The Stayton times. (Stayton, Or.) 18??-1???, January 01, 1897, Image 4

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W tlK L '
T Z Z r Z T -* 4
■ »m. rw>
m l, (Mm Birra ing­
He. 4 at
iù farm wreckud tbe
turai pemmgsr trato
liver bridge, twenty-
te* trato. Moat of teem war«
ind residents of mining towns
diatrio« who hod raood «ftp
and woro ratoratog to thtur
loo« tho lino •* the B.rroi»K
toral rated.
d or
NenMl, who probotSy
At B in n in g turn,
r* Dritti company tonight far­
ri* follow ing at — list of deed:
I Bolling, of O sterie, Ky.,
Of Birmingham, engineer; A.
»nell, of Helena, oonduotor;
Oaraey, of Birmingham, flag­
ri Waite, of Birmingham; Broce
Upa, o f Bloc ton; L W. Martin,
ote wood. A te.; Mis. Henry
wry aad two children, of Bir­
rai A H. Blonnt, of Birmiag-
nlerad; Mias Ada Power«, of
i; Dr. L. N. Powers, of Bloc ton;
■ma Powora and two children,
too; Mrs. K. Little, of Blooton;
(dam, of Blooton; M ia Gardner,
tea; one unidentified body, aop-
How York, Deo BA— It look jm t at
Chicago, Deo. 18—Georg* A O n -
•aooade’ time for Putar Maker, tho mark, T yearn old, waa kilted by h
Iriah pugilist, lo piata demoaatrata trolley-oer at Troop aad Bighkoath
hu aapertorlty in ring mottos aad hard- ttetete. this afternoon. Fred Bernier,
bu ttai q aaliti** orar Stero O’ DmaoU, «oten aaa, waa three tened with ly nob­
ili* Anatra lian honor, la tho aroaa of ta f, for k lllta f the boy, aad. waa with
the Uree ter New York A ih letto d a b front diffloelty
rooouod trate tío
at Ooaogr I aland today. Both ate* woro mob o f Bohemiana, who. Incensed at
In enoalteat ooodttton aad trained to tho terrible accident, surrounded tho
the hour. ' Bach of them waa oouSdaat, oar aad dragged Baratar fratti tho plat-
bat Maher’« hachen mad* him a hot fo n t, determined toban« him. Patrick
favorite, tho odd* ra n fia « tram • to • Hanley, the ooaductor. wunaged to
to i on the Irlahmaa'a ohanoea of win* toro Bernier tram the mob, and then a
riot call waa aaat to tho Max «roll a tract
O'Donnell waa the drat to enter the »tattoo. The polio* took chary* of the
ria«. Ho climbed thraa«h the rap*« motormaa and oonduotor aad looked
*1 l:M o’olook, oled la a «ray-colored them up.
hath raba Hit eeocoda w ere8*m Fite-
A fter tho boy had boon kilted. Motor*
Patrick. B illy Madden. Mike Better. . man Bernier took rafa«* la tho ear,
and Una Rohlin. the Can ton, a , gian t which stood within a few tool of where
When M*h<>r arerpod tram hi* draw- tho aoaidoat ooourrod, aad lar aa la ­
ta « ream dr# minate* later a oheei ataat It waa haaalgad by anyry men.
w est ay which shook tho hnUdta«. ; Ha attempted to k**p thorn oat by
Ay toon m b * «o* hate tho r ia « Maher 1 totehtag the doom oa tho inaide. bat
bqpted Me aukaowiedgmeat for the 1 thry broke the door* la. knocked him
want W el ama i «stesti** to him, aad he auwa aad kicked and hast him for a
uc » » t a s ked i hatter In hia Ufa. Ha i f»W — menta in a «hooklay manner,
waa mdcttefl ky BMW Dowry, of Dab ‘ Ma maneyed, however, to got away
lin ; Fetor Barai, of He item M i y t c frtya thorn, aad ran to the door of tho
rtep partner, aad Jack Quinn, of ■ flvAgteoeO. Whom ha waa handed a pia-
Maher weiybed
l f Y * tel. aad waa admitted latido by Mr.
p-mad^i qnd O'Donnell i l l pounds Kvitek, tho proprietor, before any
th o men ahook hand* at 1:4«, aad farther h am batoli him. The crowd
v elen * Alack Brown teat no timo la aar«*d arañad the atoro aad yollod:
hr inyia« them topether.
