PAGE B6, KEIZERTIMES, APRIL 10, 2015 public notices NOTICE OF SHERIFF'S SALE On 11th day of May, 2015, at 10:00 AM, at the main entrance of the Marion Co. Courthouse, in Salem, OR, I will sell the following real property: 10588 Crosby Rd NE, Woodburn, in the case of WELLS FARGO BANK, N.A., its successors in interest and/ or assigns, Plaintiff, vs. BILLY GOSTEVSKYH AKA BILLY T. GOSTEVSKYH, ELENA SHADRIN, AMERICAN EX- PRESS, GRANITE BUILD- ING PRODUCTS INC., AL- LIED BUILDING PRODUCTS CORP., COLUMBIA COL- LECTION SERVICE INC, OR- EGON AFFORDABLE HOUS- ING ASSISTANCE CORPO- RATION, WOODCRAFT- ERS, WESTSIDE DRYWALL INC., STATE OF OREGON, UNITED STATES OF AMER- ICA, OCCUPANTS OF THE PREMISES, Defendant(s). For more information go to sales.htm The Storage Depot. 3785 Silverton Rd N.E. Salem, OR. 97305 The following units are available for viewing at 10 am. On April 28, 2015. They will be sold to the highest bidder. Jason Rose – A0107, Melanie Tankersley – A0123, Yaneth Figueroa – A0128, Kathleen Doner & Beckey Doner – G0759, Kathleen Laing – I0901, Trista Hebert – I0947, Katherine Hernandez – J1052, Charles Peters – J1077, Brandie Kindred – K1104, Richard Housen & Gloria Seleen – K1131, Altagracia Aguilar- Zamudio – K1187, William Keady – L1209, Kenton Selby – L1264, Dominic Boudreaux – R1404. 4/10, 4/17 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING KEIZER CITY COUNCIL 4/10, 4/17, 4/24, 5/1 NOTICE OF SHERIFF'S SALE On 11th day of May, 2015, at 10:00 AM, at the main entrance of the Marion Co. Courthouse, in Salem, OR, I will sell the following real property: 4589 Ellisons Way SE, Salem, in the case of OREGON HOUSING AND COMMUNITY SERVICES, its successors in interest and/or assigns, Plaintiff, vs. REYES SAYA AKA REYES SAYAS, SR, LAWANA M. REID AKA LAWANA MAE REID, SANTANA VILLAGE PARK ASSOCIATION, OCCUPANTS OF THE PREMISES, Defendant(s). For more information go to sales.htm 4/10, 4/17, 4/24, 5/1 NOTICE OF SHERIFF'S SALE On 11th day of May, 2015, at 10:00 AM, at the main entrance of the Marion Co. Courthouse, in Salem, OR, I will sell the following real property: 2211-2215 Townsend Way SE, Salem, in the case of NATIONSTAR MORTGAGE LLC, Plaintiff, vs. VICTOR PIZARRO, BLANCA ROSA GONZALES, OCCUPANTS OF THE PROPERTY AT 2211 TOWNSEND WAY SE, SALEM, OR 97301, OCCUPANTS OF THE PROPERTY AT 2215 TOWNSEND WAY SE, SALEM, OR 97301, Defendant(s). For more information go to www. 4/10, 4/17, 4/24, 5/1 NOTICE TO INTERESTED PERSONS IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR THE COUNTY OF MARION Case No. 15PB00164 NOTICE TO INTERESTED PERSONS In the Matter of the Estate of: WILLIAM JOHN KIMBALL, Deceased. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Rebecca Pitts has been appointed personal representative. All persons having claims against the estate are required to present them, with vouchers attached, to the decedent’s personal representative’s attorney, Joseph A. Monstad, at 1114 12th Street SE, Salem, OR 97302, within four months after the date of fi rst publication of this notice, or the claims may be barred. All persons whose rights may be affected by the proceedings may obtain additional information from the records of the court, the personal representative, or the lawyer for the personal representative, Joseph A. Monstad, 1114 12th Street SE, Salem, Oregon 97302. Dated and fi rst published on April 10, 2015. /s/ Joseph A. Monstad, OSB No. 134326 Attorney for Personal Representative 4/10, 4/17, 4/24 STORAGE AUCTION NOTICE OF SALE OF PERSONAL PROPERTY UNDER LANDLORDS POSSESSORY LIEN. Personal property left in the following units have been seized for non-payment of rent and will be sold at PUBLIC HEARING NUISANCE ABATEMENT 3665 BROOKS AVENUE NORTHEAST, KEIZER, OREGON NOTICE is hereby given that the City Council of the City of Keizer will hold a public hearing to determine the correctness