itsháttothe hoc; well, it need not , have published it as we have been attore of that fact for some time. Baker C ity,' July 17.— A fabu­ lously rich bed of gold was yester­ day discovered. It was fbuud at the bottom of a 350 foot shafVlu the Virtue mine near this city. The water was'all pumped out and an almost solid streak of -gold eight inches wide was revealed. Tw o miners took out two sacks of ore worth $10,000. One specimen weighing eight pounds, contains $800. *4 8TAYTON, ORB. The area o f the United, States. * exclusive of Alaska, ts^c*>o,ooo square miles, Over 100 surveyors are now employed in surveying and e preparing maps of the country, and f about one fifth of the whole area has ** already been surve>edduriug the ret I yearn in which the work has been * in progress. About 60,200 square r' miles axe anuaily surveyed, and it - is estimated that it will require 40 T yeare more to complete the map. That party who went all around trying to find a place where they sold Made & total (p a ilu r o f ip and duty ptwtotl by Mrs. ft. ■>S. three milea east of S ii M mu - « , three tour year oM «Were, black or bluish and white pia- „ one red and white and one . marked with ««a llo w (urk in 1 ind branded “ MY’, on hit hip, wd hv the uudvraignnl at | U Notice is hereby eireu, that we, the umieniignetl, will allow no hunting. Ash­ ing, berry-picking or otherwise Weep**»- ing upon olir property, under penalty at the law. S a lem , O r e g o n ZOf Comme rein 1 P A e is to the fort this country are. From uiy premises st Slayton, ana' Frankfort the other day of his early small bay horse eleven year«okt, weight struggles sad called in a negro who about HOOpound», shows collar mark oa was passing to attest the veracity hack of neck, rather crooked hind legs. o f h is statements. "Brother Brad­ Information leading to his recovery, will ley,’ said he, “ is an old-fashioned be liberally rew ard ed .^ it a A. L. Mack. Mue-gunuaed negro and a boyhood friend o f mine, by whose side 1 have worked many a day in the corn-field. W asn’t I a good man S C I!KI.l.BERCI.—A t his residence near Mehania, Ore., on Saturday at 9 r. a., in die corn-field, Brother Bradley?" July 15, 1888, August SchfHberg, in “ Oh, .yes, sah,” said the darky, „ his 58th year. “ you was a good man for a fact, The deceased was born in Wernigep putyotsnttinly didn't work much." rode-on-Har*. in the province of Saxony Headquarter* for Produce taken in exchange sMB Comnierriel St.. 5 0 0 ,0 0 0 in Germany, on the 28th day of, Jan., 1838, emigrated to America when 19 years of age. Married to Margaret Treinor in the town of Russel, state of Wisconsin, on the9th day of May, 1868. rting, dry, put the sky in a gourd to soak, Served as a soldier in the war of the Rebellion. Emigrated to Oregon in knot» unbuckle the bellyband of eternity November, 1873. Was a member of the ie t^ d a n d let out the sun and moon but Oregon legislature in 1878. He leavers w K ^ H t v c r delude yo u rself w ith the idea wife, daughter, and seven sons Ip moorn n ^ W B ^ y o a can escape that place on his kies. Heeras buried in the Stayton arch-1the other side of purgatory .unless cemetery under the a a sp iM ^ tfth o G. A. K. of which he was a n S t a k i Open yon pay the p r in t» ” ,, rar' large unrulier of fr ie m is 'a M c ^ ^ ^ p W C ac-JJk. nam**a-4 m ii« L V . . We have concluded to CLO SE O U T our rinoe department and therefore offer our entire stock of lad ies and Child-. ren’ shoes at ACTt’ Ai. co st c h ic k s . W e also carry a roost complete line of Staple and Fancy Dry-Goods, — AM New Goods. * • , lam Dry-Goods ■ » g wt yer »«Â a V dnjt, dripping witb persjargtjon end carrying a length of garden hose over his left shoulder’. After being informed that he was in the right place to have any want attended to he said: “ G if me a eonnedxshun w it a brew’ry.” “ A ll the wires are engaged,” responded the clerk, whom face looked like a Fourth of July balloon. r1--"'' F J V JT**** 'r r A , rty A Shoe Go. -, IL Bulls, JVes. and M a n ag*. SO? Oommerrinl 8t„ 1 . M. U ah o , Mm. ‘ * enemw ì H ÍH Ip ( / f . ' . - v; — — * . i ** making a specialty of íhtpplying tbd home trade. -s .. .» . • Bills sawed to order on short notit^ T%e place for fine Atfsto and o t n e f photographic work. Enlarg­ ing a specialty. All work warranted and done at home by the ■ -—Our spring stock consisting of a full line of- SALEM A R T COMPAWY near Staiger’s Marble Works. 