“ Break 11 tal K U lh im l"
TMce waa Intana* alleno* whoa tea
It looked ter a minate aa If the atore
t m pat their Sate ap and Makar ! would be raided, but Mr. Kvitek had
t abed acrcm the ring alrnom to O'Don -
on tho Maxwell atatiim «rat tee aa am-
asconda, and O’ DoaaeU ted with Ida balanos, bot by that tim* mateen had
toft ter the body. Maher blookod hia pot eo warm that he raqon tad a patrol
blow with hia right «love. Pater than wagon. In a few minutes tea wagon
Jabbed hia toft hard oh the ohte s a l brought a Bomber of olite— who did
landed a heavy loft awing on tea toon a ll thoy ooold toqniet the mori When
This staggered O’ Donnell, and ho aaara degree of quiet had been restored
aoamod to ba unable to avoid Mahot’ the polio* arrested the endangered men
rushes. Makar aaat O’ DannaU to tho and tote thorn to tho station. Thor*
floor with a hard toft on tho tela , aad tho man seemed nooonoerned, and do-
alined to make a statement.
the Australia* stayed down 4 sawmda.
Thera were many verdona given of
A * soon aa bo «o t to kia foot O’ Don­
nell assumed a defensive attitude, bat the tool dent Well-informed people
Maher quickly mat hia left cam arato living to the neighborhood mid they
oa the chiù, and as O’DonnaU wm fa ll­ had been expecting somethin« of the
ing m aghi him quickly with a half­ kind ter a Ion« time, and were only
hook. knock in « tho Australian down. rarprimd that it did not happen eooner.
81*ve rolled over oa kia bate to a help-
tom condition, aad the referee slowly
counted him oat Tho big Irishman
atood aboot twelve feet away team
hie fallen opponent white the referee
waa ooonttog off the asconda, aad aa
soon aa the referee tallied tea a tre­
mendous about want op tram 1,800 pao-
a r e n i W h e e l C enter*.
Meu who deal la wheat will remember
the fall of IOSA because of two supra-
cedrateti features: the unexpected rlae
la tho market oa the tv* of a presides-
tint aloe Moti, aad the shipment of tbc
I staple from Chica«* to Southern porta.
The drat of three phenomena ban at­
tracted the attention of tho whole
world; the second baa hardly been no­
ticed by any one not directly lateraeted
la the sal* aad shipment of «rala. Aud
yet this la undoubtedly far more Impor­
tant than the other, slue« It Is the be-
yluptny of n new order In wheat ship-
meat Chicago aad S t Louie ara the
«rant wheat centers of the continent,
saya a writer la tbs S t Loots Globe-
Democrat At those two citte* mill lone
and millions o f bushels of «m in ara
matntd every your over converging
line* of shlnln« stool. From the** two
citine It Is seat to tho seaboard, la tho
pact tho Southern parte of Baltimore,
Norfolk, etc., have been «applied from
S t Louis, white non* o f Ohtcago’o ship­
ments, either by rail or water, hav*
boon tent to ports sooth o f Now York,
Bui this your tho continued nod deter-
mined efforts of tho Southern porta,
tided by córtala action oa tbo part of
tho Bri Mob Board of Trad* aad the low
railroad freights from Chicago south-
east, hav* tended to divert a part of the
wheat trade formerly enjoyed by Now
York; bone* tho new departure to Chi­
cago wheat ahlpmeots.
The porto o f tb* Atlantic aeaboard to
tho South bellore that It will not be
«ood to
tea depopi
opon AMI
aboot f h
new tafff
Tho n t e
intermit *
days, hi to
of a tew *
Tho bull*
mere h a t
out Shorn
ket «ota
littM to tl
tos» flute*-R hode Island, Massachu­
setts. Connecticut aad riortda-raU ta«
to contribute tbotr quota. Tho tortilo
data or Now York Mato'« Qoaooaao vsl-
ley-roue* rito moot famoua wbmtpro-
duclng regions la Amrrieu— tho tarata
of tbeJh riffy I’ t-uneylvaitlana who
dwell lo thè offrirait unii arri loua of
that Rtata, parto of Now England. Ohio,
ladlaua, Kentucky, Alabama aa>l
Oaornla. and ovary oo# of tho Atlantic
■«aboard Southern States aatro Florida,
boaldaa aouia other Routhera Stata*,
mah« contributions, aad tho direct bañ­
adla arenim i front a ffood wheat crop
are then-fore about no wldeapraad aa
can well be
It la dimenìi accurately to calculate
lb* duaurial benadta of America's
wheat crop wbeu price* aro fair, but
they are vuorwous. The total crop of
IRIM la estima tttd at 438,000,000 buahata.
