PAGE B4, KEIZERTIMES, APRIL 22, 2016 public notices NOTICE OF SHERIFF'S SALE On 24th day of May, 2016, at 10:00 AM, at the main entrance of the Marion Co. Courthouse, in Salem, OR, I will sell the following real property: 2286 Townsend Way SE, Salem, in the case of HOMESTREET BANK, a Washington state chartered savings bank, Plaintiff, vs. TYLER HERIGSTAD, as personal representative of the Estate of Eugene F. Herigstad, deceased, ALL UNKNOWN HEIRS OR DEVISEES of Eugene F. Herigstad, ALSO ALL OTHER PERSONS OR PARTIES UNKNOWN CLAIMING ANY RIGHT, TITLE, LIEN, OR INTEREST IN THE PROPERTY, ALL OCCUPANTS of the real property located at 2286 Townsend Way SE, Salem, Oregon, SEAN K. DOWNEY, an individual, RYAN E. GIBB, an individual, AARON CLINGERMAN, an individual, Defendant(s). For more information go to http:// 4/22, 4/29, 5/6, 5/13 NOTICE OF SHERIFF'S SALE On 25th day of May, 2016, at 10:00 AM, at the main entrance of the Marion Co. Courthouse, in Salem, OR, I will sell the following real property: 2575 Summer Street SE, Salem, in the case of NATIONSTAR MORTGAGE LLC, Plaintiff, vs. ANTHONY BURNETT, SARA BURNETT, STATE OF OREGON, OREGON AFFORDABLE HOUSING ASSISTANCE CORPORATION, OCCUPANTS OF THE PROPERTY, Defendant(s). For more information go to http:// 4/22, 4/29, 5/6, 5/13 NOTICE OF SHERIFF'S SALE On 24th day of May, 2016, at 10:00 AM, at the main entrance of the Marion Co. Courthouse, in Salem, OR, I will sell the following real property: 951 Redhill Drive Southeast, Salem, in the case of OCWEN LOAN SERVICING, LLC, ITS SUCCESSORS AND/OR ASSIGNS, Plaintiff, vs. JON M. HANSEN, LAURA L. HANSEN, DEUTSCHE BANK NATIONAL TRUST COMPANY, AS TRUSTEE FOR FRANKLIN CREDIT TRUST SERIES 1, OREGON DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE, DIVISION OF CHILD SUPPORT, ALL OTHER PERSONS OR PARTIES UNKNOWN CLAIMING ANY RIGHT, TITLE, LIEN, OR INTEREST IN THE REAL PROPERTY COMMONLY KNOWN AS 951 REDHILL DR. SE, SALEM, OR 97302, Defendant(s). For more information go to http:// 4/22, 4/29, 5/6, 5/13 NOTICE OF SHERIFF'S SALE On 25th day of May, 2016, at 10:00 AM, at the main entrance of the Marion Co. Courthouse, in Salem, OR, I will sell the following real property: 4930 Rickman Rd NE, Keizer, in the case of WILMINGTON SAVINGS FUND SOCIETY, FSB, DOING BUSINESS AS CHRISTIANA TRUST, NOT IN ITS INDIVIDUAL CAPACITY BUT SOLELY AS LEGAL TITLE TRUSTEE FOR BRONZE CREEK TITLE TRUST 2014-NPL1, Plaintiff, vs. KENNETH OLEMUN, JAIME OLEMUN, VALLEY CREDIT SERVICE, INC., CASCADE COLLECTIONS, INC., ALL OTHER PERSONS OR PARTIES UNKNOWN CLAIMING ANY RIGHT, TITLE, LIEN, OR INTEREST IN THE REAL PROPERTY COMMONLY KNOWN AS 4930 RICKMAN RD NE, KEIZER, OR 97303, Defendant(s). For more information go to http:// 4/22, 4/29, 5/6, 5/13 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING PROPOSED FEE CHANGE (Community Development Department Administrative Action Fees and Land Use Fees) NOTICE is hereby given that the City Council of the City of Keizer will hold a public hearing to receive comment and discuss proposed changes to receive comment and discuss proposed changes to the Community Development Department Administrative Action Fees and Land Use Fees. All properties within the Keizer City limits shall be subject to any and all adopted fees. The hearing will be held on Monday, May 2, 2016 at 7:00 p.m. at the Robert L. Simon Council Chambers, Keizer Civic Center, 930 Chemawa Road NE, Keizer, Oregon (not a mailing address). Anyone wishing to make comment on these matters may provide testimony at the hearings or submit written response to the City Recorder no later than 5:00 p.m. on Monday, May 2, 2016. Responses may be mailed to Tracy L. Davis, City Recorder, P.O. Box 21000, Keizer, Oregon 97307. The location of the hearings is accessible to the disabled. Please contact the City Recorder at (503)856-3412 at least 48 hours prior to the hearings if you will need any special accommodations to attend or participate in the hearings. If you have any questions, please contact