299 Liberty St., S a l e m , G IV E US A C A L L or W . H. QUEENER The Oregonian, says there is plenty of money in the country, and yet in the same issue it tells yon this: Laborers, who work for wa­ ges do not know when they are well The man who owns property, pays taxes, owes money, employs labor and baa to keep hie business going, is scarcely a a object of envy now. On the contrary, most men o f this dess may well envy the peace and repose of their neighbors who are so fortunate as to be clear of the diffi­ culties that beset themselres. There is no set of men who hare things all their e w a way in this world. , « But we would like to ask the Or­ egonian, why it always champions the rich? and was it ever known to champion the poor? look at it on (he Chinese question; look at its gold bug policy. A bly edited, it undoubtedly is, asany paper on this coast; yet serving in its very ability to mislead the people. And now when the gold bug ring begins to pinch it, it envies the laboring men. O f coarse we all have oar theories, and we are not advocating any par­ ty doctrine, but we believe that it is about time the Ojpgonian came mode in touch with the people. Here in Salem, American labor­ A T T O R N E Y -A T -L A W , N O T A R Y P U B ­ ing men are digging ditch and pre­ L IC A N D C O N V E Y A N C E R . forming other equally as hard labor Special attention given to collection« ten hours a day for a dollar and a and probate burins«». Office over Wi- mer’n Hardware Store, * half. There are one hundred men 8TAVTON OREGON. in the city who would gladly work for the same wages if opportunity offered, but work is scarce even at this price. We boast a great deal about oar civilization, education and independence, but just how a man is to raise and educate a fami­ ly on nine dollars a week six months in the year and on nothing the other six months is one of the unsolved mysteries of life. Appropos of thus, we love to hear some old fellow who has got rich by penury and usury, | Sit on a dry goods box and tell how be made a fortune working for four bits a day.— Independent. More than fifty years ago Car­ lyle wrote: “ T h e republic west of us will have its trial period; its darkest of all hours. It is traveling the high road to the direful day.. And this scourge will not come amidlamine’s horrid stride, nor will it come by ordinary punitive judgments. It< will come as a hiatus in statecraft, a murderousbungle in policy. It will A milk trust taxes the motherless be when health is intact, crops a- newborn *bahe; a leather trust ex­ bundant and the,.munificent hand acts dividends off its tiny shoes; the open, Then so-called statesman robber trust levies upon the nipple will cry over-production, the peo­ to its n urging bottle; a book trust ple will go to the ballot box amid n a p s its unhallowed profit off every hunger and destitution, but sur­ rounded by the glitter o f self rule, and colleges; every drop o f and ratify by their ballots the mon­ »prescribed for the sick is falsehood, over-production, 7 • trust; coin the flour w e strous uttered by miastatesmdn and vindi­ eased through the milling cated by the same ballot the infa­ 1 the f^ey from the fo ra to mous lie over-productkm, thrown •* Y e a may be forthnate upon the breeze by servii editors ioaaoruodvifoed enough to ( through a corrupt press. And thus % .tfpMM» ®ut a comn trust \ 'iring ruin upon bis county., serf­ B k jW I OB die. - dom upon himself and oppression upon hi* children.;;— Is now in and we invite you to inspect our carefully selected ----- stock, and compare our prices with any----- ----- Merchant in the country.— — H. L. LAM O U R EU X , P r o p r ie t o r REM EM BER T H E PLA C E Formerly known as the ELLIS A W H IT L E Y Stable, ! Goruer G°iWUerciol ai)d Trade Streets. 4 { a d ii EY & W Mr. Lamonreux i s « thorough horseman and a rafinble magT X ou.r i f “ ®! a!)1 be well cared for when left in his charge. Patronise the R edrron t stable of 8a- EVERYBODY SHOULD READ THIS! M a r io n , O r. COME T H IS TH E TIME GOOD JOB OFFICE SUBSCRIBE FOR AXD H I J5fAYT0N Till ¿ S ' 8 TAYT 0 N PRINTING DONE. h it e BEST AND CHEAPEST IN THE COUNTY! TIMES. BOTH FOR $2.95 PER Y E A R . 1 S T I L L U S T R A T R D M O N T H L I B S h a v e I s th a p o s t M id I W M . N • r w . • a w o n d a r I t t r l i U n b o w T b o C o s m o p o lita n , w i t h Its y « a d jr I B S « ga g « « m t K m t t o r h i tb o gro ato at w r iio r» o f tb o w o r ld , a a d It# l e e d l U a a t f a M a a a b y O n t ZI Tür« li Du ili t u r tts World. No generatore or extras. Oper­ ated tìy e child W ill etend b y sn y UmteFtakers aijd £4000 Gee Fountain end eeU five 1 ' jr g lasset to Ite hue. V Yboerai Doctors CHAPMAN * CO. IA D IS O N ...................INDIANA. OREGON Itlis plant la tbo world, aad S till o n D e c k I sm prepared vto do ■' 1 On Water street, a«st toWlmdr’s Hard' ware Store, Stayton, Oregon. IL E. OSBORNE. oomoa what U n atty a woador. jL d ln g mat tor, with over 110 IllaWratlono-a volamo that woaM N il H p In doth binding at $1.0* ALL KINDS OF TINWOBK, SAME OLD STAND, bow price of the magazine and paper in half for youl f W« will send strongest staff of FOR O N L Y CEN TS. / THE COSMOPOLITAAN MAGAZINE, which had Ike liar contributor* of any cxliting periodical, and -y The Weekly TIMES, FOR ONLY •«.*« A YEAR. iber, this offer i* gtmd only for the next SO day*,