Xtócál opd Getterai. otsM baa been Improving the F eiija v , J uly a t, 1893. ipherd, of Waterloo acme oref rl. Brown Wedneaday. Miee Ntout wee in town thin week. 47Ì. Harden 1« bulging a new hooecj Keene, W. W. Klder. and W. in. A, J. Rlchardyon if on the »ick thia * eefc. n h « u n ha» bran Indicted, by the < i gram! jury oil th« chug« o^opium ggling. Nothing Is anrprialnghhout in. Indietmcnte were alao found •- wt several others, Ineludiogdeputles, he cam# charg«. door ■ •ifh W ’; 4b<| careful to im p the U n ^l« hM Reed US At th« trial th « n to drunk«; A. K ingg he fall o f hi* choir was found in «dru* keeper himwlf loll. hen two men meet it if *af« to bet otwror th« other will mention bard m before they wperate. Where rly «very body ¿tow it It I. not to be dered the eent iment if th a t war. , *5**“ "I*"* “ f** ! J. W. CHAPMAN, lord deliver PAINTING AND PApKB HANGING In all their reepeetlre brnnehea. s m M A T ia r u m i n u D "* ' ° Z vZ S t l < . r' ' ? " V ______ . ___ kem occupy ao large o «pee« in my •‘,wu,7 w «“ li« bid« for the building of th« bu rferl bound to sword ana won Mvilto school houae were opened On« of our school IffMJ# hug not therand father are, or you. and the ear you to make plena think you warein | c - And Contraete Taken a t the ........ ......... .Loweat Pqaalble Pigmee Com mena ara te with Good Material and Work. ALL WOK* OUAXAKTNBD. ROBES, WHIPS, WORKING GLOVES, HARNESS OIL, AXLE GREASE, LACE LEATHER, to Albany at Jevekr ^ BUCKSKIN. I n fact m oot a n y th in g y o n w a n t * T T W . White a m n in th e hnrneM lin e a t ile woe arrested et Kant Portland'S Oder the name of Jtoee loot apring for mnrder for Quartsville on t t f B a k e r & M i l l e r ’s . IL to vlaitiug Mm. Hyland o f f of one Crocket In Mlewuri. friend« at thie plane.• S taytow , O bbgom . Mr. D. .W. Cramer, brought ne in a The hand boye gare e dence w ith an ■mail heed of lettuce Wcdnewday. It only measured twenty nine Inchee in diame­ ter. It waa a volunteer head, andasse 18th inet. ; tike the boy, it Just “ growed” , with The Horeh Alliance will hold e a open . jmipi r cuilivatiun ii might here equaled meeting on July i f l "Queetion for — -Anything Ip the Una el ■ y— — the pony, which would make It a ’’amali the wonderful le a n ' tieruawion: "Reoolvtod, th at women TH E 8TAYT0N OKOCERYMAN. r. J : N. and J h r t Potter <7 Salem feet" Job. ahould he allowed thrjrtght of eafteg e.” X c W s5 r tx c ttc rs , AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS, TOOLE, f > . Teat KrbUf. . • O The ettiaene of Niagara hake boon leal- Itlackamith ahop and tuola, good loca ing rather tropical, fM gptfr, ewer the Mr. A. Jacob« of Silferlon, gave ua a thin. Enquire o ler dlruet te BUILDERS’ MATERIALS, OTTLRRT, A PULL LINE OP Fcnsianao uv O re Even Vion.aar pieaaent call ta»t Saturday. Mr. Jacob« A. T. Ecu W alt , ■cotion. They have ««JM WOODEN AJGP WILLOW WARS, GROCERIES, FLOUR, reporte thing« livelp in hi« part of the Coara o r A «La Coesa- ( nation meeting, a t wbfeh country. iri M in n . -v- b e «(opted for ezpovfng CONFECTIONERIES, PUMPS, GAS PIPE, ROPE. LANTERNS, M h l l A M A V— - --j SODA WATER, Mr. Jno. Itorca» returned from • trip GRINDSTONES, LUBRICATING (XL, Rmk, over Into Clackannta Co. Friday. CIOAB8, E tc. In » ''onimonicntion from thia place, I DON’T FAIL TO GALL O f of date 27 th ult, from n member of th e ; pleasure of reading I N ff !.. H. Thoma« of Jor&m Valley, gave "Owl Club" we intended to ¡jive neighbor» held in Philadelphia ree ua a call Monday he reporte warm Taylor And Smith » retimi «hot lor «onte which Col. Henry .Wat m « v*. ,«!.. , in tha Tetley A femal tramp waa put off the aouth of the »harp "dig«" for which they are j the democrat«, Own. 8. 