Tim Wood, Finance Director at (503) 390-3700. Dated this 18th day of April, 2016. Tracy L. Davis, MMC City Recorder 4/22 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING CITY OF KEIZER NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE OF SUPPLEMENTAL BUDGET HEARING A public hearing on a proposed supplemental budget for the City of Keizer for the current fi scal year will be held on Monday, May 2nd, 2016 at 7:00 p.m. This hearing will be held in the Robert L. Simon Council Chambers, Keizer Civic Center, 930 Chemawa Road NE, Keizer, Oregon. The purpose of the hearing is to discuss the supplemental budget with interested persons. The proposed supplemen- tal budget will recognize ad- ditional Keizer Station Local Improvement District assess- ments received and appropri- ate those assessments to re- duce the principal outstand- ing on the associated debt obligation as the result of a one-time payoff. In addition the proposed supplemen- tal budget will increase the transfer from the Water Fund to the Water Facility Fund to provide for ongoing capital projects. The location of the meeting is accessible to the disabled. Please contact the City Recorder at (503) 856-3412 if you will need any special accommodations to attend the meeting. If you have any questions regarding this meeting, please contact Tim Wood –Finance Director at (503) 390-3700. DATED this 19th day of April, 2016. Tracy L. Davis, MMC City Recorder 4/22 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARINGS NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARINGS AMENDMENT TO KEIZER DEVELOPMENT CODE TEXT AMENDMENT CASE NO. 2016-02 PURPOSE OF HEARING: The Keizer City Council will hold public hearings to consider the following: 1) Proposed revisions to amend Section 3.202 (General Procedures - Types I, II, and III Actions) of the Keizer Development Code to include the process for an Expedited Land Division consistent with state requirements; and, 2) Proposed revisions to amend Section 2.102 (Single Family Residential) to increase the maximum density restriction in northern part of city from 6 dwelling units per acre to 8 dwelling units per acre. LAND USE DECISION CRITERIA: The criteria upon which the decisions on the proposed revisions to the Keizer Development Code can be found is in Section 3.111 (Text Amendments) of the Keizer Development Code. DATE AND TIME OF HEARING: Monday, May 2, 2016: 7:00 PM. LOCATION OF HEARING: Keizer City Council Chambers, Keizer City Hall, 930 Chemawa Road NE, Keizer, Oregon. HOW TO PARTICIPATE: Anyone desiring to speak for or against the proposed revisions to the Keizer Development Code may do so in person, or by representative, at the public hearing or may submit written comments to the Keizer Community Development Department, (930 Chemawa Road NE, Keizer, OR 97303, PO Box 21000, Keizer, OR 97307, or no later than 5:00 p.m. on Monday, May 2, 2016. The fi le with the staff recommendation relating to the above land use case may be reviewed on-line at, or hard copies may be obtained at City Hall for a reasonable cost. Copies of the Keizer Development Code are available for viewing at the City of Keizer, Community Development Offi ce or it can be reviewed on-line at http:// Zoning/ - Phone # (503) 856- 3441 or (503) 856-3442. UPON REQUEST, AUXILIARY AIDS AND/ OR SPECIAL SERVICES WILL BE PROVIDED TO PARTICIPANTS WITH DISABILITIES. TO REQUEST SERVICES, PLEASE CONTACT CITY HALL AT (503)390-3700, OR TDD ACCESS AT 1-800-735-2900, AT LEAST TWO WORKING DAYS (48 HOURS) IN ADVANCE OF THE HEARING. Dated this 18th day of April, 2016. IT’S OUR DUTY TO FIGHT FOR THEIRS. America’s 22 million veterans should get what they were promised. DAV helps veterans of all ages and their families get the health, disability and financial benefits they earned. And we connect them to vital services like claims assistance, medical transportation and job resources. If you’re a veteran who needs free help, or you’d like to help us keep the promise, visit 4/22