The Stayton sun. (Stayton, Marion County, Or.) 1889-18??, December 19, 1889, Image 1

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Only- V m . p T ln th « Sa.nUn.rxi VnUny and South Marlon County.
8 to y to n , M a rlo n C ounty, O re go n , T h u rs d a y , D ^c. 1 9 , 1 8 8 9 .
V o i. 1.
No. 5 .
1 «- !■- !■. ■!
T h o S tayton 8 u n
V* Zsnunct I v . r y Tlxurnctny
BY T. H. MoCiLL.
M i.vM irrio .v l U r w
S h o t!
( Oi»** vour * Il Ü0.
h i » M o n ili». Il <«).
I Flirr« > 1 >nlli* .¿U
A ' l M - r l l M n « ru t« « * h « n un uj.pUrnl.m»
A IO C 8
I N S T A N T I Y ” K IL L E D .
\V.. tuk .1 frinii the Kiilgrtit StaleH-
niftll the following ute.«Wit of the
death <>f W, (’. I ììk K*. “ h I kmiik
uh. m it the enrreet nrrntt«V*i nrconlitiK
mu. h divided, many thinking the
«looting to have been accidental,
while there are also a large number
disun it a murder.
Deputy sheriff Wrightmnn left
Kal.-m early yesterday morning for
Sublimity to render what service he
might ii) taking charge of the ar^
rested partial-, and bringing them
to Salem, but at an early hour this
luorui.ig he hud not returned,
, w
Thu iw. ident occur.-d three imbU"
east and a litth north of Sublimity,
M I r I im - i M««'* II.h i Humlnv urlarli
I,.Milli, innritliiff ami «nriiinij. hu|>|»ll«U l»> to tirat report» and im|ir»*H*i.m». tint
_. ' \\ Hurltiiiil
Utwjt'u 4
‘ and •! o'choik Sunday of»
which we modify «omewfyt nt the
)te% 1 >1 »• ( rlitin li m i \ ».**-•. fimrlji Mi.inlut of
The evidence Iwfore the
«li 11 • « ti 11 li. mmnlng Mini r\«’»liiu. hu DU a II* * 1 *
». f|,M.| ,.f .1 0(1.» k
jury of inquest vyiis said to Is* eon
Word ru n ic to the city Sunday
I M r I n i l a h » I m r r l i **» t v L * ' n f l r » t « m i f . M j r t l i
evening tlult W.
liiggi. a Illum­ «¡»tent and . l^iir. \V. C. Higgs was
» . n i d « V« o f «•«< l i i n o i x l l i . l n n n i l l i t f M in i > t r i l l i l e
K«I.Uilli m lioil ut lu^H ni. IU ». I. Y 1U*H. V. ed niun uhoiit forty yean« old. with u Tuesday afternoon, in the
I*»* • or.
wifi- and three ehihiren, who rv»i^,»l Hoi»»' n (I'mctery, under the direc­
\.i». r.^k' . Hitf»t4»n I *«l(i- Nat 1-1 II •<« on the t'lmrle.» Kggert farm, oneiftt'l
\ » *
m l)flit
W. \S . Udrr, Miw|«i
u half mile» «ai'tward from Suhliua- tion of Stavton L.slgn A. 0. I'. \V.
V li.
I , * h » '
t \. had U»’ii -hot and kill.»! nlxmt assist,»I hv th e A u m s v ille L . s lg e ;
I «. O. V. HI mv U«. l<Ml«n N*» IIM'I filini
-**•., <lii V • >i *«**•* mollili \ a \» J» Mil Irr. .V II n.H)n that day by Tlu.nixx llani- x>t wts'ti ¡50 and 40 memlierx in line.
I ' m «|«'1I, H w ).
ni..ii, of Stavton. a mail nearly tile
\ large
irge cniicourse
eoncourst' followed the re-
» F* Flirr V M . Kniittnrn 14*1*«' No. -V «am.: age, ul»<> mariied. The rv|>ori
I. . l .Mi «»» t.«fiiiv uu 1 a lui] inerii,
the eenietei*y.