If the market keep* up and tho arerai*
prie* of wboat at the acabnard la HUr a
buabel, thla meaaa tho addition of ffHas,-
000,000 to tho country'a woalth. it to
into that tho farmer dooo not pet alt
Utla Immane# turn, and that tho rail­
road* do pot a Ia n * aUco, hut tho bulk
of all tho money pakl to the railroad«,
la ko roeoolmon, oiorator and other ton
minai corporation*, for handling wboat.
in paid out apata at oac* la the fona of
w a«*A to the honodt of thorn who work
with their hand«.
' la thk way a prodtabto wboat crop
boaodts almost every d m la almost
•very port of tb* country. It does not,
however, brio« tho full value of tho
crop Into the country la the form of
"foreign gold." far tho United Stato*
la not only tho «ran toot producer of
wboat la tho wurid. hot the «rentrât
consumer ta well. It be to« tot Ima ted
that 375.000,000 buahela art disponed of
every year within tb* bouadsrim of
Undo Sam'a dominion. Accepting this
q |
Walla. 78080c ; Val
rVe triti
> white. 48944c per bush-
pri 018.00 per ton; cheat.
\ »»«090.00; oat, fA00
- Bran. 81AQ0; aborta,
■gt. M AW j rye, 80r
Hbelbyrille, Ind.. Dae. 29.— Eleven
years ago John Grim went to hia home
in Flat Bote from the village store
and Informed bis w ife that be bad
made an effort to secure something for
their thro* children for Christmas, but
aot having'the money the merchant re­
fused and tbe little ones would have to
do without any presents. Hia w ife
told him not to grieve, saying she bad
a fsw trinkets laid away for tbe chil­
dren, and that they oonld get along
until tbe a w m ill started np. About
midnight tbe husband kissed bis w ife
as the slept Be also wrote a note ask­
ing hit w ife not to worry and to await
his return. Nothing was beard of him
until last night, when a well-dressed
man walked into tbe store at Flat
Rook. It was John Grim He asked
tbe direction to Mary Crim’s residence.
A hoy erf 13 years stepped forward with
that he would show him to
ip iM t o N 's boos*. Grim recognised
over hia fa il ore to obtain employment,
Simon Braner, a German, 88 yearn
old, attempted to oommit suicide early
trite morning by hanging himself
from a timber extending over a tanfc
wall, at trie old reservoir on Bcaervoir
h ill He tied on* end of a email rope
about the timber, the other about rite
neck and swung himself off trie curb­
ing of trie wall. The rope broke, how­
ever, and he tell fifteen feet to trie bot­
tom of trie w e ll badly spraining rite
ankle. Having failed in rite a item pet
to end hte life, and beoominp frightened
by the intense darkness that prevailed
in the well, Braner- began to about
lustily for help. He was rescued by
Mrs. Margaret Allman at T o’clock.
!> • * • M
a i Se C e l a r a lo .
Denver, Dee. 28.— A Terre Hants,
Ind., dispatte mye: Sagem Y. Dels
has promised President Boyoe, of the
Western Federation of Minera, that be
w ill go to Colorado tbe first of tbe week
to help tbe Lm dville strikers. He w ill
•peek in Colorado cities, beginning in
Lesdville, where a labor demonstra­
tion is to ter given on bis arrival.
President Boyoe says publie opinion it
■till with trio strikers and they can bold
oat indefinitely. President Boyoe re­
ceived s tetter saying #8,000 bad been
sent from Botte, M ont, to aid tbe
aad altlost carried him to the home.
G rin bad beat in British Colombia
foe ten years engaged in mining and
had amassed n fortune. Tbe reunion
o f tbe fam ily was a happy one.
