keizer Cham- ber of Commerce was April 28. She retired after more than 17 years as the manager and the public face of the chamber. The Keizer business community was always her focus. She was a vocal advocate of Keizer and its businesses as any one. The Chamber today is much different than when she took the reins. The organization is much more involved with government af- fairs and lobbying efforts than ever before. Dieker oversaw the chamber’s move from a small space in the Keiz- er Heritage Center to a large, wel- coming offi ce at Keizer Station, em- phasizing the visitor center, and then a move to a different space recently due to development at the shopping center. It didn’t matter if the chamber had a small or large offi ce. It didn’t mat- ter that there was a new president of the board each year. Dieker was the constant for almost two decades. While no longer executive direc- tor Dieker, will still be very much involved—she will head up the vari- ous runs sponsored by the chamber including the fi ve upcoming run events at this month’s Iris Festival. The Keizer Chamber is a stronger organization because of Christine Dieker. For that we say thank you. —LAZ Fatal stabbing report water we use in “paint by num- ber” kits. Jeff Holly had a degree in his- tory from OSU, he was a master carpenter and had worked in theater in New Jersey, Portland and Eugene. He volunteered at Fish of Albany, Albany Community Theater and The Majestic Theater in Corval- lis. He was charming, funny, intelli- gent and tender. I will always love him and cherish the time he shared with me. Mary Ann Brevidoro Albany To the Editor: Your report on the fatal stabbing of Jeff Holly on Brooks Avenue (Long ordeal ends in fatal stabbing, April 22) was irresponsible. A collection of quotes from dis- gruntled neighbors and police blotter records do not constitute the truth. I lived with Jeff Holly for the nine years previous to the Brooks Avenue move. My neighbors remember him shoveling snow from their driveways and borrowing a ladder to save my home from rain damage. We never know our neighbors, a violent tragedy only muddies the letters The state of disunion By MICHAEL GERSON The 2016 presidential race already counts an extraordinary accomplish- ment: It has made the 2000 election seem like the good old days. Before Bush v. Gore became a Supreme Court controversy, the contest seemed to demonstrate that American politics was modernizing in a hopeful direction. Clintonism (including Al Gore’s slightly revised version) had helped Democrats come to terms with what was right about Reaganism, particularly on crime, trade, welfare and basic economics. George W. Bush was Reagan-like on taxes and trade, but set out to com- pete with Clintonism on domestic policy—proposing conservative and free market methods to improve edu- cational outcomes for minority chil- dren and provide prescription drug coverage in Medicare. It seemed as if 21st-century versions of liberalism and conservatism were conducting plausible arguments about how best to govern in response to new eco- nomic realities. A decade and a half later, the par- ties have turned hard against both visions. The left has systematically forced Hillary Clinton to uphold the banner of anti-Clintonism on crime, trade, welfare and basic eco- nomics. The right was content, at fi rst, to reject Bush’s compassionate conservatism. Now a signifi cant por- tion of the GOP base, under Donald Trump’s leadership, is rejecting Rea- ganism in favor of nativism, protec- tionism and isolationism. Both Clintonism and Reaganism, no doubt, needed updating. But the parties have gone further, essentially abandoning the two most compel- ling, successful governing visions of the last few decades. With the infl u- ence of Bernie Sanders and the suc- cess of Trump, American politics has launched into uncharted ideological waters. The seas are pretty choppy. We are seeing the interplay of (1) fear caused by rapid eco- nomic change, (2) deep politi- cal polarization, (3) declining trust in almost all institutions and (4) strong resentment against political and eco- nomic elites. The result is a political atmosphere charged with radicalism and heavy with threats. How in the world did we get to this state of disunion? One un- expected, compelling explanation comes from Yuval Levin, in his new book The Fractured Republic. Levin faults a “perverse and excessive nos- talgia” by baby boom politicians for America in the 1950s and 1960s. For liberals, this was a golden age of job security, growing wages, high tax rates and relative economic equality. For conservatives, it was a promised land of family stability, commu- nity strength and conservative so- cial norms. Levin describes this as a “consolidating America” in which industrialization, restricted immigra- tion and the shocks of depression and war led to greater social, political and economic cohesion than America had ever seen. But this postwar period was also an infl ection point. The second half of the 20th century saw the “decon- solidation of America,” with growing social libertarianism, vastly expanded immigration, the globalization of la- bor markets, the growth of informa- tion technology and general abun- dance. These were centrifugal forces that made both our economy and culture far less cohesive and central- ized. Both right and left, in Levin’s account, miss the cohesion of mid- other views century America, and yet both are also relieved (in different ways) to be freed from those forces. “The right generally longs for cultural consoli- dation,” Levin told me, “but is glad for the economic deconsolidation. And the left longs for economic co- hesion but is glad of the cultural lib- eration.” Each side is convinced the other has achieved the greater vic- tory and thus believes the country is going to hell. This backward looking approach has deformed American politics. “Because both parties are channel- ing that nostalgia,” argues Levin, “their objectives and priorities tend to be embodied less in concrete