U II 11ut >aoi t, Ma«lrr proved true, on far a« the death of
» I» (tu ni iter. Hw''y■.
Sir. Itiggn i« . oneeriu»l. btd the man­
The widow will lx- entitle.! to
*-(.« I-Mi f f>rrml IUrt«1, Uni. IlollUfrr, I -tTt‘1 ner of the death i» klirouded in ifiyf-
NM» from the A. 0. U. W. Lodge.
i.*r\ which will rei.uire tlw* enquiry
M« « I Olii r tu« Il WM k.
followmg ix the verdict of
of I he eourti« to aoUe.
I ' m . - t u r i n i f i . ■ r»
\N « » l i i i r t i . ) n » l l * r
The kiHing oecunol on a farm !»•- jury of inquest:
' I I . ' i» u-**’ ; i \
I I n H i i t t » , c « *l» » lM l» i« ’ u n t i r o u t l
longing to Muuunond'x father and
\N’e. the jury, duly e.rpanelled
.flU «e
I U . l ‘m l » l " c . I K MHI* r »hi. I. w.c» on pied hv H.iilimoml for and sworn to inquire into the death
«n i \ li Uai'ilr r, .llnvlorv \v II |I<»I mumi , a 1 line, but he le ft t and I win I Mfli
f the Ixxlv now l>«*fore ux, do find
. •« - I
Ming at Stayton. This farm join.« that the de< eu/s-d ix \\ , C, Higgs;
D ii, iTXTNl'riilH.
that occupied by UiggH and the hit­ that he enme to his deuth on the to,
ler had some «aittle on the Ham­ day of DisemU-r. J . . . i his farm
S u i ' t w o n « .r x c l H l i y « l o l a n
• »flirr « f rt,»ii!< uti» on mirili «•! »ir«« i. mond plan' graying. A t the time n Marion county, Oregon, from a
I i m to n .
u r * « j o n . of the killing then- wn> present gun shot wound in his neck, sriiil
. .. V
only Mr. Higgs, Mr Hammond and wound was made bv a shot gun with
a son of the hitter ten or tael«« tine shot iu the hands >.f Oran Ham­
F’.*>«lcl«»Iil>o Ooi'n«!' Fil ai tears oel. so that the full facts may
mond and we believe that said shoot­
and Hir.» Stroul»,
never Is' known, although the ten­ ing was done accidentally.
fta y to n ,
O r e g o n der ngc of the ¡ud may insure u
t might story of th«i oocurraiire.
P «ftM «l
Hammond chums that
ing waa accidental, while t) gun
Notary Public
wax in the huudx o f the l x ^ , ml oc
* •'
ding around the i . hni
• J
O K Bt.ilK
Mm. T. Garnett iheeditor'x wife’s
moud having a double Han* gtrt.
M: dying mother, arrived fi mi Hill City, Kan­
hr hen some quail* y e n
around, one of whicH H I iiin u o n d sas. this waek am will remain sever­
shot, and then the Imy l«wg»r>-d to be al weeks.
allowed to shoot, one. T ie father
Bell Hobinson. who has Uvn down
i *I.U m I Nul muni Itnhh
handed him the gun, whereupon it
with the fever for several weeks is
idelltl v discharged by the
*\i r.Nf
. . . . .
on 11.11\ » ¡le
»low ly improving, hut is ax yet un­
I.. >\. the eharge lodging in Mr
able to sit up.
lliggx'u ifk, killing him iluioxt wi-
Henry Janies, the piano man of
The Statesman's informant says East Portland. ;« in town. He has Hammond ha« Ixs-n telling a very interesting picture of the an­
♦ I f
I 111 **, r l ' - k * . t r w r l r j r , •*|**« »»»«■!• •*. \
M ln 'ln l « I n k
I f i t c t * n * i n n 11 > n n
eontrudi. torv stories iilsmt the imal that ate W ebb's big cabbage re­
I .