C H | k t la the S et.
Ban Franoisoo, Dm 30— W hile
erawilng through a transom in aa at­
tempt to steal four turkeys, John Cor­
nish, a young negro, lost bis bold, and,
falling'bead downward, wm suspended
I'fJ k ifo d t. Being unable to extricate
biuic-.’t from his embarrassing posi-
ristj, Mi ftieut d lustily for help, and
to • policeman some bourn
After tu(*6ct4*r.t, in an exhausted eon-
'l*!jm>- f i t w m «barged with atterapt-
«•W O rfU ry, M looked up.
Martin’« Ferry, W. Va., Dm 88—
An angina cn tbe Wbeeltog * Lek*
Erte rosd Jnmped thè traok near W ar­
ner test night and wm demoltehed.
Engineer Jease Hangbtcn waa kllled
and Flreman Baine# wm probably fa-
tally lnjured.______________
A F e r r y tk e S I t s s l l t s .
81 Petersburg, D m 88— Manylivm
bave been loet by tbe oapttetog of a
ferry boat in tbe ri ver Dneiper, provino*
of Kkatetlnosteff.
F e a r C h lld r e a e t a B lrth .
Bbelbyville, Ind., D m 88— Font
bealtby sona bave been boni to Noafa
goott and wife, of Ibis eonnty. Tbey
bave bem ebristened W illiam Bryan,
Georg« F. W illiam s, Arthur Sewall
and Olande M etri»w t Booti March 4,
1893, a sta and dangbter wsra bora to
Mr. ¿coti and wlfa, and wert naasod
Gravar and Franosa Trio fstber ro­
sei vsd ia return n lottar of thaakt ia
Mr. Cleveland’■ ocra bandwriting.
A etever Parfrisn hasinvented a ran­
chine wbiob osa split oso bnrasa risii
tengtbwtet iato thlrty-six strip«.
A flM r le flB A r r flit a d
fo r
D r iv in g In to
P r o h ib ite d ■ t x lW M T e r r ito r y .
- SaarrLt, Wash., Dec. 28, 180A
F ujob —(Jobbing)— Patent excellent,
Han Diego, CaL, Dec. *8.— Harry »6.26; Novelty A, »4.76. California
Mansur, trie American who waa arrest­ brands $5.00; Dakota, »6.60; patent,
ed several weeks ago by the Mexican »6.26: buckwheat dour, »6.50; per cwt,
oustoms officials at Tia Joans for al­ »3.60; graham. »4.00 per bbf; 10-lb
sacks, »2.50 per cwt; rye floor, »6.00
leged infraction of the law* governing per bbl; 10-lb sacks, »8.60 per cwt; ryr
trie free sone, baa been released by trie meal, $4.60 per bbl; per cwt, 83.40;
Ensenada authorities and U again at roliedoats, »6.7696 per bbl; hominy,
b il home on this tide. Hie release was »2.60 per cwt; cracked wheat, »3.26;
obtained through the intervention of rolled wheat, »6.23 par bbl; whole rolled
Hoc. Anthony Uodbe, American vice- wheat Soar, »2.60 per cwt ¡pearl barley,
consul, and a cash bail waa obtained, per 100 lb sack», »3.60; spin peas, 4J6e;
wbiob allowed Mansur to leave the table cornmeal, yellow, »1.66 par cwt to
10-lb sacks ; 60s. »1.60; white, 10s, $1.76;
60s, »1.66: flaked hominy. »2.60 per keg-
Mansur mid today that bis mm wm
W h eat — Chicken feed. »27.00 per ton.
temporarily tattled, and be did not ex­
O at » —Choice, »24<3.6 per ton.
pect it to come np again for rix months
B axlby —Roiled or ground, $80.00 pm
steamers between their piers tod vtrt-
or a year. It M probable the cate bail ton.
Coax—Whole. »23 per ton; cracked ons parta of tbe world will be estab­
w ill be qnietly aooepted and no further
lished. In fact. It has already been giv­
action taken, especially a* Mansur's »23: feed meal, »33.
