Stayton siftings. (Stayton, Marion County, Or.) 1910-19??, July 02, 1910, Image 2

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Dedicate Chapel in Voliva'a City and
Latter Declares War.
Zion City. III.—“ We will fight this
invasion to the death, ” ia the state­
ment attributed to General Overseer
Glenn II. Voliva, of Zion City, referr­ Sixth Annual Session Begins at O re­ Grants Past Man TsHa ot Project
ing to an invasion o f the aacrvd pre­
Water 40,000 Acres.
gon University.
cincts o f Zion by the Methodists, who
Portland “ Everybody is too busy
University o f Oregon, Eugene The
recently dedicated a modest chapel in­
sixth anneal summer soaaion o f the in Southern Oregon to think of whet
side the city.
the rest o f the world is doing," said
Bishop McDowell and a long list o f university of Oregon, now open under
H. T. Norton,
of 'g ra n ts
o f Important Event» Methodist dignitaries assisted in the
the direction ,of Professor H. D. Shel­ "th in g s are humming down our way,
In Condensed Form
ceremonies, ami they say they arc in
don, is expected to be the moat suc- many settlers are coming in and there
Zion to stay and grow.^ I f so they will
ir Busy Raadoro.
will ho remarkable development of
probably prove an "e.xtrvmely large ceesful and beat attended since the
that part o f the state within the next
thorn in the flesh of Overseer Voliva, summer school was started. It will
few years.
for the excellent reason that hia own last six weeks, closing Friday even­
John W. Danlal, senior senator from
“ The Kogue River Irrigation <$
ing, August 5.
Virginia, iadead.
Power company has just let a contract
ents in Zion nailed the advent of the
Plans are being made for at least for a project which will irrigate 80,-
Koossvslt (ir e s his word in favor of Methodists warmly and sent a delega­
1M) students. About fifty o f these will j 000 acres, although 40.000 acres are
a direct primary law.
tion of elders to the dedication of the
t>e regular students taking extra work i contemplated iq ..the' entire scheme.
Seven were drowned and many arc chapel.
so as to graduate in less than the re- | The contract calls for water on the
missing as the result o f a cloudburst
Grants Pass district.
composed of
ing o f business interests outside and quired four years, and the rest will be
In Kentucky.
to study in about 18,000 acres, for the irrigation
Overseer Voliva has the bsttle of hia i students who have no time
I season o f 1911. and water on the Mer­
ArchflMahsp Ireland justifies the ac­ life cut out if he undertakes to exter­ the winter.
Coursesiare given during the summer lin district, containing about the same
tion of the Vatican in the Roose velt in­ minate the invader.
Knany, chemistry, educa acreage, for the season of 191.&.
cident at Rome.
The Methodists
their 8<?s*,on
tion, English compilation and litera l "T h e districts are being settled rap­
Copgreas will he petitioned to order church in the forenoon, and in the a f­ ture, Kreryrh. Spanish. German, his- idly and the irrigation ditches mean a
wireless telegraph installed on *11 ternoon Voliva, speaking at the taber­ tory, mathematics and physics: " 'w it h transformation o f the entire country.
ocean-going vessels that carry passen­ nacle, hurled his defiance. This draws | the exception of English composition In many places there is sufficient sub-
the lines (if bat% clearly and some in­
and literature, all the courses will he irrigation to insure good crops and the
teresting developments may lie expect­
under the regular heads of the depart valleys are also productive without ir-
Several towns in Ontario. Canada, ed.
ments. Professor Henry David Gray, rigation. The new system will patch
are menaced by forest Area, and men.
The Methodists w ill seek out the
women and children are fighting the suffering in the city and not permit of Poland Stanford university, will up the bar» spots left by nature, mak-
have charge of the English department, mg the whole country n vast field o f
them to die without attention. The
Many of the ranchers
Frvaddition to Professor Gray, other producing aoi).
A San Francisco Arm has secured the
well known educators will give lee- who are raising good crops without ir­
job of repairing the government trans­
rigation will take water to insure
port Thomas.
