The Stayton sun. (Stayton, Marion County, Or.) 1889-18??, December 19, 1889, Image 8

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    - /
Farmers are busy plowing.
The boys have organized a good
root-ball club here,
! Geo. McNeill is in good health.
Willis Kithley is working in the
jew store. • . * ■
- t
1 N. Boyd has sold his sheep and
tine colt. . , K. * /
G. and N. McNeill art' going to
,«ut up a new dry goods store.
Marion Neal is building him a
new fence.
| f , H. READ,
* •„
- ' -
A V . 4 * . R ichardson,
\ W * .
s h e lf ha.ldwa.Re, ffo T lo ils , IC to .
8 T A ■ Y T 0 xi, • ---------- --- -- --- - - --* • • — •'
O r . •
0^ 2
Stages Worn Turner, A urns'
L ^ a i i y
•" A. Briggs is repairing hw new
nouse, so his family can live com­
Board, 75cts per day.
230, CORN«» STATE A COMRLRttlAL tt*SM (SALEM, Olili.
Striptly Cash I
Strictly Cash I !
A l * R ectifier .
Ale is not booming but we al­
ways carry our umbrella and sneeze
ks loud as our neighbors.
» ' . - ‘ ' • *
Uncle Hugh , McNeal has about
(inisbed his new store room and will
have a stock of general merchandise
on hand next week.
The Porter Bros., real estate
agents, have erected an office at
^nmsville and will occupy it in the
near future. They are doing a flour­
ishing business and have located a
number of families in this part of
the yalle/.
T 1
? M ill O it y .
Beginning December 8th, Ending January 1st, 1860.
¡iw *
All goods without reserve at actual cost. We adopt this means of re­
Ben Wade is building a uew barn ducing our heavy stTnlt. lie fore invoicing to p re pare ourselves for the
sprinutrade. Safe closes January 1st. 18UO. All goods will la* sold at
near the 0. Ry. bridge.
actual cost. We have a complete line of staple and fancy dry guild*.
W. A. Nash, a noted trapper, is Cloaks and furs, carpets, men s furnishing goods. Space e. ill not allow us
to mention all. Come early and see what we hate.
jelling Indian Root Pills.
vllle A Sublim ity,p^ss by
this HOUSE for M EH a M a , L Y O N S 4
Sam L atsocl has moved in his
new residence near the Sautiam
raw mill.
Mr. John Mack, while hunting,
. lit his foot vary bad.— -——— —
*f*ropr totora of D id T u rt> « r* c 4 * D h n m a ■ «**«' u n o v ‘* * u m « v ‘lU*. M ubUttjIly a n d f}Uyt<m
# V * ry Ibur •
H uutU y ; c«i $i<* tito V H m a il ; h»ur ItorW c u m I m * ou UUt hum
LLJNN & BROWN, . Salem, Or
fro m T u t ¿«i io g fiuM iui
• 0 " “-139 Corner State & Commercial streets, opposite Husfi’i Bauk"%i
St^ yton to Aumsville & Tuner
Connects with train* at Turner on the 0. t C, R. It ; Also *t AunuiilU
on Oregonian Ry.; also at King* -.tation oti the Oregon Pacific R. R.
An«* one desiring to-nuwt the 0. I*, train call at U rn at Slayton.
Oood rig* day or night. Driven) furnished if desired.
Mame is the principle feature
of the day. Prof. Clark 1» doing a
great work. There are so many ac­
complished performers in this vicini­
ty that it is difficult to find any one
to entertain n company, for fear of
being criticised by other, who may
chance to be more proficiept in amnltitude of latitudinal discrepan­ T H E Y A Q U I N A R O U T E
cies. He is a “ grosring ” youug OREGON PACIFIC RAILROAD
punching ivory.
fellow and if he does not create a stir
F J. Condit, Geo. Gentry, John among 75,000,000 of people some­ OK EO O N D EV K L( »I’M KNT CO S H T tU M E11M
Gentry, JH. B. Condit, James Walk­ time we miss our guess.
Short line to California
er and W en Gentry of this place,
C h e a p n — I n e r s s o s s T rav el
and Chas. Sappingtield, of Howell
Prairie, returned from a week's hunt­
The stpek of the A. T. 4 8. f rail­
ing ip the mountains. The boys re­ way has declined so that the toss to
port liavipg a very fipe time and a the 9tqpke°lder8 is fifty dollars.