M l i t »B*r l i n t M i n i n r l n g Ml*»:i»{ » «»ur
.natter, and the hoy refu-f« to tiilk. cently ut Silverton.
u n i . I n * . «*I* *■ k v u m l « r t | > | i l r t l J u • U
\ r I I . . n . l i m i l e M ilt '> .
-o t here is not full faith rlnetsl in
FaSeifert, our photographer, star­
the a.. i.'eiital theory in the neigh-
.\ ( II« h< ». I.» k», «411*1 J< » '■ M t> »<’*'1 :«rnl
ted this morn in ; for his home in
• I
'll gimlunlrtl. I II.*-» n o- tinM« <!«»!» (
known, imr d.s's lie von«'h*afe tosuv King» Valley, Benton county, to
U «*ll. « M il M in i S t f II» V f " » | . Irt I* I«« 1*4» >
sixuid the holidays with parents,
U lift i*. Im IN Hl IIM .U l.ll, I. v* . V I > . »hat Mr. llamniond's lni«ilU‘»s wit»
from Stavton to the farm, nome four lie wi.l lx? gone about a month.
W l'UWtl. .
Mrs. W. C. Sandford h> quite me k.
’ t& M A m m * * ;
k w H a n t,
Attorney .at.Law
W a tc h !
W a tc h !!
O r« g « m .
miles that morning. It i* asserkem
•’ced Veal.fef the firm of Veal ,V
that lie and Mr. Itiggs hud some hot
iVlburiY, »as in town Saturday
words in relation to some matter» on itM(Cni«Ks. Mr. Veal'* were resi-
ronn.'fUxl with the premises in the lenfe of ft« lay tun for several yours
early part of the day. It is also and earned on the (hair business
said l>\ the first man who umvisl here but last cummer, removed to A l­
/r. K. Oaloorn©, Prop'r.
upon the scone—«ome relative of bany, us n lx*ttcr locality for their
tow*! Iiotli hwrolls business.
-r* * tp *
kind« of msnuAirl ir'iiu ntul Mr» Kigg*
l 1 J n |•Hiring lln v4««rk in m> loaded of ti e gull I l e d i it 'S'tlaim-
Tin nH*f1n j and oave-lrouyhlng dnm ed did the shodtJttg i#d which is
C hkistmas . -The following is the
claimed to have Iss u the only fire­ programme for the entertainment
ki on! t ;n 1««* uln'rl Ironwork.
arm in tho crowd.
to ) h > given nt the Christian church
A gentleman who arrived in Sn- on the evening of December -It h
3T/> Y T O N N U R SE R Y
lem la*t night, just, from the scene for the benetit of the Sunday school.
1‘mp of the tragedy, was seen l>v a S ta te s ­ A ll are invited to place presents
.1. ilA.u>r>,
man reporter, to whom he gave the “ within the gates" for their friends:
information tant an inquest wns con­
Music, s o n g of welcome, school},
HOW N for *«l., nil kind« of flrnlt «nil nr- ducted over the Isaly yesterday.
t.Hm.'UlMl In.*., «l.rulM, uml pUnU, Coroner Hyland was sent for, hut
Recitation, “ Christmas greeting,'
prlcp* n. I " * m »''S’ lu Uxo W ill»motto vulloy not having arrived at noon ves- Harry Hunter:
terday .1 ustice( of tho I’ouce Clark
Music, anthem, Lytlie chojr;
empanelled a jury and proceeded
Recitation, A candy Man, Delbert
with the induest, assisted by Consta­ Harden;
W. H. C O O P E R , ble
T. .1. Hunt and I)r. Hunter,
Tableau, “ nates A jar;"
Meusie, band;
X T ( « r n a a « MaJa.«ar. R a p a r (leorge Carter, V . Latnlvert, Jas.