The work will cost bite, whil e Voliva refus •d aid aside ture work in the educational depart- against a possible drouth and to in­
from the customary prayers is a caso
u o*»-»S» ill comprise a series of thirty crease the productiveness of the for-
in point.
ile soil.
XWi Interstate Commerce« commis-
Voliva, it is understood, had just lectures on the various phases o f sc
"Irrigation waa not considered feas-
ik l kaa ordered sweeping reductions realized his drgam of securing control organization and administration.
ile until a local company was organ-
dam and commodity rates on of a majority of the land holdings, in
ed and promoted a system laat year,
the NciAe roaat.
which case he would have become a
waa a pumping proposition.
Thsedore Rooeevelt will be the guest dictator more powerful even than w as
,,, .
. .
, . . _ r.__ ¡contract for the pomping and water
•f • » Milwaukee Press club. Septem- John Alexander Dowie, founder o f th*
i was lit to the Golden D rift Mining
b«»7, the occasion being the celehra city.
gon Rivers an
ar ors.
| company and last summer the water
At present there- is strife between
d a b ’s silver jubilee.
Now that the president, has signed; was—rqn Awm —the m «i» street o f
- '- i —
Cliffs, Wash.. ia an immense Jjrr i t o m ~ .........
tion. A fter the death of Dowie and the rivers and harbors bill, engineer ' 0 ' «m * P iu . i to ahew that irrigati.m
Republican cltolhry tree, loaded
Th« n hi« h w« U r
the subsequent failure, the advent of officers o f the Oregon d is tric t are ' w "
, one end of the mining company’s dam
which the Indiana say has
a receiver tore down much of the Chin­ making active preparations to carry on
was washed away, the (tockholders of
for about 100 years.
ese wall surrounding the city. The the Work made possible by the appro­
| the eompany became Involved in liti­
ad wren waa found by a Wood­ followers o f Bowie broke up into nu-•
gation among themselves, and no re­
man, on hia farm, hav= merous factions, which warred upon priations allotted to these districts by-
pairs were made. The local irrigation
its leg a silver band on each other. Voliva has succeeded in congress. In all the appropriations
I company is now part of the Rogue
engraved “ The Auk. New- aligning several o f these factions with made for these districts amount to
i River Irrigation & PoWer company and
his cause, but the opposition still is $2.373,800 for maintenance and im­
will carry the new project through."
has attacked the Pullman 1 ver> strong,
provements. The list of appropriations .
— ---- *
Inheritance Tax^rortuoe.
to obtain lower rates.
is as follows :
Salem- The state treasurer's office
t has been asked to
Improvements at Coos1 Bay, $400.-1 has received the inheritance tax from
the Nicaraguan revolution.
President. Going on Vacation, Hopes 000: improvement of Tillamook bay the estate of the late Caroline I.add.
and bar. $5,000; improvement o f flats- * amounting to nearly $14 000. The net
(Ira dm tr oy ed the business section
to See Newspapermen in Fall.
kanie river. $5.200; improvement of j value o f the estate waa $1,491,194.-57.
N. J., causing a loss of
Washington-— President T aft has Coos river. $3,000; improvement of There were five ohil>$
arh o f whom
which each
gone to spend the next three or four Siuslaw river, $50,000; improvement received $29* 238.5
Mi separi court hss 'fined a tele- months at Beverly, Mass., the summer of Willamette river in regard to buying paid to the state $2,5
a total of
company $176,000 for violation capital of the United States. The present larks or building new ones. $14,661.95.
i anti-trust lavra.
o f gaiety over hia de- $300.000; improvement o f Willamette
The law provid
a discount
accentuated by a vivid red and Yamhill rivers. $60.000; improve- shall be given for |
o f inheri-
rident T a ft prom is es tn do
men . of Columbia/and lower Wiliam- tance taxes within «t
ntha. "Chis
r to
175.000; iw r n T m r t of was ti
saving to !