4 - * J. N. Jone« want to Waterloo Hunday hound overlaml train a t Eugene Hiimlay fa loon,, with no intent to do «rrioua th e repuMieona and Gem I. _ her way _ harm or- Anting' injni.v tu Riiyjnie mvti-1 for the populiate. Every ne i night. She ____ hod I«—*« Iwating «hat far. She w ant into th e welting l i nnal in «aid «nun.....lo t io n ; ami If j thia debate ee each party 1« j TheO. P. will lie eatended to theTtfe»- room at the depot and pulled off her taken and roneidcred other« iae liuti « by one of its ablest apeak W. ebutee thia year. H«member the feet. ahuea an d ran around lamdooted (or a Joke by thuae Interne;« «! in person, we | EAST AND SOUTH Mr. A. J. Richardson waa In Salem i while, and to all appearance Is not in her Momlay ; he report« it very quiet. right mind. She Mid »lie came Irom g a l e c h il l e d pl o w s Dick Krone la now one til the police ( bicogo. Unord. force el Kjlrm. Th«im«» Bros, ami Co. have moved In- ♦ HARDWARE, STOVES, TINWARE. ♦ SHASTA ROUTE Our f i lend Henry Bruer. brought ua a new »uhecrilwr the other evening. Thank you sir. The Livery barn boy« w«mld respect­ fully a»k Motel-de- It Ir hordOon to renjyve hie w uulftihey would have^ay for their __ L * "C , the dew la off." ♦ Dr. Contris, of Salem, Alls and ex­ tract« teeth without^airf. - JUtul Newt W eddle has tfhdrd hla place on the Klkhorn to BurnetGDtomaa (or hla houae and lot in to w p ^ p ^ . Mr». Cramer, and Mia» Uiwre Savage, left Monday to a t te n d e e tcaclicr» Ins- titule at Salem. ^ Mi»a Jeaaie (leaner la visiting friends in town thia week. Capt. Waiter» haa been on the aick list the past waek, hut at present he la improving. A rrt««4t My new good« have arrived. Come in and see them. M. Ilalsley. Jan Shuford waa in Salem on buaineaa on Wednesday. Jo». Ditter and Mr. Chas. I. Clough of Portland were in town yceterday. Owing to lack of apace some of our communications are laid over. II you are wanting any tin fruit cans, don’t forget to «ee Ed. the tinner. Gits Trask waa over a t Sclo Saturday to see tha ahow. we premune. Mr. Shank and wife of Corvallis were viaiting Mr. and Mre. Harvey Anderson th e past week. Dr. Contria, of Salem, Alls and ex­ tracta teeth without pain. ftenil Saturday availing the chair factory camu near burning down but'luckily, waa seen in time to put it out Irefora vary muoh damage waa done. Eugene people on account of the ex­ tortionate rate* between Albany and that city on the 8. P. will haul O. P. freight to that city by wagon. The governor has appointed Dr. Apple- white, of Corvallis to All the vacancy on the board of regents of the agricultural college caused by the death of A. R. Sllppey. hewberg. fa c t nature!«/ tm attempt to commit rape upon the daughter Of Mr.' lloboon waa made by a man ngmed WN- YC’ wPWkwtll W singing at the Jordan aon. A warrant waa sworn g ut anil hit «tore next Sunday a t 8 o'clock. Jaebph H etdfjr'luíl» on »he hay crop. waa arrewted. Aa the constablenoting Mrs. A. T. McCully and. eoaa. Beat him In charge wanted hla dinner he There are almnt 85 balea of unsold amt Claud, of Leimnoe, were in t hem turned the man over to Mari» for »afe hopa in thia neighbdrh.«»!. fcparts Saturday and Sunday. keeping. It aaenm that Wilson owed Maris a hill ami taking a hill of m I c of SUBLIMITY. * L««t Snnday a young man hod hla bast enough of Wilaon’g property to cover the Sub. la alNierc yet. girl out riding and had the misfortune of amount Marl» allowc«l him to escape.— ^retting o ut spoke broke out of hia rig. Haying is almost over. McMinnville f . II. Didn’t learn the partteulaq^. bat will. The weather is simply superb. About 8 r. M. Thursday I.con D. I.ifee waa InlM rn the Ant of the week. Scott Bros.’ wood m w i» humming in He was tldnklgg some at purchasing a Hedge», an amployec at the Jcffenmn eawmllL met with a horrible accident. this neighborhood. WEST SIDE DIVISION He reached over the edger with hla {ighi Mias Annie Ditter of North Vakama, hand, trying to atraighlen a board, and Wash., la viaiting her uncle, the Sub­ unthinkingly laid hi» left hand on the limity merchant, J. A. Diner. saw. Quicker than thought the hand Mr. Chas. I. Clough of Portland, is at waa cbt entirely across Just bark of the Hotel de Ditter. » thumb, only th« akin keeping It from dropping to the ground, lie waa taken E. Schott made a huatnnm trip to the to Dr. Hawk’s odlce and the wounded Capital Tud«}jiy. member amputated at the wrlet. He Thing» are a t present lively, and stood The o|>eration well, and la now time« are good In Sub. doing splendidly. There la no .one to blame for the accident, It being merely LYONS. the result of carelessness, for which the unfortunate hoy baa paid dearly.