The Stayton times. (Stayton, Or.) 18??-1???, July 21, 1893, Image 4

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    I l l i « pity UM « i l m i M i m ter
sopjrtsg OM World visas, m m mm (NM,
w» Mould ooi bo willing *> odo«« m m ai
tkrir virtù« M troll In «ho M i l u al
drtnkioi tovd «Mw Mo noti«« « n i r t m
Il o « M U » marrai «o «ho Ku repasa. AI
h m o I Mo botola oorawi Up «rotor daolgood
lo oolor «o our citta*o* »brood «ho notte»
te broadly publUnod on mono corda, tenu
loi» oud »von In no wap» por sottesa, "lcc
water corvad ter drinking porpaccc,** Tbc
ovorogo Uortnoo landlord baa only lately
begun ta und»retend Uto» bln Amerite»
■uvate want water to drink, and be ha» by
no maona reuororad from bla »atoo la bod
horror al «be quantity ooaanmed aa a bar
A woman who apea! a winter la Muateb
al a boardlUK houa* tolla o t camina down
one «old morning to brrakteat and aaklaf
term glam of water. Tbo »orvaal bronchi
It. round ovad with woudor, but doolie
Aa It waa 'placed botera the cu*»t the pro-
aldine frail Irin caught alcbt of tbo glaae
"Ohl" che »ahi quickly, "don't drink that;
It la fleah from tbo faucet, fiend It to me
aod I will warm It," and »he reached ter
the hot water kattie It waa wllh dlfflculty
that »be Muhl be rna.1* to believe that per
aona over here drank load water winter
I." “ rite CM»
it watehlng
i or m i , muu h « w u «
pgaia. Thla time it waa hte old oomrade
Waldron, »b o honored him. Probably
Motion with thsoaasof Kr. Hayna. Why it waa another dinner. Little by little,
at tbte rate, the time would noon com« it had grown
abouid the Ctencya”-----
“ Yon have no right to think any euob whom Mr. Haymo would he naked everr- for the yetir
thine," anawarad her atetar, angrily where and bo and hia oorreMoadtnglj house e l ell
“Wo have Buffered too much a t hia
<vvm byuitai I
bonds or an bit account already, end 1
which outwi
never want to hoar auch words from
Thru ttagnei
your Upe It would outre«» Ocp». Ray-
bulo lutK'boon, din
t, where the young
Indire met every
• ail tliia, deaplte. the
MO» had at firm ahown
teatodlacuM the right»
go Sartre slMIr," aa It
iflMk be tarateli, with
taiònged to tlie Riflera
« a very general thing
m to drop In at ber
n o t tl«e day i but that
M o m attractions there
ri'ito» oom hall venóte
«Ulf overboard anuir
mWtsk» elm wna mak
■or dteouteing thejMilr
M n oven of her own
ma Indignant, and do all." abe commented teaiingly, "U you treat
He would name no your atom acht like that.''—Bar Point of
View In Mow York Timon
Its Deep Alluvial Soil Unsurpassed and
Its Genial. Clime ynrivaled.
It vroa a brilliant moonlit eveulng. Jt
itrong prairie gale hod begun to blow
from the northweet, nod wee banging
• •
»butter* end whirling pebbles at n furi­
«tetesatle Itettatty.
ous rate. 4 * the sound of the trumpete'
The wtfaof a drum » d s r . a colossus. Is
n .i i W
jjlk tattoos brace of young officer»
m dw art (tea k* a dtopm. « a has tbs do
calling utrithntedkw mok their teove
ditty at a eklld. , When they quarrel aha
The captain had 'retired Uebte deeT. br'
enters Mm4<> pat her an the labia and let
study, where ho chut himself up o gong
her step MB teas He film Bvr in hie arms
dead or tele, and thither lin t Rgyner fob
pat* bar aa tha ta b lt baste hia haad, re
ovlvm th* «lap which ah* givre with her
lowed him end cloned t. adoor after her
might sad then replace» ber on the floor
Throwing a clonk over her ahouWov*
with respectful terror. Tbla vulgnr parody
Hia* Tracers stepped out on the pinaaa
of the Samson and Delilah story would be
and gaaed in delight upon the moonlit
eallad by Courbet a real allegory.—Mew
panorama—the «now covered summits
York Times
to the south' and west, the roiling ex­
pense of upland prairie between, the
A SI|MlU Cherry Tree.
rough outlines of tbo foothills softened
There Is an Ohio Beauty cherry tree la
the old Bamford orchard In Brown’» Val
in the silvery light, the dart shadows of
ley. Cal., which hr«r» from II.UOO to IMO# . .
