Keizertimes. (Salem, Or.) 1979-current, March 27, 2015, Image 5

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for holistic
For the Keizertimes
Ways to make student
achievement data more com-
prehensive were the subject
of a Salem-Keizer School
Board work session recently.
Perry reported district staff-
ers were working at “a de-
cent number of responses” to
see how recent high school
graduates from the district
were doing in college. Board
members brought up possible
ways of analyzing how stu-
dents of various backgrounds
compare in their academic
Board members looked at
charts comparing the reading,
mathematics and science per-
formance of district students
at the elementary and middle
school as well as the high
school levels for the three
most recent academic years.
Performances were shown to
fl uctuate in different direc-
tions, with high school stu-
dents moving upward more
than those at the other levels.
Paul Kyllo, a board mem-
ber, said the district seemed to
be studying means more than
results of attempts to improve
student achievement. An-
other board member, Nancy
MacMorris-Adix, said district
offi cials had to keep focus-
ing on both. The two agreed
that it was desirable to look
at the achievements of recent
graduates who were in com-
munity colleges and techni-
cal training as well as those of
graduates in four-year institu-
Perry said district staffers
would work at putting to-
gether more data points to
present at the board’s next
work session.
Former McNary coach
rises to new challenge
Jordan Elizabeth Relf will
wed Cody Moritz on Aug. 22,
2015 at Wooden Shoe Tulip
Farm in Woodburn.
The bride-to-be graduated
from McNary High School
and earned a degree at the
Euro Institute of Skincare in
Beaverton. She is the owner
of The French Door Salon in
The groom-to-be is also a
McNary High School gradu-
ate who went on to study at
Wyotech in Sacramento, Calif.
He is an equipment mechanic
at United Rentals in Salem.
Though the couple at-
tended MHS together, they
didn’t begin dating until 2009
when they were introduced
by the bride’s cousin. They
became formally engaged on
their fourth anniversary when
Moritz proposed at the loca-
tion of their fi rst date.
The couple resides in Sa-
lem. There will be a honey-
moon in Maui, Hawaii in the
spring of 2016.
Relf is the daughter of
Keith and Chris Relf of Keiz-
er. Moritz is the son of Lugene
Moritz of Keizer.
Stevie Louise Kennedy-Miller was born at 12:58 a.m. on
March 5, 2015 at Silverton Hospital. The baby girl was 6 pounds
and 10 ounces and 19 inches long. The parents are Amy and Brian
Miller of Keizer. The maternal grandparents are Connie Mott of
Silverton, Oregon and Bill and Connie Kennedy of Pawhuska,
Oklahoma. The paternal grandparents are Roy and Phyllis Miller
of Dallas.
Pictures sought of
Albertsons mural
The Keizer Public Arts
Commission is seeking infor-
mation about a mural that was
painted on Albertsons in the
late 1980s or early 1990s. At that
time Albertsons was located at
River and Chemawa Roads.
The commission is seeking
information and photos of the
mural for historical and rec-
reation purposes. If you have
information about the mural
e-mail publisher@keizertimes.
Talented seniors wanted
Seniors, get your talent
polished up. The Keizer Iris
Festival’s second annual Senior
Talent Show will be held at
Keizer/Salem Area Seniors in
May and registration for en-
trants has begun.
The 2014 talent show fea-
tured a variety of talents, in-
cluding singing and dancing,
by seniors from around the
The Senior Talent Show
will take place 1 to 4 p.m. on
Saturday, May 16 at the 930
Plymouth Dr. N.E. To regis-
ter contact Shelly Paddock at
503-871-4466 or via email at
Prizes will be awarded by
celebrity judges for fi rst, sec-
ond and third place winners.
Life is a Garden…
Wagon Wheel Doller's
33rd Annual
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Former McNary High School football coach Dave Snook is now coaching cancer patients for
Salem Health. “It’s all about communication, bonding, reaching goals—and of course, humor. We
have a lot of fun,” Snook says.
