PAGE A4, KEIZERTIMES, APRIL 3, 2015 KeizerOpinion KEIZERTIMES.COM Don’t legalize discrimination The to do about Indiana’s Gov. Mike Pence signing into law that state’s Religious Freedom Restora- tion Act is well placed by those who will boycott the Hoosier state for what they call legalized discrimina- tion. The act says the government can- not burden a person’s ability to fol- low their religious beliefs, unless it can prove a compelling interest in imposing that burden. A majority of people outside of Indiana think the gay and lesbian community is the target of the new law. Oregon recently experienced its own discrimnation case regarding a same-sex couple that ordered a cake from a Gresham bakery and were turned away. An administrative judge ruled that the owners of the bakery discriminated against the couple and the question of compensation is un- derway by the director of the state Bureau of Labor and Industries. That case and the Religous Free- dom Restoration Act in Indiana highlight bedrock American ide- als of freedom as well as our social compact. The price of living in a free country, whose citizens’ person- al rights are codifi ed in our constitu- tion, is allowing others to have their own lives and opinions. Discrimina- tion at some level is part of the hu- man condition; it is nigh impossible to legislate it out of existence. Discrimination should not be helped along with legislation. Spon- sors of the Indiana bill have said re- peatedly that the new act does not allow discrimination against gays and lesbians. In media interviews Gov. Pence, when asked if the act allows legal discrimination, dodged the question over and over. That says something right there. The Religious Freedom Resto- ration Act does not mention sexual orientation; it protects businesses who refuse to serve anybody if it’s against their religious beliefs. It should not be just the gay and les- bian community and its supporters up in arms. People of a different re- ligion or beliefs, regardless of sexual orientation, can potentially face a hostile buisness. There are 320 million Ameri- cans, holding a myriad of opinions and beliefs. At one time the United States was held up as the melting pot of the world, welcoming peo- ples from around the world, people who wanted to be of the American experiment. Most assimilated and became productive members of so- ciety. Maintaining one’s heritage and culture is important. By adhering to the values of our way of gov- ernment—by the people, for the people, of the people, as Abraham Lincoln said, we live under an agree- ment that the freedom and liberty we enjoy needs to be enjoyed by all. No one wants to impeded a per- son’s freedom to observe the religion of their choice. By the same token we should tolerate the beliefs and gender identity of our fellow citi- zens. And least of all we should not make it easy to discriminate against those who are different from us. —LAZ Government vs. religion g ove r n m e n t has the right to override re- ligion beliefs and throw the Bible or Koran in the trash. The next step for government is to outlaw the sign “No shirt, no shoes, no service.” Bill Quinn Keizer To the Editor: There’s been a lot of news about Indiana passing a freedom of religion law. Both sides in favor or against the law have voiced their opinions. My personal feeling is people who have strong religion reasons for not pro- viding services should have rights under certain conditions. If there were only one baker in a town then that baker should relent and provide a service. If there were many bakers locally then that person should have the right to use their religious beliefs in not providing services. It is not a matter of life or death. It may hurt someone’s feelings, so get over it. The same thing is true for a pharmacist who will not dispense birth con- trol medications. If there were many pharmacies readily available then I believe that pharmacist has the right to follow his or her religious belief and not provide a service. Most business people want to do the correct thing. They wish to make a living and respect the rights of others until it is an offense against their religious beliefs. I do not feel letters Fire board election To the Editor: I am supporting Betty Hart for the Keizer Fire District board. Betty has demonstrated her dedication to community service by years of ef- fort on boards of various organiza- tions such as Girl Scouts. She mani- fests her high sense of responsibility by attending required meetings and community involvement ventures, and assisting with organization of such. Due to her background in fi nance she can interpret a balance sheet. For integrity, commitment to ex- cellence and dedication to service, vote for Betty Hart. Elaine Orr Keizer Virtues of the smoke-fi lled room By MICHAEL GERSON