, ....
... '
the barracks across the parade, the
pounds of fruit per year. The tree la ah' m T U i n d W h ® r 6 H f l f l l t h , W f l
ánd H ap pin ess'
twinkling lights of the sergeants as they
large that each year a big scaffolding has
took their stations, the soldierly forms
lo b * built around It *othat th* eksrritt
Easily O btained. 4 * . *
of the officers hastening to their com­
sen be picked.—Fruit Grower .
panies far across the f rose a level
Suddenly the became aware of two
American freight care carry about thirty
terms coming down the walk. They In
tons' weight, the care srvtgblug about alas
tana They are gradually superseding tbe
sued from Maj. Waldron'* quartan, and
English care lu that country, which weigh
the door closed behind them. One waa ,
fAe jp w t tier iraj five toas and can carry ouly aevya toas of
a young officer; the oilier, she speedily
made out, a Chinese »errant, who’Yrqs i
(hat he had heard
in Marnartiii»»tt» there are more than
guiding hie master She knew the pair ' <
him she waa doing mo.ODO.UOO d»|HMiltad In savings banks;
in an instant, and tier first impulse was I
good. and. if any and.all of It Is In »mall sums, (or th* law
to retire. Then she reflected that he l
to (he turn of the doss not allow any parson to draw Interest
This Stands at the Head oF the Many Valleys That Hava
could net see, and she wanted to look, to l
•'» favor Then she fell out an more than ll.ouo In any hank.
she stayed. They had almost reached i
misjudged It was a
Made Western Oregon Famous as the Country Where
her gate when a wild blast whirled the <
lirfp for her. and if deprived of
officer's cape about his ears and cent I the Ota ol her main weapon of often*«
the Denizens "Lay Upon Their Oars” and
come sheets of music flying aero« the t and detf p ike battle was sure to go
roail Leaving his master at the fence, t sasteta B mty against her inclination
Live Upon the Fat of the Land.
the Chinaman sped in pursuit, and the i •he sheyt I her lord, for. as lias been
•Uva tly fumi.tod. sod laM* mpnUsd
next thing she noted was that Mr. t
i aim - w a loyal- wife, and for the
Haynes fur cap waa blown fronfhi» t . . brini the baby became the recip
H. W. PARKER, Proprietor,
head, and that he waa groping for i| I h u t of kqjyaodlvided attention
(teeterslion, she behaved
W a te r !* * . O r,
There waa no one to call, no one to •
Wlah such marked distance
assist. She hesitated one minute, looked <
to the cuiouel and bis wife
anxiously around, then sprang to the
gate, picked up the cap. pulled 1» well «
the colonel quietly Blaoksmithing of AU Kinds,
down over the bandaged eyes, seised the j
need not give either
S t e f t * a , O v.
Tbi« val Ivy is tributary to the great W illam ette, and poeaeaaingall
young officer firmly by the arm. drew •
In honor of Mm Kay
him within the gate and ted him to thb I
like to bate be*
tbe natural advantages o f tha latter and because o f its higher altitude,
fc— HteStng • specialty.
shelter of the piassa Once out of the *
1» Travers
Iwing Car more h ealthy, i t ia no wonder that the tide o f enterprise and
fury of the gale, she could hear hte qne» 4
much of her
tion, “ Did you get It all, 8am T
.. 3
him wril in the
em igration is being turned toward this Nile o f Oregon, the Eldorado*oF
war, and
A Section of Wondrous Resolfifees
of Progress is Jyst beginning
Bring lat .0 Requisition.
dining room. Him Travel», hesitating
but a second, opened the door.