of the statement of costs and to declare a lien against subject property – 3665 Brooks Avenue, Keizer, Oregon. Total costs are $2,507.56. The responsible persons are Sunny Garcia, Armando C. Garcia, Select Portfolio Servicing, Inc., and Occupants. The hearing shall be held on Monday, April 20, 2015 at 7:00 p.m. in the Robert L. Simon Council Chambers, Keizer Civic Center, 930 Chemawa Rd NE, Keizer, Oregon. Anyone wishing to make comment on this matter may provide testimony at the hearing or submit written response to the City Recorder no later than 5:00 p.m. on April 20, 2015. Responses may be delivered to Keizer Civic Center, 930 Chemawa Rd NE, Keizer, Oregon or mailed to Tracy L. Davis, City Recorder, P.O. Box 21000, Keizer, Oregon 97307. The location of the hearing is accessible to the disabled. Please contact the City Recorder at (503)856-3412 at least 48 hours prior to the hearing if you will need any special accommodations to attend or participate in the hearing. If you have any questions, please contact the Legal Department at (503)856 3433. Dated this 6th day of April, 2015. Tracy L. Davis, MMC City Recorder City of Keizer or the claims may be barred. All persons whose rights may be affected by the proceedings may obtain additional information from the records of the Court or the personal representative. Dated and fi rst published on April 10, 2015. Melinda Leaver Roy Personal Representative 4/10 NOTICE TO INTERESTED PERSONS IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR THE COUNTY OF MARION Probate Department Case No. 15PB00871 NOTICE TO INTERESTED PERSONS In the Matter of the Estate of CHRISTINE H. CROSSLAND, Deceased. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the undersigned has been appointed personal representative. All persons having claims against the estate are required to present them, with vouchers attached, to the undersigned personal representative c/o Churchill Leonard Lawyers, PO Box 804, Salem, OR 97308, within four months after the date of fi rst publication of this notice, PERSONAL REPRESENTATIVE Melinda Leaver Roy, OSB #942069 Churchill Leonard Lawyers PO Box 804; Salem, OR 97308 Telephone: (503) 585-2255 Facsimile: (503) 364-8033 E-mail: 4/10, 4/17, 4/24 NOTICE TO INTERESTED PERSONS has been appointed personal representative of the Estate of Elba Clair Pielstick, Marion County Circuit Court Case No. 15PB01118. All persons having claims against the estate are required to present them, with vouchers attached, to the undersigned personal representative at 388 State Street, Suite 810, Salem, Oregon 97301, within four months after the date of fi rst publication of this notice, or the claims may be barred. All persons whose rights may be affected by the proceedings may obtain additional information from the records of the Court, the personal representative, or the lawyer for the personal representative. Dated and fi rst published on April 10, 2015. Personal Representative: Erik R. Pielstick IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR THE COUNTY OF MARION Probate Department Case No. 15PB01118 NOTICE TO INTERESTED PERSONS In the Matter of the Estate of ELBA CLAIR PIELSTICK, Deceased. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the undersigned Attorney for Personal Representative: Maria C. Schmidlkofer, JD 388 State St. Suite 810 Salem, OR 97301 Telephone: (503) 999-9975 Fax: (855) 495-3075 VETERANS FOUGHT FOR OUR WAY OF LIFE. IT’S OUR DUTY TO FIGHT FOR THEIRS. America’s 22 million veterans should get what they were promised. DAV helps veterans of all ages and their families get the health, disability and financial benefits they earned. And we connect them to vital services like claims assistance, medical transportation and job resources. If you’re a veteran who needs free help, or you’d like to help us keep the promise, visit 4/10, 4/17, 4/24