The John Boehner/Nancy Pe- losi agreement on Medicare doctors’ payments—permanently easing up on scheduled cuts, funded (partially) by means testing—has been praised as an incremental gain and criticized as a small backward step. In either case, it is a rare bird: the result of a March 4 meeting between leaders in a metaphorical smoke-fi lled room (and, given Boehner’s smoking habit, perhaps an actual one). The broad acceptance of the com- promise by House Republicans and Democrats is rooted in a shared in- terest. Both sides hate being nagged by doctors. This is not a motivation easily transferable to other issues. But the Medicare deal is a reminder of the way strong party leaders once regularly made law. The suspicion about compromise should be surprising in a nation that resulted from the Great Compromise. But it refl ects a broader trend that has reshaped the attitudes of both parties: polarization. Political scientists disagree over the question of whether the ideolog- ical views of Americans have become more extreme over time. But they generally agree that America’s two main political parties have become more sorted, both ideologically and geographically. And they tend to agree that the views of party adher- ents across a range of issues have be- come more ideologically predictable. Ideological sorting has been grow- ing since the 1970s, and involves the collapse both of southern Democrat- ic conservatism and of northeastern Republican liberalism. For the fi rst time (at least in the modern political constellation) America has a liberal party and a conser- vative party. (The Demo- cratic coali- tion remains more ideolog- ically diverse, but it has recently been sorting at a faster rate.) This large historical shift does not lend itself to a single structural expla- nation such as gerrymandering (since the phenomenon can also be seen in Senate and county elections, not just House races). Liberals tend to argue that the trend is an outworking of Civil Rights-era racial politics or of growing economic inequality. Con- servatives contend there has been a long-term backlash against the policy failures of modern liberalism, resulting in the emergence of such fi gures as Ronald Reagan and Newt Gingrich. Whatever the cause, ideological sorting has naturally encouraged di- vision. Conservatives and liberals no longer see people who think the way they do in the other political party. And the disagreements are exag- gerated by geographic clustering. There is evidence that some Ameri- cans are choosing where they live to maximize their ideological com- fort—which increases their sense of belonging, as well as their partisan contempt. Voting patterns have become po- larized over time. More issues (from abortion to climate disruption) have become high-stakes, zero-sum ideo- logical battles. The normal processes of budgeting and handling appoint- other views ments have been disrupted. A long period of relative political parity be- tween the parties has encouraged the belief that the next election might bring a victory so complete that compromise will no longer be nec- essary. But this is only part of the story. At the same time we have experienced ideological sorting, we have also seen a technological and communications revolution that has encouraged po- litical fragmentation. Backbenchers such as Sen. Ted Cruz (or, potentially, Sen. Elizabeth Warren) have avenues of infl uence and fundraising entirely outside the parties—and ideologi- cal PACs, talk radio hosts and blog- gers have agendas very different from party leaders. This is part of a larger, accelerating social trend in which big, consolidated institutions—big business, big labor, big media—are giving way to smaller, decentralized networks. In politics, this decentral- ization has debilitated the legislative branch, which works through con- sensus. (The executive branch, be- ing more unitary, has been relatively strengthened.) We are left with highly ideological parties, headed by weakened legisla- tive leaders—a recipe for bitterness and gridlock. And so the solution to the deep division between parties must (in a seeming paradox) involve stronger parties. It is parties that eventually have an interest in creat- ing a broadly accepted public image (in the current Republican case, of reform conservatism) particularly after they lose the presidency a few times. (Washington Post Writers Group) Is CETC overpromising what it can do? Keizertimes Wheatland Publishing Corp. • 142 Chemawa Road N. • Keizer, Oregon 97303 phone: 503.390.1051 • web: • email: NEWS EDITOR SUBSCRIPTIONS Craig Murphy ASSOCIATE EDITOR Eric A. Howald One year: $25 in Marion County, $33 outside Marion County, $45 outside Oregon PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY Publication No: USPS 679-430 ADVERTISING Paula