U waa the soldier telegraph operator
with a dispatch envelopa in hia hand.
“ It te for Mrs Rayner. mis», and an
answer te expected. Shall I wait?"
Mrs Rayner came hastily forward
from her place of refuge within the din­
ing room, took the envelope without a
word and passed into the parlor, where,
— — m - £ beneath the lamp, aha taro it
open, gianoed anxiously at its contents,
then throw it with an exclamation Of
peevish indignation upon the table. ■
“ You’ll have to answer for yourself.
Nellie. I cannot straighten your affaire
and mine too." And with that she was
going, but Him Travers called her back.
The message simply read: “ Mo letter
of her younger sister. Miss Travers bir
ber Ups and oosnpreaaed them hard
There waa an evident struggle in bei
mind between a desire to make an im
puteivs and »weeping reply and aa effort
to control herself.
“W ill you answer a quiet question or
l e e T she Anally aalmd.
“ You know perfectly well Twill." waa
the sisterly rejoinder.
“How kink doe» it take a letter to go
frem here to New YorkT
“F ire or six days, I suppose."
MimTraversateppcfl to thedoor. briefly
told the soldier there waa no answer.
thanked him for waiting, and returned
s s r,
« * MgmMSB&r*
the West.
« * * * » * »
g r a i n ,t a w *
“B at I don’t like you to be oat a ft«
sunset That cough of yours”-----
“ Disappeared the dsy after I got here,
Kate, and there hasn’t been a vestige of
k rinoa This high, dry climate put an
cad tote. No. I’ll ha ready M ooe min­
ute more. Do wait.’
Mrs. Rayner'» hand was turning the
knob white her ateter was hurrying to the
front door and drawing on her heavy
jacket as the did au The former faced
her impatiently:
“1 don’t think you are at all oourteous
to your visitors You know just as well
aa I do that Mr. Foster or Mr. Royoe or
•omfl dtber of those young officers are
•ore to be in fust at this hour. You really
m e very thoughtle«. Nellie."
He apohe’nn shore te r W ffignstK* Bbr
stood gating at all that Waa visible of tbr
pate faoa below the darkened eyea It
waaso clear cut, so refined in feature
and the Upa under the sweeping blondr
mustache, thoogh set and compressed,
were delicate and pink. He turned bis
head eagerly towards tbe parade; but
atlf hare bean proamt to declare that 1 ftem was «till far away. The music had
•ay what I mean. Very probably it may scattered and sraa leading him it lively
hare bean tour days from the time that dance.
tetter from the transfer reached Wall
“ Isn't my servant coming?“ be asked
street to the time tbe next ooe could get constrainedly. “I fear I’m keeping you
to Mm from here, even had I written the please do not wait. He will find me here
night wS arrived. Possibly you forget Yon were going somewhere.”
thaT you forbad* my doing so, and tent
“ No—untem it was' here." She waa
me to bed early. Mr. Van Antwerp ha» trembling now. “ Please be patient, Mr
afanpiy failed to remember that 1 had gone Hayne. Sam may be a minute or two
several hundred miles farther west; and yet, and here you are oat of the wind.’
even had 1 written on the train twice a
Again she looked in hte face: He was
day, tbe totter» would not have reached listening eagerly to her words, as though
Mm uninterruptedly By this time he is striving to “ piace" her voice. Could she
beginning to get them fast enough And be mistaken? Was be. too, not trembling?
as for you. Kate, you are quite as unjust Beyond all doubt bis Ups were quivering
ae h a It augurs badly for my future now.
“ May I not know who it is that led me
here?" be asked, gently.
“W hat two, pray?"
She hesitated, hardly knowing bow to
“That be can be foolishly unreliable tell him.