—Re­ Our church is shingled. view. Fred Vaughn wa» In Albany last week. W ear« carrying a Ig load” of Clj| RenPowuie went to Riibbmity Mon­ Sunday lost, Loosen Wimer and Hues Bound Books, and arfaltxioaa to un Mann went up In the mountains about day. load aa soon aa poasfW. W ehave (our miles above Mehsina Ashing. They token a method ig do it * —T H R - Waa sorry To not ice the andnc»s of Char­ hitched their horse too near the lie Abel and Jcecc Hunter last Sunday t ‘ quickly, having i^piduil bank, and he either pulled back and night. Cheer up l»»ya the.girla will come to inaagnrate broke the rope or fell over the b ank; at bock. , / least he fell about 40 feet, but Inckily a The parched earth call* for rain from large bonlder stopped him, otherwise he would have been killed on the rocke heaven; hut the p arrV tj throats call OREGON .* PACIFIC \ RAIL» some hundred feet below, The horse for—well it 1» nut from heaven itny way. then concluded to come home. 8ome Mra. Duqcan Berrv and rci«tor, Ethel E. W. Hadley, Receiver. time after they came back and he woe Bruae are visiting relatives at Coe thia gone, it woe then a cose of or «Ik ami pull tl^e cart. So Shorty hitched loosen in Should think it would-pay the Meha­ the shafts, and he u»eil I1"“ - ^ p , ( bo he ma livery man to move hia stable over «ays) and M t B I would have H when 86 STATE here, as the “ Asg pole" I T not" consid­ they got within a mile of Mehama, they ered Aral class fodder lor a steady diet SALEM OREGON, found their hone at M. Taylors, in the for horses. pasture. A young lady pi*aed them A «later of George Johnston 1« viaiting coming down ahd rave them the conso­ HELLENBRJND’S lation th at it waa a down hill pull. him at hia home at Fox Valley. The la­ Hhorty, »ay« Lose, works Ant rate in dy la direct frum Mr. Johnston’s old home in Scotland. shafts. The boy who to whacked, cuffed, kicked, hall starved, overworked and Otherwise neglected, generally, If he L lh a ra l W ay of A d n r t M s |. ^eepe out of prieon and does not die, Make »• make small KnalUh words as from lot tar* contained InC-R-L-C-H-Y F kiakee the beet jn an . without nslng a latter In any on« wor tlmaa tnan It appaan In “CMarv Fills" parson sanrttne larrw t list will b» ¿van ^ X fie Farmers will lose' money by not Clfnl matohad pair of Cr»»m-waiu Pont Monnted Hamaasand pha*ton; a trip buying their Binding twine of J. 0 . C. World'» Fair a n d rttn ra »or Meond lari feottvad; a In« Unright Plano for t! ■ L jte LOOT! Stayton, Ora. * Last Thursday night they had a fracas among the "H eathen Chinee" In Belem, in which two were more-or lees c a t end bruised. . Harve Henline wheeled down to Alba­ ny end spent Sunday, returning Mon­ day. H e m , «eye the duet now to mi- meet ee deep ee the mud last winter. The W. 0 . T. U, will meet a t the Bep- ttot Ohurch next Monday at > r . w, YaqUiija - ■ Route Temperance meeting at the C..E. Sun­ day, was (led by J /C . Roe. Much, inter­ est waa bianifcated aa nqorly every one ia Ailed with adtegusted indignat ion a t the way th in g T M v e gone here for th e post week. X Halev and Randolph of the stabbing If you affray here the FourthVsg ^ V wonderful FARM exempUAeatlon of the, " If tn ^ brother smite the on one cheek Din* to him the other alao,” «a they are ee loving aa twine. , ( Haley wasA ntd twenty dollar« and coat m the result of using "ohoioe" lan­ guage to Aw.T. Zumwolt th e other day; and feinting to pay hie Ah«, he to spend­ ing ten day« on a visit to th e Jail at Albany. 0 . Read also Joined in a little “ tore (east" with 8. A. Landis, hia next Ten n en e of good l^w prieeof |7 W lo re I Ut S&len» ¿oap aqd