Moseley POSTMASTER Send address changes to: PRODUCTION MANAGER Andrew Jackson EDITOR & PUBLISHER Lyndon A. Zaitz Keizertimes Circulation 142 Chemawa Road N. Keizer, OR 97303 BUSINESS MANAGER Laurie Painter OFFICE INTERN Periodical postage paid at Salem, Oregon Allie Kehret LEGAL NOTICES Once a local person like me learns that there will be established here in the Salem-Keizer School District at- tendance area a public-private ven- ture whose published purpose is to develop academic profi ciency and technical skills, I am compelled to ask why are we doing that which will cost many more tax-supported dollars when our schools should have been offering instruction in these kinds of learnings for all its past years. There may be several answers; however, it’s suggested that at least one answer has not been and will not be discussed. There are a whole lot of high school age youth who fi nd little or no value, interest or advantage in attend- ing one of Salem-Keizer Schools’ con- ventional public high schools: They see nothing for them there and fi nd nothing that will help them get a job. They are often viewed as “trouble- makers” while attempts are made by the teachers, school counselors and administrators to minimize the chal- lenges they create. To retain the district’s fi nance- providing FTEs, something must be done with them and it usually adds up to a waste of time to try to cajole them into what’s considered good school citizenship. So, they’re essen- tially warehoused while they’re in school, or, more likely, before they drop out. Now, it’s surmised, these kids will be encouraged to apply to attend the Career and Technical Edu- cation Center (CTEC). It is truly more than ambitious to believe that going to the CTEC will enable these students to pick up enough training and knowledge in construction know-how and manu- facturing skills (and the other areas to be added later) to go out and secure a “high- demand, high- paying” job. Things like se- curing employ- ment in skill areas just don’t happen that way nowadays. What leads me to such a cynical state of mind on this subject has to do with the way in which the CTEC is going about putting itself together. American high school principals are not very often education leaders even in their schools, setting a good exam- ple for behaviors we want our youth to emulate. Take a long, hard look at the two principals who will head up CTEC. They are experienced at keeping or- der not leading innovative education efforts. Further, with the two guys holding court at what’s now an empty warehouse, we fi nd a twosome who, it’s guessed, have never swung a ham- mer except maybe to hang a picture on a wall while they’ve not faced the rigor of 10 hours on an assembly line. What’s needed are accomplished persons with strong backgrounds in education and the trades who can es- tablish and maintain direct, sustaining ties with business and industry and offer a relevant curriculum with on- the-job apprenticeships. Those who’ve worked as carpenters or machine op- erators, and managed such enterprises, who know from personal experience what a person must learn to be seri- ously considered for hire in construc- tion and manufacturing. If you want to see what works, visit vocational- technical education schools in Fin- gene h. mcintyre land, Germany and other success stories in northern European nations where education and training are no farce. Then there’s the matter of duplica- tion. Oregon’s taxpayers have invest- ed hundreds of millions of dollars in the state’s community colleges. If our education leaders in this com- munity were more resourceful they’d have gotten the Salem-Keizer School District and Chemeketa Community College lead persons together and worked out mutually-benefi cial stu- dent education arrangements, wheth- er academic, career-technical, more suited to community college material and human resources, or both. Ob- viously they have not done so or we wouldn’t be facing the prospect of more tax dollars for more duplication on Portland Road. The CTEC as now conceptual- ized is mock preparation for work and a real job, a mere dabbling of sorts that will accomplish no more than keeping some youth in school who are led to believe they’re attendance provides them real prospects for fu- ture jobs. To make a real difference you’d have to establish a new and separate curriculum for vocational- technical education. It will do little good to the youth who participate if they go for an hour or two a day, now and again to the CTEC, and then back to a conventional curriculum at their home high school where the classes are traditional high school and hit or miss altogether learning needed to do the kind of work they’re promised if they “graduate” from CTEC. (Gene H. McIntyre’s column ap- pears weekly in the Keizertimes.)