J n . i n i ainrt n«a w
w o Irk. Taylor, N. La Croix, 1\ Lambert
Music, ome in Royal David’s city,
and N. Lumliert, servea as jurors, class of girls;
d o n * o n s iiO r t o r d a r .
and after deliberation returned a
Recitation, in sailta clans Land,
verdict finding that the deceased met Francis Osborne;
»¿ At pmtotnr« building "ka
loath by the accidental discharge of
Music, oboist,mas noils, little girls;
S ta y to n ,
O rego n
a gun in the hands o f Oran, the
Recitation, Annie and willie s
young son of Mr. Hammond.
prayer, lior«ne Kitchen;
When the Statesman’s informant
Music,'anthem, by the choir;
left Sublimity, both Mr. Hammond
Music by the b*na;
and his son wore in charge of Con­
Music, Old Santa olaus, little girls;
stable Hunt, having been arrested
Distribution of presents.
pending a preliminary hearing be­
Mr«. ANJIA KTAYTON, • rroprlotm.« fore Justice Clark, charged with the Admission,
Children under twelve,
They were reti-
EH, Flowen, ltlbbont'., and I jujo * killing of Kiggs.
Exercises begin at seven o’clock.
kept on hand.
cent, refusing to have anything to
say about the circumstances o f the
t)r»»«making.,vcry Cheap. \v
murder or accident tal k illin g of*M r
Sunday, Doc. 15, 188Ü, to tho wife
Slayton, OMfou.
Higgs. Public .pllion ut putty of
Street, a boy.
S lA O lO ,
M illin e ry AND
D re s s m a k in g
Thompson & Overman,
Ti«- br*eirc M»iK.tkC'U.rer< ana !xt!in In
U hips, Rohes, lirushes. Harness, (>.]» and Soafts.
F ra g m e n t*
T h e F ir s t F r e e * .
. . . .The money 1ms been raised and j
An item has been going around
.Stayton will have a town hall.
amone th.. Northwest pa|*ers to the
. . . .The Farmer» Hotel street lamp
is a nice one and we hope the other
business men will have their lamp»
up soon.
^ ,e hrst printing piv>-
in the Pacific Northwest was use«!
at the Ney. Perce« Indian mission.
Apropos of this Mr. and Mrs. wfi'i'
. . . . N . S. Brown, the furniture Larkin», living north-east of town
man, bought the old chair factory five miles, called Tuesday of this
rty . of Veal A Son, of Albany, week, and told us of the fact that
last wts'k.
Mr». Larkins was at Fort Lapaway,
...... 1. L. wilier bought the east half or formerly 8pauding’s mission
of the old Thorqas donation land j among the Nez Perces Indians, east
claim near Scio at adunili atra tors
j of walla walla in Idaho, in 1844,
sale las. week.
when the New Testament was being
. A. D. Gardner, one of the school printed for the Nez Perces, at which
board, informs us that a new school place was the first printing press
building will undoubtedly bo erected west of the Rockies. Mrs. Larkins.’
brother, win. D. Stfllwell, assisted
the coming spring.
by. one Foisy, a Frehchman, did thij
. . . . David Neff bought another fire jwinting of the New Testament at
acres of O. H. P. Darby thus week that time and place. Mrs. Larkins,
beyond the school house. Consider­ or M i« Stillwell at that time, was at
ation #V) per acre.
the rniakion several months during
. . . . Mail service will soou be put the winter of 1844-’45 and distinct»
on the Oregon Pacific from Albany ly remembers the first press referred
to Gat»^. Our rnipl will come main­ t°., referred to, afterward came
ly by the railroad probably.