Doings of 4ht World at large
Told ñ Briet
ft •
, f 1
/ / ,
] a
I k
* 'JI/*1'
'- « » i - ' M i ® '
Hilary, which waa aimed al tli»» »*ol
Th* tli at * Unit'll 1»
"Ou the Fourth, Utils Emerson Copley aald. utitHt^d th»' c J mih 'I uni paaaod
tno hoa»l o f a
"1 trust you will all hear In mind
lioorjr* II
Aftrr Kho war WouhltiK
The reqo»»t that I nuiks. It Is small,
Ion |>nId rhar Ir4 Wtlann I Val»* |Z?*0 for
am sure;
portrait of hlnuMilf. wtilch win plnrivt
A trill«, tn fact, you will flnd.,
tho !«1«*nt 1« *1 frame through which
I merely would ask -that you purch
ho caution hall had im**od
No ca;* or produ.-er» of n«>l»e
With any Intsntton of lowering os
To th« level of commonplace boys.
timidi nary value
idle fur k.
uMHtuintluti u ’tli the Mrth «>f th« *r*4f
•charter of our Jif*lciurn«l«nco
odio. S urr mtwr-t»,
11« Min o f I h » t l r r c r a r n a r a .
Whrii .-li ilu» Kiiuriti Itir Uk*ruli^ aun
ISila m i hi# M** »t» »• 1
Alt àriity cla*1 In «uarlct rosta
1 univa mate Win«' loft» lo*t».
Aii«t iinlar «if (»alti« all day |nn|
la lttutl
Dia alr.
Ai».l a»*un>ta of rracNIiiff uuiak»ti;
Arni au«>ka ara
• ■ ih*
Hut whau aloQ| tha waatarn ak)
"(to the Fourth of July,** b<* rontlntiffd.
•to m#
Th#r* la nothing an
\m crackara, torp*Hi.w*w and kiudrrj affair*
Wbffn flml in Llbrrtjr't iuium .
f t l r o f attuari ( l o f f i ,
That artny..acattrord «** Iba
la itilo«) tu r u « a u?» r<>*a.
No m«>ra uiion tha Imlmy hiaaaa
l'Ka »nittltv of batti« ciria,
Tlia rffvb'uatt. I»4 » a
rotila.) by
t»ur llttla U o i and girla
F umi Tra» k Sawa.
Tbs popping thaj maka ia
To 1«ep par* with my patri*
And L frankly ronfeas t
Ta S i V T C r r *
operation o f dredge; lor the net amoi
gauging waters o f Columbia river and ury »13.928.85.
“ No allow
measuring tidal and river volume.
of July ,
Life Saving Station at Port
improvement o f Columbia.
To paruaa, unrflaturbau In my d«*n.
Washington. $10,000; improvement of
Marshfield It is quite liktily now That dx-Humant famous which yaara ago
Columbia at Cascade, $5.000; improve­ that tho ifbvemment will ej^aofish a
ment of Columbia and tributaries lifesa vin g station ll^ r t ^ O r f o r d to i
From thf» atiidi«Mia JffffaAUOfl^lr' pan.
White House the above Celilo falls to the mouth of the better protect the Ctiny county rtmai, ] !■*>..tbia. ai «va J. .will .gU4Jj appear.
‘ »twAegotiationa are
firework» enatlj to •««.
Hnto his office all the Snake river, Oregon and Washington, and it is feported tha'
Pn whtf have been writing $90,000; improvement o f Snake river, ! on foot for the purch a i o f a suitable ‘ *r° r tb* twkrt«' r#d glar« aod th# bomba
ciations or papers o f the Oregon, Washington and Idaho. $25,- site and that work on the
Uic station will
t greisüy
ngs about the executive offices 000; improvement of Cowlitz and Lew- I begin this fall. Under the present ar- 1 Will rvmind ma of Francia S<*«>tt K.y '
— N tw York Hun.
i o f the United
____ _
rished tjjem a pleasant summer, is rivers. Washington. $34,100; and rangement the life saving station and
i adopt a uniform code of signals, so ' expressing the hope that he would see improvement of Grays river. Washing ! crew at Bandon is »ppposed to look af- '
that employes of different roads can them again in the fall,
ton, $500.
| ter everything south of that point to AJI AJA USINO FOURTH INCIDENT.
work together.