MiLurrcrrs—Bran. $16.00 per ton; en out that one of the great navigation
infraction of tbe law was alight,
shorts, »10.00.
companies of Hamburg will shortly ee-
Mauser's w ife’« fam ily liras at Ro­
Fax»—Chopped feed, $10.00 per ton, tabi I »h s new Hoe from Norfolk to vari­
sario, about two miles so nth of tbe middlings, (24; oileaks msal, »23.
fra* tone. Mansur bad often visited
H av — Paget sound, per Mm, $0910; ous European porta.
’ To tbe reader who dora not keep well
them, taking bis team and paying no Eastern Washington. $18.
B o « a *—Golden 0 to bM, 0 ic per lb; Informed concerning such things. It It
attention to the law, being an old resi­
dent and acquainted with tbe official« , extra O in bbl, t)»c ; dry granulated to not easy to tea bow tny ruling of tbe
British Board of Trade could have bear-
But a new administration of tbe Tia bbl, 6c: cab*. a )»e ; powdered, 6
Joans custom-house, Henor Motavel- ■pot
B uttsb —Fancy native creamery,brick tog oo the commerce o f American n s-
aaco, caused Mansur to be arrested for 26c; select. 33* itahSk^lc; ranch, 18c.
porta, but n little explanation o f tbe
smuggling a bone into tbe oonntry,
CHXssB.-wffsfitoewmhj ogton, 10912c. tecta will nuke tbla clear. Tbe Britlsb
and Imposed a heavy fine upon bint.
Board of Trade exerctem the moat cure-
Failing to pay tbs fine, Mansur waa ar-
fui aupecriataa Imagi nubia over British
•hips, and make« stringent rates con­
with by the higher authorities. Hinoe
cerning tbe loading of the Temete. Tbta
that time until a day or so ago he bed
to due to the efforts of a Mr. Plimsoll,
been to JalL
~..Am many year* ago. Ho bad to mind
tbo safety of tbe Britlsb miter's life,
A tteel fly wheel twenty five feet
which had hitherto been to grant Jeop­
in diameter and requiring 360 miles of
ardy, because o f the greedy British ship
wire in its construction, has been
owners’ practice o f loading their ves­
made In Germany.
sels as deeply as possible, at U m earns
time Insuring heavily enough to min­
Oakland, C a l, Deo. 88— Dr. J. W.
imise tbe risk of shipwreck from a
Robertson's sanitarium was partly
financial standpoint, regard Um o f tbo
burned this morning. It was oocopied 70080*
danger to the men. Pllmsoll’e name
by thirty patients, «offering from ner­ Sweets, 76c«$
baa been Immortalised to tbe term
vous disorders. Tbe first oxre was for
O m o*»-AM
"Pllm aril’o line,” wbfeb baa been given
tbe patients,.jpany of whom were still 36c ter pickte.
to trio 'tonfo" load mark, and be to un­
in bed. There Was great oontesion,
doubtedly entitled to the gratitude of
bat they were all safely removed. Tbe docks, ffc *m
sailors tbo world over.
boom wss formerly Livermore oollege,
But New York grato shippers do not
and, while only two stories blgb, oc­
folly appreciate bis services just now.
cupies a large ares. Tbe damage w ill
paw, 11918c; Acting on the principle« told down by
be under #6,000.
A defective fine
rag Amorten, Plimsoll, tbe British Board o f Trade
caused tbe trouble.
S ' nor pound. has declared that to tbe winter time,
when tbe weather to heavy to tbe North
d Southern Atlantic, ships sailing from Baltimore
l* 9 «o ; Han
hole«, 6)69 and points flootb shall be allowed a
ie; Nevada, much deeper water load-line than from
W c; North- points north e f that port That makes
the ocean freight rates from tbo South­
wheat aud ern ports much more reasonable, and so
helps to giro thorn tho load, of coarto.