“Try and guess," she laughed, nerv
oualy. “ But you couldn’t. You do not
“That you may ha persistently unreli­ know my name. It te my good fortune.
able )n your judgment of a man. ”
Hr. Hayne. You—you saved my kittoo
Verily, for a young woman with a I—your cap."
sweet, girlish face, whom we mw but a
There was no mistaking his start. Be­
week ifO M twitching a kitten’s ears and yond doubt he had winced aa though
saying little or nothing, Him Travel* stung, and was now striving to ¿rope hia
was displaying unexpected fighting qual way to the railing She divined his pur­
(ties. For a moment, Mrs Rayner g Ip red pose in an Instant, and her slender hand
at ber in’ tmmnkme Jadigdatioo and dis- was laid pleadingly yet firmly on his arm.
“ Hr. Hayne. don’t go. Don’t think of
"Y oo—you ought to be ashamed of going. Stay here until Sam comes. He’s
yourselfl" was her eventual outbreak.
coming now,” she faltered.
But to this there was no reply. . Mist.
“la this Capt. Rayner’s bourn?" he
Travers moved quietly to the doorwiy asked, hoarse and low.
“No matter whoee K 1st 1 welcome
the ere, and said:
o here. You - hall not go," ah* cried
“ I shall give up tbe walk and will gc | pulsively. and Both little hand» were
to my room. Excuse me to any visitor* i tugging at litfjin tiiW i bad'TnUifid iLv
this evening."
J raiNgg, wild was pulling himself toward
“ You are not going to write to biin ! the gate, but ber words, ber clinging
now, when you are angry, I hope?"
i tan da, were too persuasive.
“I shall not write to him until to-mor
- “I cannot r*aUs» this." he saiA M
row. but when I do 1 shall tell him t hi«.. do not understand *—
, *>
Kate: that if he desire my confidence he
“ Do not try to understand it, Mr
will address hte complaints and inquiries Hayne. If 1 am only a girl, 1 have a
to me. If 1 am old enough to be engaged right to think for myself. My father
to him, in your opinion, I am equally old was a soldier—I aid Ne"lh T rarer«—and
enough to attend to such details * e these
in my own."
Mrs Rayner stood one moment as
though astounded; than she fltfw to the
doer and relieved her surcharged bosom
as follows: "W ell, 1 pity tbe man ypa
m any, whether you are tacky enough
to keep this one or notr and flounced in­
dignantly out of tbe bouse.
When Cape Rayner came in, half aq
hour afterwards, the parlor was d e l
Sifted. He was looking worn artd <k/
MpHtofl. Finding no one on the groatuT
Moor, be want to tbe toot of tbe m i i v
ta il th * S i;« <h«l é)
whom ah* OPftid remember only vaguely
W . H. C O O P E R ’8 ,
but of whoto she never tired of hearing
and tirilt night Mm Rayner rebukad ber On Water Birre«.
severely tar her dbioyahy to the osp
tain, who bed given her s bom*
But when Mrs Rayner heard jlh at
Maj and Mrs Waldron had invited Mr
Hayne to dine with them, and had In
vited to meet him two of the cavalry
officersw*ri their wive». she waa incensed
beyond measure fihgand Mrs Waldron
bad a brief talk, as a result of w hich
Mrs kriprifljffiH m ^to speak to Mrs Perfect a t inarentted. shop in rear »I Poefol-
»V* balldlna.
Mm fitoriiMwIn M b er of tier and her
Water Street, S ta rt**. Or.
sister It wriHhteltitet brought on the
crisis - Whatever was said between the
A lso N otary P u bu o .
men waw not told Maj Waldron and
Capt. Ruyoer liad a long consultation
and they tool^ no one into their confl
N IC K L A U 8 F R E IT A G ,
dence; nut Mm Rayner obeyod her bus
hand, tveni to Mrs. Waldron and apolo­
Maker and Repairer of Shoes.
gised tor her rudeness, and then went
with ber sister and returned the call of All or«Sera promptly flIUd Ml «faction («sr-
inteed. New »bop on
the colonel's wife, but she choee a bright
W a te r S tre e t, S t s y t a s , O r .
afternoon, when she knew well the lady
wee not at home
Mhe retired from the contest, appar
entiy. aa Am been mid, and took much
Christian agrwolation to herself from the
S ta rt* * . O r t i* » .
fact t h s t f l so great a sacrifice she was
obeying kvr jmaband and doing tbs duty
B RIOOS A DÀvit. Proprlsior».
she owed, to him in very Truth, how
ever, the contest was withdrawn from
Beet nt P m h and Hall firs ts con.U nlly on
ber by tfctJhct that for a week or more hand.