This, says the Boston papers, means
very successful hnnt.
serious embarrasment, if not actual
O ne or the R ots
want to many famalies around Bos-
A J t n 't Down to Albany.
ton. When, some two and a half
The business hquses were doing a I years ago, rates were lowered by
good business, particular)' those large that road from the Missouri river to
establishments such as Eortmiller & San Francisco, to ten dollars, the
Irving, furniture dealers, Mathews & patronage was so enormous that the
Washburn and G. W. Smith, hard­ receipts from the out going morning
ware dealers; J. M. Pardue, groceies; trains were a, high os thirty thous­
Thompson & Overman, apd J. J. and dollars per morning, and rarely
Dubrille harness makers; F. Wood leas than twenty thousand, while the
expences were but u comparative tri­
d Co., marble works.
A visit to the Daily Morning Her­ fle above the ordinary. Andthattoo
ald and an inspection of the me­ although the roiyd exacted an extra
A dam W okdeb , Prop.
chanical department was quite inter­ payment of twenty dollars per ticket
K A lW at all h o u n a t afornbi. J.unrhMi
esting to a “ fellow from the back to be repaid at San Francisco, which
mtvm I on ab o rt notice. Light canned
good« a I «ray* oo hood.
opperated as a positive restriction to
W hen you w a n t a q uick h o t meal or oold
Rev, P. C. Hetzler, agent of the the great masses.
uneh, give me a call.
American Bible Society for the Pa­ So enormous was the crowd of ap­ OppagMa T ailor (hop, Sod g tm t.
cific North-west, gave a short talk at plicants for tickets that agents were
the M. E. chureh (South) upon the startled and alarmed. Yet a canvass
work of the society. Rev. L. Hanligh- of the trains showed that nearly all
ter and Memender also. Rev. Han- of the passengers were town people
lighter is a young looking preacher in good circumstances or young men
just from Georgia and betrayed the going for pleasure. The great mas­
latitude of his origin by “ murder­ ses, the men, women, and children of
ing the King’s english” terribly, and the farms remained at home. We
Hitting with his legs crossed triangu­ believe men can be carried as cheap
larly, in the pulpit. He made some as swine. Were pleasure excursions
good points, however, and made them in the reach of the people, some six­
quick and sharp. He is possessed of ty millions who never travel would
much “ mother wit ” and comes crowd the vacant tracks with crowd­
nearer being a duplicate of Sam ed trains. The railroad companies
•Jones than any one else we have am as slow to learn that cheap trans­
heard. Rev. Houlighter banters portation for the masses is mort prof­
some when tailring; carries a chip itable as was government, to learn
on his shoulder much of the time, about the wealth of penny postage.
but again, like Sam Jones, has re­
—Capital Journal.
deeming qualities that overshadow |
2 b
5 0 0 0 Men,
A. D. Gardner’s
and O K Z L j D R B I b T w a n t e d a t;
(nr i>r u m
I m A V sons«. A large and w»ll «elM-W.t »LprR jual armed whkh
la L a f f i V L U I U M T op«*» *>r your Inspection. KvegyhHdy m be anuaiiiHM-'
Ml. 'Oar Slack la complete and every arlklt will be aold very low. A trial will ranvtcM you
to deal with aa la In brovfll yoqrvelw* aa wall aa ua. Waara aotloua In aacum Irada, aniloua
to plaaca aad bound to win. Wa hallcva on tha marlu of our waraa, romblnad with rloaaat
atlaotlon and Stir daallaf. Our prtcaa art aa low aa tha luwaat and onrdaaliw lo «ratify n«ft
palrooa oavar wanting. Wc Iqylta rvaryotw u> rory- and qaaurlqa all who daoin tba luvlla.
lion worthy of Ibelrconaldaralloo.a heart y walaoma. Wa remain
Youra Truly,
J L . JD. Q A R D N X R , S t S h a r t O n , O r .
N. S. BrowN
pet«, wall paper, moulding», mirror*, picture frame«, lounge*, al«. I Tei uro» (ra mod *|
■hört no Ila*.
R e s ta u ra n t
W A rber
J. H
I C A N N , P R O P ’R ...... •
hof ,
lin g , atm vlng, halr-cu ttln g an d hath*. Price* reatonahle
■trret n ex t l o Q U y M e a t M a r k e t.