into webfoot and started the
.1. Saunders, the merchant from
Silverton, will occupy the room ad- Oregon spectator, the first newspa-
joming the Sus office. It is Raw I per ¿4 tho Pacific Northwest, at Or-
Ix'ing repaired by ^ E. ThqiBW i eE9R'
^ i us »«>
* 1 *
___ There is to be a < f i nstmas tree 1
in the new Catholic church at Sub­ ere at -^ h itm an ’s on the walla wal­
limity on Christmas eve. There la river in 1847, and showed us
will also be one at AumsviJle on lock of Mrs. Whitman’s hair, obtain­
the same date.
ed by one of the rescuing party sent
out by Gov. Abernathy, provisional
___ M. Davis had Ed. Mccann
arrested last Tuesday charged with governor. Mrs. ^hitman's body
assault and battery. Mccann will was found to have been dug rtp Ly
the wolves after the first hasty in­
l>e tried to-day at Salem. Davis is
terment and the body badly mutilln-
said to be in the law business some­
ted. The rescuing pirtv made q
second burial.
. . . . A disease called enflnenza start­
w m. Larkins, it may lie said in
ed in it. Petersburg. Russia, not this connection, voted for william
long ago and now
it is said
----, to
„ _ be in ; Henry Harrison for president in
nearly every J '*>gp
Europe, 1 810 and nSuned his only sou after
and may g** l over to this side of the \
water. It is not iiinsulePed fatal.
W a n t e d — Four Stayton busineea
. . . .Thomas k Neff, Ixe^ Brown &
men with ?1000 each or any other
H. Hobson, H. B. Osborne, man with $4000 to purchase the
1!. G. Keene and J. B. Grier, have Stayton flouring mills. For partic­
had the S un office turn them out ulars apply to
some job printing during the past
S. A. Jones,
three weeks. Also Dr. Hughes,
Brooks, Or.
druggist, of Mill City.
Those subscribing for the Sr4
. . . . Remember that the Salem Land since last issue are as follows:
& Trust Co., is composed of old set- Caspell & Smith,
tipi's of Salem and is bne of the en­ Rev. w. Hurl hurt,
terprising firms ill the real estate Jo. Fones, Mill City,
Rev. L. Y. Bailley.
business at that point. 1 f you want
, Hobson, Sublimity, 0,50
to sell your farm drop a line to that
wm. Larkins, “
effect to W . F. Peck, secretary and
J. P. Davie,
manager at Salem, and there will
Mrs. .Jane Picken,
soon lie a buyer.
R. G. Keene,
.A Colfax, "w ’ash., dispatch da­ w. S. watters,
1 50
ted Dec. 10th, states that one Ben A. Iinbler, Mehaina,
Those failing to see their names
Blanton shot and killed a fanner
duly credited will confer a favor by
named Thomas Clack in Colfax on notifying this office.
that date, and discharged his revolv­
. . . .TheLadies sewingsociety met at
er several times at J. R. Bennett and
the residence of Mrs. Lee Brown.
Samuel Dobb. These three parties Thursday afternoon and spent a very
were prosecuting witnesses against enjoyable time besides dbmg consil)-
Blanton who had tried to stab l)obb erablework. Ladies whodesire work
some time previous. Ben Blanton done will find it to their advantage
was once a resident of Stayton, and to give this society a call. Regular
said to be a bad ‘egg.’
day for meeting is Thursday from
half past one untill four.
.. Tho Stayton S un failed to shine
Mrs. Carrie E. Hurlburt,
at this office this week, ivhat's the
matter, Mcoill?— Silverton Appeal. .
The S u n went from this office like
the jack rabbit bill through the Kan­
sas legislature, “ on the keen jump,”
and we can’t possibly think it was
‘holed up’ en route, we want the
S u n ’ s healing rays to enter the Ap­
peal office every week.
___ The Vidette says: “ we should”
like to see'some enterprising individ­
ual experiment on the Montesano
Board of Trade with some of the
Brown-Sequar l elixir. I f it killed
the organization it would never bo
missed, and if it should infuse a little
life and activity ifito it the town
would be benefited thereby.
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