Thera to a mom or lorn general Im­
precatoti that practically the entire com­
mercial wheat crop o f tho oonntry to
M D p IM P * Pr» ,rt* fltetss of tho Mld-
dlq West # d Northwest This Impres­
terà H my wide o f tho mark. It to
M t t h y p i whaat ratoad la thorn toc-
“ tboro ara protective décrit o f t —
strength to kf*P out tho shells of toy
vomei they ara llioly te engage, white
their Mobility to prolected by bollo of
coUutem several foot thick along tho
edges o f them docks. The Rngllth ar­
morad erntetr Blake, for example, bat
ao inch protect Ion to her stability, aad
would not hav* the earn* chancea aa
the above-named Temete o f oar navy
la a «attained engagement For pro­
tection to the compraheatlv* mam, tb*
celiai««* belt of three feet may be mid
to be aboot aa efficient at ■ tli-tocb
bah of steel, to {bet we ma protect ear
■lability, wban w t bave t good protec­
tive deck bock of It to defend the vitate
e f the ship, with 100 tone o f celialo«« to
aa extent equivalent to that derived
Philadelphia manufactured tho drat
cellulose used la U m American navy,
making It oat of tho husks of cocoonnt,
sod furnished aa article eaperior la tho
French, hot during the teat yOar the de­
part meal directed its attention to the
corn-pith prod net, which haa been
found to pomem eaperior qualities. Tho
department tooted the two product« by
building aad Aria« Into two at eel cof­
ferdams flUed raopectlvely, one with
«8814 pounds of cocoa cellulose, corre­
sponding to a density of 7.7 pounds to
the coble foot, aad one with 708 pound«
e f corn-pith roll aloe*, corresponding to
a density of AS pounds to tho coble
foot. Tho fleet drop of water appeared
at U m far ood o f the «hot hole through
tho cocoa dam to tan minutes, and pret­
ty soon tho water flowed through at tho
rata,of half a gallon a minute. Through
the hole to the other dam no water hod
come at the rod of half aa hoar, nor
woo tb* cellnloa* at the mouth of tho
bole la the roar damp. Tbs taote ted to
the pro vision to tb* contracts for the
Kentucky aod the Kmrmrpe, aad Non.
T, • aad V. that their cofferdam« be
packed with corn-pith cellulose. It to
aboot $100 a too cbm per triad M agm a*
I barley, 88100 pm ten;
M fiO M WUacn's slater; had returned
to too farm and had threatened hia
w ife, i f aba did not ooam bate to. the
more disastrous, for the Call wm city- W ilton mid tbatbtaooompanted
harnad oat and the building had to ba thorn to a lonely stretch of woods, and,
reconstructed. Today Pe*m McCabe, at an opportene moment, fell apon him
a Airman, fell tram the two-story and olnbbed him to death. For trite
building adjoining and wm badly hart. be wm mntanoed to a long term of
No banes ware brokm, hot internal in­ yean in the penitentiary. It is a ose*
of a son marifioinp hte life to save trial
juries are feared.
at rite la trier.
T U Rociar of Naval Architecte *a#
llo rlM fc it o iiw b*M Ita rearm I »
eral meeting at Now York. There wo*
o food reptueentaNea of U m member-
■hip of moro than 000 pnm at. «ad ap-
plications from fort/ petaos* who do*
sire to become members ware received.
Hoary W. Cramp'« papor oa A ote ri­
can cora-pllh celiai— , «aid* from the
technical Information, with which I ho
architect« aad *a«ln**ro wore ehtody
concerned, had the popular intonai
that attach** to any additional method
for tho protection of human Ilf* at — ,
It* ox plained the orlila and the man­
ufacture of the now product, aa well
n* tho Invention of It* nppllcatloa to
warship*, and recited tho rapid ad­
vancement mad* by Americano la I ho
teat year over tho French dlacoverem
o f tho material and lia unen, nod show­
ed hew the American product In bound
to a operand* the for* Ip».
“ American corn-pith celluloso 1« aa
entirely new product," ha an Id, “ manu­
factured from the pith of the cornstalk,
or ladina mala*, Into a m a u la r form,
aad packed under pramuro lata tho cof­
ferdam* of a veoael whore It acts as a
perfect water excluder aad to aon-com-
bustible.” When a «hot pierces tbs vs*-
estimate at correct, 60,000,000 bnabela
of tb« crop will be available for foretgq
shipment. That there will be a demand
for all this wheat, aad more, from
abroad, then la good reason to belter«,
because of the abort crop elsewhere.