It is expected these amounts will the Curry county com *!.
This terri-
In d ia n «
H er«
T rra fn d
carry on the government work at the I tory is of course too great for one sta- i t a n
To offset bad crop prospects, farmers
A m m o n t a an W a r
M ed irla *.
places designated for the fiscal year [ tion to cover satisfactorily,
from the Northern wheat states are
What promised to b« the dreariest
beginning July 1.
buying heavily in t)>e
Fourth of July In my life ended tn be­
Forest Fire Damages.
wheat market# and th< price is stead­
I was
Marshfield A fire in the camp of ing one of the most atuuslng
Remodel Map o f Oregon.
ily rising.
' -t
— - _
. .
SC Louis-Thom as L. Lewis, presi-; Salem— Though initiative petitions, the Cody Lumber company on the Co- ( sent to tb9 Indian country on Milk
The suit o f Rudol
Francke against
0( zjje United Mineworkers o f .
-Iw - nnsiderwhic dam- j JVvtHV
Commander Peary for extorting $10,- America, says 30,000 mineworkers of have atready been presented at the offi­
ce of'the secretary of state which pro- age. The fire was brought under con- Ittes. and had to wait severo] weeks
000 worth o f valuble furs from Dr. Americh, who have been on a strike
which are now being for the Indians to come lu from their
Cook fo r bringing him back to civiliza­ ‘ slyiee April 1, will return to work in pose by direct enactqient to create five I »r°l *JU*
new Oregon counties next November, taken out show th>- damage the fire hunting cx'peilltlon.
tion hss been begun in a German court. Missouri, Kansas, Arkansas. Oklaho­
The Asslnlbolnn Indians cam» strag
petitions are still being circulated in did. There have been several forest
Rooeevelt will undergo an operation ma and Texas. July 5. The union will different parts of the state asking the fies this year but thH one was the moat gllng Into camp one by on», and
; be conceded the 5.55 per cent increase electorate to create two additional damaging. It is believed by the lum­ hung around zny camp with undis­
for throat trouble.
• in the wage scale which was the first ones, making the list of new counties bermen and tim U r owners that the guised curiosity.
I had a heads' he.
Many congressional inquiries will i difference between the miners gnd
to be created by the people at the next county association which was formed and took n quart bottle of ammonia
be made during the summer.
general election a total of seven. Four will do much to protect the timber. from my medicine cherft and sniffed
Crops in the dry farming sections
at the cork. 1 knew how to mystify
of these new counties are to be located
of Montana are unusually good.
Second Parachute Fails.
the Indians, and I did a couple of »Id»
in Eastern Oregon and three in West­
Wheat—{Track price»:
Bluestem, «t»ps. rolled my ey«a, J«rked my body,
New York— In trying to make the , ern Orgeon. I f they all carry, the
Robbers held up an 0. R. A N. train
j "double drop" from a height o f 1,000 map of Oregon will be so badly muti­ 83c; club, 790/80c; red Russian, 77c; and pointer my fin: r to the cardinal
just leaving Ogden, Utah, but got lit­
points before taking the dn»e
: feet George Tyler, a young Philadel­ lated the state’s own sons will be un­ valley, 81c.
Barley—-Feed and brewing, $ 19tii 20.
Tho Indians were delighted at my
phia aeronaut, fell several hundred able to recognize it.
Hay Track prices: T im o th y ,'W il­ pantomime of war medicine
I told
A variety actress in Cleveland. Ohio, feet, hanging from a disabled para­
lamette valley, $2|i/u2! per ton; East­ them that whoever took that m-dletne
has gone insane over the coming Jef- chute, and was found unconscious, but
Wheat Ready to Harvest.
not fatally injured, at Belleville. N. J. | Athena Wheat hay harvest is now ern Oregon, $2202.4; alfalfa, $15ti/16; could never be killed In war, but that
fries-Johnson prizefight.
