PAGE A12, KEIZERTIMES, APRIL 3, 2015 BIG TOY, continued from Page A1 Urban Growth Boundary was expanded last year and a spot in the orchards became the new site. Nearly 200 trees were cleared for the site a few weeks ago, as previously men- tioned in the Keizertimes. “They originally asked about the orchard site and were told it was not avail- able because of zoning issues since it wasn’t in the UGB at the time,” Caillier said. “They had been to the site, but it was thrown out of consideration.” Since the orchard site was selected last year, Caillier said Google map images, photos and maps of the area have been sent to people at Leathers. Project leaders – in particu- lar Caillier – have been in reg- ular contact with Cundy via phone and e-mail, but that’s not quite the same as an in- person meeting. “Physically being with somebody who has done a bunch of these, having him say things like ‘This is a really good idea’ or ‘I wouldn’t sug- gest that’ is big,” Caillier said. “We’ve had the phone conver- sations, but we’ve not sat down with an actual construction supervisor.” According to the Leath- ers website, Hugill has been a playground consultant with the company for 13 years. Cundy said Organization Day typically is done eight to 10 weeks before the build. “It’s a very important part of the project,” she said. “Each of the committees will meet with staff and evaluate their progress. If they’re not on track, (Hugill) will put togeth- er a game plan to get them on track in the next eight or nine weeks. My feeling is they are doing well. I don’t expect many bad things to happen. “The idea is to make sure everyone is on the same page and to make sure the team captains understand how the build dates will work and how the crews go together,” Cundy added. Based on information she’s been getting from Caillier, Cundy doesn’t expect to hear of any teams being behind task. Even if they were, she noted the build dates would not be pushed back. “We would just put togeth- er a game plan to get them caught up (by the build dates),” Cundy said. Likewise, Caillier isn’t ex- pecting any teams to face an urgent Plan B. “I think the folks will look at it and say we kind of knew about this, but it’s good to check with you,” he said. “Most of the questions will get answered next week. I don’t think we’re totally pre- pared, but we’re nowhere near a crisis. “We would like to have 75 percent of our volunteers signed up by next Tuesday, but that’s not going to happen,” he added. “At most places, the majority of volunteers showed up the day of the build. I think we’re going to be fine.” Caillier said each team or committee will have 30 to 45 minutes to meet with Hugill and will have two or three questions to go over, mainly dealing with where that team is at. The time will also allow for the team leaders to ask any questions they might have, with Hugill able to answer based on his experience with other similar projects. The day, open to the public, begins at 10 a.m. at KRP with a building site review. Two more meetings will take place at the Big Toy site, including one focused on long-term care, before a lunch break. Meetings after lunch at the Keizer Community Center will take up most of the after- noon, as Hugill will meet with the leaders of each team, end- ing with the design and special features team at 5:30 p.m. Following dinner, Hugill will meet with construction captains at 6:30 p.m. before a summary meeting at 7 with CBTF members, team leaders and construction captains. Caillier stressed the impor- tance of the Organization Day. “I don’t think you can have a day any bigger for the proj- ect, other than the build day itself,” he said. “This day allows the sharing of information, exchanging ideas, confirming things, seeing where we need to do something. There’s no bigger day.”