At 80c a bushel the Inflow e f foreign
money for this year's surplus would bo
$48,000,000. Thla wlU not bo tho extent
of tbe cate receipts from wheat this
ymr, however, since the left-over sur­
plus from lari ym r amounts to 80,000,-
000 bushels, which, at the tame rate,
will bring $64,000,000 more, or #112,-
000.000 altogether. Counting the popu­
lation of tbe country at 70,000,000, the
wheat for m l* outside the United States
this ym r will show from tbo outside
worid about $17.40 for every man, wom­
an aad child—enough to fnrnteb hats
and shorn for an and tear« a handsome
Tbo hauling of wbmt to market bo-
fin s soon after tbe ending ef the har­
vest Income of tbe grant wheat fltatm
Mb* Minnesota, whom production to
00,000,000 bushels, It to a bnelnem of
gn at magnitude, aad tho otertag of
wbmt, even at small railroad «tattoos,
requires tbe Investment of* thousands
o f dollars to local warabeaam and ele­
vator*. Man who know bow to handle
wbmt to balk arc to demand la tb*
wbmt fltatm daring tb* ported of mar­
keting and transportation, and tbe
amount disbursed to their wagm to, of
course, considerable. la aoma of th*
newly opened and extremely productive
Wheat fields of tbe Pacific Northwest,
where there to practically no m rly au­
tumn rainfall, th* bags of wbmt a n
piled np by tbo side of way freight
houses to qnaatltlm sometimes aggro-
gating hundred* of thousands ofbush­
els, until tbe railroad can got ready to
toko It away. la fltatm Ilk* Main«,
however, when tbo crap to only about
80,000 buaboto, tbo local transportation
of grain amounts to Httte, aad what
wbmt to seat away by rail to generally
unloaded from tbo tall end of tbo farm­
er's wagon directly Into tbo freight car.
It it At tbe great ceatera, Ilk* Chicago
and flt Louto and tbo big shipping ports
o f Now York and Baltimore, that the
handling of wbmt amomm greatest
magnitude. Ia Chicago boats aad can
a n loaded and unloaded directly to and
from the elevators, and to Baltimore
wbmt le «pouted directly to tho bolds
of outgoing vessel« from tbo elevator.
eneo to density,
two-(birds the i
Mr. Cramp eat
Baltimore type,
with a cui totem
ranted to
clam Ironclad* of other powers; with­
out It they ara liable to be sank by a
well-directed machine gun ire. Trite
product o f American farm* affords a
crimp and randy means of vastly In-
ertamd efficiency off oar cratoetu, aad,
tbe naaroorad «Idee of all oar voamla
should bava them belts without daisy.
Trite discovery aad application o f cellu­
lose la o f aa vital Importane« to aor
navy aa tbe development o f tbe Harvey-
lard armor and amok stem powder. Tbta
follows from tbe fact that, without add­
ing very much to tbe coet of aor Tor­
tela, we can greatly Increase the effi­
ciency of them all by making their sides
automatically resist the Inflow of wat­
er; and at oar crnlmra carry heavier
batterica than similar vamalt o f other
nations, they would, when ao protetteci,
be able tOLglra battle to ships far t e n ­
t o than OMmaelrm."
make both ends amst; nad jS áy Werá
men of n tu fflcH ffw JM M ptt 6tg*plfBij
tton to re q u Iffflip flH S p u a ta m f l »
(twin (lie bsrdsMpwnf Ifln v
They bad many visitors s i lbe Hire,
who reported tbe workers as not al­
ways to n cheerful frame of mind. O u
looked sunburned and very thin, and
owned that milking co we on n frosty
morning w a e ji chilling tort of bual-
But the only persistently cheerful re­
mark cam« from George Ripley, on« o f
tbo finest scholars and beet-equipped
writers of the time, who, jnst before
going tbers, had published certain es­
says on Dooenrtaa* philosophy.
In the autumn o f 1841, * clergyman,
went to make a call at Brook farm,
where he found only a few or tbo mem­
bers present. Mr. Rlplty, however,
waa discovered in tbe turnip-field with
two or thro# other*, throwing vege­
table* into tbe cart.
As bto friend* approached, he weat
forward to Boot thorn,
"Doctor Frauds," said bo, 'I t la ro­
sily kind of you to come inch a die­
ts net to see an old fallow. Ton per-
cetva I sra occupied with the philos­
ophy of do csrtr (Dmoartm.)
la tb# m rly days of gold mining to
Canforato waiters la tbs hotéta were
paid $ f s dsy fo r thsir labor.