PAGE B4, KEIZERTIMES, AUGUST 7, 2015 public notices NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING AMENDMENT TO KEIZER DEVELOPMENT CODE TEXT AMENDMENT CASE NO. 2015-06 PURPOSE OF HEARING: The City Council will hold a public hearing to consider proposed revisions relating to infi ll development standards. The revisions will incorporate many of the infi ll provisions that are within Section 2.316 into other applicable sections thereby eliminating the dual code aspect of the Development Code and also eliminate redundancy and sections that are in confl ict with each other. The revisions to the Keizer Development Code include: Section 2.316 (Infi ll Development Standards); 2.314 (Standards for Single Family Dwellings); 2.315 (Development Standards); 2.102 (Residential Single Family); 2.103 (Limited Density Residential); 2.104 (Medium Density Residential); 2.107 (Mixed Use); 2.118 (Urban Transition); 2.302 (Street Standards); 2.129 (Chemawa Interchange Overlay); 2.303 (Off-Street Parking and Loading); 1.200 (Defi nitions); 2.310 (Development Standards for Land Divisions); 2.311 (Planned Unit Development). The Planning Commission unanimously recommended that the proposed revisions be adopted. LAND USE DECISION CRITERIA: The criteria upon which the decision on this matter will be based can be found in Section 3.111 (Text Amendments) of the Keizer Development Code. DATE AND TIME OF HEARING: Monday, August 17, 2015: 7:00 PM. LOCATION OF HEARING: Keizer City Council Chambers, Keizer City Hall, 930 Chemawa Road NE, Keizer. HOW TO PARTICIPATE: Anyone desiring to speak for or against the proposal may do so in person, or by representative, at the public hearing or may submit written comments with the Keizer Community Development Department prior to the public hearing. Written comments may be fi led with the Keizer Planning Department, Keizer City Hall, 930 Chemawa Road NE, Keizer. The fi le with the staff recommendation relating to the above land use case may be reviewed or copies may be obtained at City Hall for a reasonable cost. After the close of the hearing the City Council will adopt, adopt with modifi cations, deny, or remand back to the Planning Commission for further consideration. Interested persons should become involved in the decision making process. Failure to raise an issue, either in person or in writing, or failure to provide suffi cient specifi city to afford the decision making body an opportunity to respond to the issue precludes appeal to the Land Use Board of Appeals based on that issue. Copies of the Keizer Development Code are available for viewing at the City of Keizer, Community Development Offi ce or it can be reviewed on-line at http:// Publications/code-web.pdf - Phone # (503) 856-3441 or (503) 856-3442. UPON REQUEST, AUXILIARY AIDS AND/ OR SPECIAL SERVICES WILL BE PROVIDED TO PARTICIPANTS WITH DISABILITIES. TO REQUEST SERVICES, PLEASE CONTACT CITY HALL AT (503)390-3700, OR TDD ACCESS AT 1-800-735-2900, AT LEAST TWO WORKING DAYS (48 HOURS) IN ADVANCE OF THE HEARING 8/7 PUBLISHED SUMMONS IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR MARION COUNTY Juvenile Department Case No. 15JU02608 PUBLISHED SUMMONS In the Matter of HOPE RAE VAN HOOSE, A Child. TO: Melissa Ada Korkow IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF OREGON: A Petition has been fi led asking the court to terminate your parental rights to the above-named child for the purpose of placing the child for adoption. YOU ARE REQUIRED TO PERSONALLY APPEAR BEFORE the Marion County Juvenile Court at 3030 Center St NE Salem, OR 97301, on the 31st day of August, 2015 at 9:00 a.m. to admit or deny the allegations of the petition and to personally appear at any subsequent court-ordered hearing. YOU MUST APPEAR PERSONALLY IN THE COURTROOM ON THE DATE AND AT THE TIME LISTED ABOVE. AN ATTORNEY MAY NOT ATTEND THE HEARING IN YOUR PLACE. THEREFORE, YOU MUST APPEAR EVEN IF YOUR ATTORNEY ALSO APPEARS. This summons is published pursuant to order of the circuit court judge of the above- entitled court, dated July 24, 2015. The orders direct that this summons be published once each week for three consecutive weeks, making three publications in all, in a published newspaper of general circulation in Marion County, Oregon. Date of fi rst