By Nancy Baldwin
Health Educator, Salem Health
Making positive strides
while dealing with cancer is a
major win—and many patients
are experiencing the thrill of
victory, thanks to retired Mc-
Nary High School football
coach Dave Snook.
Turns out, coaching cancer
patients is a lot like team sports.
“Everyone has their own
strengths and challenges, so
you help them individually
and as a group,” he said. “It’s all
about communication, bond-
ing, reaching goals—and of
course, humor. We have a lot
of fun.”
In his 37 years teaching and
coaching at McNary, Snook
was no stranger to making a
difference in people’s lives. Af-
ter retirement when the op-
portunity to help run OHSU
clinical trials on the benefi ts of
exercise in cancer patients sur-
faced, he knew he was in.
“Working with people
challenged by this disease and
its treatment is different yet
similar in many ways to work-
ing with athletes,” he said.
“Teaching a progression of
movements and techniques to
gain strength and skill is basi-
cally the same in both circum-
stances. Both offer rewards for
the coach and the participant.”
The outcomes measured
from those trials years ago
blossomed into the RISE (Re-
covery in Strength and Exer-
cise) program that Snook con-
tinues to teach through Salem
“Being a RISE facilitator is
an extension of what I’ve been
doing most of my life,” he said.
There is abundant evidence
that exercise and eating right
help prevent cancer. The lat-
est information also shows that
exercise for current cancer pa-
tients can speed recovery and
lower the risk of recurrence.
Snook says the bottom line is
that “exercise is good for you,
you’ll feel better, and results
show you’ll live longer.”
The more he’s helped oth-
ers, the more he feels inspired.
“When I hear someone say
they can pick up their grand-
kids, work in their fl owerbeds,
or play the piano the way they
used to and the courageous
way I watch these people fi ght
back and rise up, that is what I
do this for,” Snook said.
Studies show that after a
cancer diagnosis, people slow
down. Stress, depression and
feeling sick or fatigued from
cancer treatments tend to
make people less active. That’s
the time to get moving. Coach
Snook and the RISE classes
afford an opportunity to over-
come some of those negative
effects and move individuals
toward the win!
RISE is a 12-session pro-
gram through the Salem
Health Community Health
Education Center (CHEC) for
people of all ages facing weak-
ness or fatigue from illness,
surgery or medication side ef-
fects. Circuit training improves
strength, balance, heart health
and fl exibility. Learn more
about this and other healthy
living programs at salemhealth.
Nancy Baldwin is a certi-
fi ed cancer exercise specialist and
health educator at Salem Health
with 20 years of experience. She
has devoted herself to the health,
well-being and support of patients
and their families.
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These Salem-Keizer houses of worship invite you to visit.
Call to list your church in our Worship Directory: (503) 390-1051
John Knox Presbyterian Church
8:30 am • 10 am • 11:30 am • 6 pm
503.304.4000 •
Saturday Evening
6:00 pm
Children’s Programs, Student and Adult Ministries
1755 Lockhaven Dr. NE Keizer
452 Cummings Lane North • 393-0404
Father Gary L. Zerr, Pastor
Saturday Vigil Liturgy: 5:30 p.m.
Sundays: 8:15 a.m. & 10:30 a.m.
La Misa en Español: 12:30 p.m.
Rev. Dr. John Neal, Pastor
Worship - 10:30 a.m.
Education Hour - 10:00 a.m.
Nursery Care Available
Jason Lee UMC
820 Jeff erson St. NE
Salem OR 97301
9:00 am
Dr. Jon F. Langenwalter, Pastor
The church with the purple doors
10:45 am
Worship at 9:30 am • Child Care Available
Sunday Morning
Faith Lutheran Church
4505 River Rd N • 393-4507
Sunday Schedule:
9:00 a.m. Children’s Church
9:15 a.m. Adult Bible Study
9:30 a.m. Children’s Activities
Virginia Eggert 10:30 a.m. Worship with Communion