policy proposals and more in vague and aimless frustration, which often manifests itself as populist anger.” Levin warns of a real risk: a kind of general deconsolidation that be- comes extreme individualism, leav- ing men and women isolated, aimless and alone. The answer, however, is not to recapture the culture and re- impose economic or social cohesion (which Levin regards as a hopeless task). It is to cultivate community in the space between the individual and the government. “The middle lay- ers of society,” argues Levin, “where people see each other face to face, offer a middle ground between radi- cal individualism and extreme cen- tralization.” Instead of desperately trying to go back in time to recover lost unity, Levin urges citizens to look forward -- as well as downward, to improve the cultural patch around them. This future orientation may seem like an odd message for a conservative -- and it is all the more powerful for coming from one. The goal is not to make America great ... again. It is to make America great in a distinctly 21st-century way. (Washington Post Writers Group) What will US foreign policy be in 2017? Keizertimes Wheatland Publishing Corp. • 142 Chemawa Road N. • Keizer, Oregon 97303 phone: 503.390.1051 • web: • email: SUBSCRIPTIONS NEWS EDITOR Craig Murphy ASSOCIATE EDITOR Eric A. Howald One year: $25 in Marion County, $33 outside Marion County, $45 outside Oregon PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY ADVERTISING Publication No: USPS 679-430 Paula Moseley POSTMASTER Send address changes to: PRODUCTION MANAGER Andrew Jackson Keizertimes Circulation 142 Chemawa Road N. LEGAL NOTICES Keizer, OR 97303 EDITOR & PUBLISHER Lyndon Zaitz BUSINESS MANAGER Laurie Painter Periodical postage paid at Salem, Oregon RECEPTION Lori Beyeler In the realm of too silly to believe, Donald J. Trump could be this na- tion’s next president. Although polls lead one to believe that a victory by Hillary Clinton over Trump is a fore- gone conclusion, we won’t be certain of the outcome until, at the very ear- liest, near midnight on Nov.8. In the meantime, Trump has now said enough about his foreign policy ideas to let us know that should he become president it is most likely that there will be a rather dramatic break by him from years of Repub- lican Party orthodoxy where inter- nationalism ruled. He has told us he believes that too much has been asked of the United States and that it is now time for other nations to shoulder a much larger share of the fi nancial and other burdens dealing with threateningly dangerous ter- rorists and aggressive nations such as China and Russia. Trump is not at all happy that we spend billions upon billions of U.S. dollars in support of other nations. Why are we, Trump pontifi cates, not fully reimbursed for the costs of keep- ing these people safe and well when they’ve become rich and prosperous at our expense? Further, Trump does not see value in having bases in the many places we have them and pro- jecting power around the world as all this money spent overseas brings lit- tle or nothing for us in return. Spending our human and mate- rial resources elsewhere rather than at home, says Trump, has caused the U.S. to fall from a powerful, wealthy country to a poor one, a weak- ened debtor nation. We now lose much more of- ten than win at everything we do and have become a na- tion of suckers where we look after other nations that are wealthy enough to take care of themselves, resulting here in our suffering from economic decline, lacking of good jobs, a rising national debt, and a fall- ing apart infrastructure. He views NATO as a good con- cept but has lost its value through the years and has simply become a fi - nancial drain on the U.S. that we can no longer afford. Then, too, he asks, why can’t these nations—that have become rich while we protected them—pay their own way now? Trump prefers to draw back. His views come from our experience in Afghanistan and Iraq which Trump considers foreign policy blunders. Then, too, he sees these involvements overseas as damaging to international trade, causing loss of fi nancial stand- ing and prestige to the U.S. He’s not prepared to trigger a third world war with Russia in Ukraine or China in the South Chi- na Sea. Further, he does not want to send hundreds, much less thousands, of U.S. troops to fi ght ISIS (Islamic State in Iraq and Syria) even if gen- erals at the Pentagon want to see it happen. Meanwhile, he would exert a lot of pressure on other countries that are in the ISIS neighborhood to use their troops while we continue gene h. mcintyre providing air support to rid the Mid- dle East of threats by the Islamic State to take it over. How far will he go to defeat ISIS? What can we expect from Trump on foreign policy matters? His style has been to surprise us but has pro- vided some strong clues as to where he stands and it seems evident to conclude that he does not want more warring overseas while believing that his talents as a successful negotiator in business deals will help him suc- ceed in foreign affairs. He leaves no one to doubt that he’s very smart, possessing the ability to make good deals that will benefi t every Ameri- can. Under a President Trump the U.S. would mainly go it alone, build- ing a wall on our southern border with Mexico and ending or adjust- ing our international trade agree- ments and treaties. These matters that Trump promises to bring into existence sound real good to those Americans who want to realize im- provements they believe are now de- nied them. How all this would work itself work out under a Trump presi- dency is unknown, but apparently it does add up to isolationism and eco- nomic nationalism here. What could happen is that what many wish for is what we get; but, it’s no dream come true with nations like China, a glob- al juggernaut already exceeding U.S. overseas in trade and, often, infl u- ence, too, creating the middle class we want back. (Gene H. McIntyre’s column ap- pears weekly in the Keizertimes.)