publication: August 7, 2015 Date of last publication: August 21, 2015 NOTICE READ THESE PAPERS CAREFULLY IF YOU DO NOT APPEAR PERSONALLY BEFORE THE COURT OR DO NOT APPEAR AT ANY SUBSEQUENT COURT- ORDERED HEARING, the court may proceed in your absence without further notice and TERMINATE YOUR PARENTAL RIGHTS to the above-named child either ON THE DATE SPECIFIED IN THIS SUMMONS OR ON A FUTURE DATE, and may make such orders and take such action as authorized by law. RIGHTS AND OBLIGATIONS (1) YOU HAVE A RIGHT TO BE REPRESENTED BY AN ATTORNEY IN THIS MATTER. If you are currently represented by an attorney, CONTACT YOUR ATTORNEY IMMEDIATELY UPON RECEIVING THIS NOTICE. Your previous attorney may not be representing you in this matter. IF YOU CANNOT AFFORD TO HIRE AN ATTORNEY, and you meet the state’s fi nancial guidelines, you are entitled to have an attorney appointed for you at state expense. TO REQUEST APPOINTMENT OF AN ATTORNEY TO REPRESENT YOU AT STATE EXPENSE, YOU MUST IMMEDIATELY CONTACT the Marion County Juvenile Department, 3030 Center St NE Salem, OR 97301, phone number 503-588-5291, between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. for further information. IF YOU WISH TO HIRE AN ATTORNEY, please retain one as soon as possible and have the attorney present at the above hearing. If you need help fi nding an attorney, you may call the Oregon State Bar’s Lawyer Referral Service at (503) 684-3763 or toll free in Oregon at (800) 452-7636. IF YOU ARE REPRESENTED BY AN ATTORNEY, IT IS YOUR RESPONSIBILITY TO MAINTAIN CONTACT WITH YOUR ATTORNEY AND TO KEEP YOUR ATTORNEY ADVISED OF YOUR WHEREABOUTS. (2) If you contest the petition, the court will schedule a hearing on the allegations of the petition and order you to appear personally and may schedule other hearings related to the petition and order you to appear personally. IF YOU ARE ORDERED TO APPEAR, YOU MUST APPEAR PERSONALLY IN THE COURTROOM, UNLESS THE COURT HAS GRANTED YOU AN EXCEPTION IN ADVANCE UNDER ORS 419B.918 TO APPEAR BY OTHER MEANS INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, TELEPHONIC OR OTHER ELECTRONIC MEANS. AN ATTORNEY MAY NOT ATTEND THE HEARING(S) IN YOUR PLACE. PETITIONER’S ATTORNEY Sarah S. Morris Sr. Assistant Attorney General Department of Justice 1162 Court Street NE Salem, OR 97301-4096 Phone: (503) 934-4400 ISSUED this 31st day of July, 2015. Issued by: Sarah S. Morris #964319 Sr. Assistant Attorney General 8/7, 8/14, 8/21 STORAGE AUCTION PUBLIC NOTICE Warehouse Lien Auction Oral Auction to be held August 29th At 10:00 A.M. AT Claxter Road Storage 2688 Claxter Road NE Salem, Oregon 97301 503-393-4189 Units Sandoval Javier Quincy Martinez Tanna Fowler Eric Dalton Phillip Howard Felicia Araujo Penny & Valentine Terrones C-15 Tanna Fowler E-20 Matthew Anderson F-12 Bruce Henning A-8 A-30 A-35 A-48 A-60 A-63 A-64 Sold as A whole Unit. Claxter Road Storage Reserves the right to refuse any and all offers. 8/7, 8/14 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARINGS NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARINGS PUBLIC HEARING PROPOSED FEE CHANGES (Use Rates for Civic Center Community Rooms) NOTICE is hereby given that the City Council of the City of Keizer will hold a public hearing to receive comment and discuss proposed changes to the use rates for the Keizer Civic Center Community rooms. The hearing will be held during the City Council Meeting on Monday, August 17th, 2015, at 7:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers at Keizer Civic Center, 930 Chemawa Road NE, Keizer, OR 97303. Anyone wishing to make crossword comments on this matter may provide testimony at the hearing or submit written response to the City Recorder. Written comments may be mailed to Tracy L. Davis, City Recorder, P.O. Box 21000, Keizer, Oregon 97307 and must be physically received no later than 5:00 p.m. on Monday, August 17, 2015. The location of the hearing is accessible to the disabled. Please contact the City Recorder at (503)856-3412 at least 48 hours prior to the hearing if you will need any special accommodations to attend or participate in the hearing. If you have any questions, please contact Tracy Davis, City Recorder at (503) 390- 3700. Dated this 4th day of August, 2015. Tracy L. Davis, MMC City Recorder 8/7