Price* re»»ou»bls. Htor» on Water *U*»L
after bis “teniqg st the Waldrons' Mr
Hayne d iln o t reappear In garrison, and
•lie had nd cenae to talk about him
Officers yiritltig the bouse avoided men
tion of Mt Bafjie Ladles of the cavalry
rcgimctfk^alling upon Mm Rayner and
Dow a f»n »rsl blaekam lthtef bndnrw . repair-
Min Tretwes occasionally spoke of him
l.i* o l « » a *« » , oto H(>r«e»hmiax a
s »poclalljr. Hhop on
to the men and his
but rather as though
■ I x h « t r e a t . S t a r t * * Or
general way to eooqtil-
noi-MF Hayne. and so
thy uioe wtidM exiatr
a trial to her Wtigt
said,,wbat aba would
J she known of
Mm and bar guarded
Os to describe; t e t she
of such a tiling, and
M tesTrerta never dreamed of telling
her—for I p present, at least Fortu
nately, or iofoftunately, for th* tetter,
Ice C old B e e r on D ra u g h t.
it was n ot: > mech of her relation* with
Mr. Hay to is of her relation* with half
JOMBS, Proprietor.
a doden yo ng bachelor» that Mr*. Ray
spsetll r felt herself comp?
complain It wa» a l/lcssod relief to tbe
elder stetel Her surcharged spirit was
in sore m d Sf an escape valve. 8bs
wa* ready to lx>il over In the mental
ebullition ^«sequent upon Mr. Hayne’*
.-and with all the
which that episode
not have con
Shoemaker I Repairer.
_ ^ .
th e fWrrre is flruJft-growing.
dbfftined to p re d o m in io in
The bottom land h « i^ is pit
aa producing the finest strawberries grown in ^
State', while the quality
o f prunes and pears are unexcelled, and tV O rv g o n Big Red Apples
and G lory Mundys grown hare a re prodigibus in site and superb in
Tim ber ia within easy reach o f any part of the valley.
fine Wines and Liquors
Always on Hand.
is level, rolling or hilly, a n d .la n d can now be purchased very reaaoa*1
Since the advent o f the Oregon Pacific railroad into this ssc tk n
and the prospect o f a line being extended serpas from Salem , which
•urely will be done in a very short time, the value o f real estate is grad*
daily enhancing, and aa surely as reaping follows sowing he th a t ju d i­
ciously invests here now will reap a rich reward in the near future.
The clim ate ia mild and equable, the atmosphere wholesome and
invigorating, m any people seeking this locality in the summer season as
a place o f recreation and a health resort.
Taken ail in all, wi (hoot
fear o f suoceeaful contradiction, the assertion is made th a t no section oi
Oregon offers greater inducements to the seeker o f home and fortune.
H. MANN & CO.,
n a v e isnu, improved ana unimprovea, lor saie at p
910 to 9 8 5 par sère. Don’t hesitate to write or call
nuine bargains, W ill ■ell you
(m all tract or
eadqusrters s t
ranging from
us. We h a s t
whole section.
oTA YTO N , O r eg o n .
id and beat accommodation* of any in Marion county.
>1 ratea to rcaidaota of the county. Give us a call.
UNDERTAKING.St. d i a r i e s
Rasps a f*es unirhir * af
tariti C am », Cubit, Clitl-Cmrtf Cuktti
toc si« a *»iapi»««ii** oi '
H o te l
orrlfibn Street«,
and M
Streets, Portland,
Portland, O
O pt . Front
Front and
g p f W . KNOW LES, Proprietor.
(▼•tor, electric
Vi? I •«Ste.'ttj
The surface
« to llst
7 JwVfJ»
IP tfi
amé th s eultarg pf hups is heouoiibg a j« f t in g industry,
- p - f .