I was afraid they would join forces
The "double drop” consisted o f two on in full blast Nearly all the farm­ grain hay, $I7o/18.
Jacob Schiff, one of the most prom­ parachute descents, in the second of
Oats —No. 1 white, $25.60026 ton.
with the Sioux and fight against me
inent of New York bankers, says the which the first parachute is abandoned
Green Fruits Apples, Oregon New­ If I gave them that dos»
I knew
harvester the most economical machine
financial stringency is past.
for a smaller one. The first parachute for the harvesting of their crop. In town, $2 per box; cherries, 50/. 10c per them to be the greateat foes of the
behaved perfectly, but the second only order to enter the field with the har- pound; apricots, $1.206^1.35 per box; Sioux, but of course I had to be
An American boat won the jubilee
partially opened and Taylor sank at I vester it is necessary to cut a strip peaches, 75c/i;$1.25; plums, $ 1 (it 1.50; coaxed Into giving away my wonder­
prize in the races at Kiel, Germany.
1 great speed. He struck on his feet. around .the field so the machine wilj not goos?berries, .Vo6c per pound; cur- ful charm
The emperor’ s boat was beaten.
After muen persuasion I finally
| crush the grain at the outer edge. The | rants. $2/o2.25 per box; raspberries,
Molten Iron Kills Three.
An imperial decree issued by the rul­
j wheat cut for this purpose is used for j $1.356i 1.50 per crate; loganberries, agreed to do It. but bargained that
ing regent in China refuses the de­
Chicago— Three men were probably hay. The farmers are highly pleased $16/1.50 per crate; blackcaps, $1.6566 It must not be taken In the presence
mand of the people for a national par- fatally burned and a score of others with the outlook for crops this year, 1.75 per box; cantaloupes, $1.7561,2.25 of other».
It was so powerful that
no novice could take tho white man's
painfully injured as a result of being as they are finding out that their crops per rrato.
Artichokes, 606/75c
A Chinese tong war broke out in splashed with molten metal pouring ! are a great deal better than reported. per dozen; beans, 86 / 10c per pound; medicine with others watching hLm
Of course that made a hit with the
New York City and three Chinamen from a blast of the furnace of the
cabbage, 2 l ,6 i2 1,c;
cauliflower, $2 Indians at once, and there were many
were killed and about 40 shots fired Gary, Ind., works o f the Illinois Steel Lebanon-Crabtree Work Progressing
per dozen; head lettuce, 506; 60c; green volunteer« to be number one.
company. The property loss is esti­
in leas than Two minutes.
Lebanpq— The grading and laying of
I selected the chief. He walked Into
mated at $10,000. The injured were the track on tne Lebanon Crabtree onions, 15c; spinach, 86610c per pound;
It ia reported that labor conditions
i taken to the company’s private hospit- branch of the Southern Pacific cutoff carrots, 85c6/$l.per Back; beets, $1.50; my tent, and I began my mysterlois
Oj th e Bethlehem Steel works in Penn-
passes at him. In the meanttorto I
! al. The furnace had jus| been opened has been completed and the first train parsnips, 75c6;$l.
aylvania are disgraceful.
The men
Potatoes—Old Oregon, 606/,75c per had two quart bottles before me. One
j and the string of ladles was ready to has gone over the line. For the pres­
work 12 hours per day, 7 days a week,
receive the hot metal when the tram- ent all the trains running over this hundred; new California, lj^6g2c per contained water and the other am
and do not get enough pay to enable
! way gave way, and there was no way new piece o f road are work trains, but pound; new Oregon, 2c.
/nonla. I made hlqjl understand that
them to live outside of boarding
Butter— City creamery, extras, 29c; at the end of my speech, when I clap­
to plug the furnace.
it is thought that regular trains will be
fancy outside creamery, 286/.29c; store,
running by July 10. The bridge over 23c. Butter fat prices average lj^ c p e r ped my handr, he waa to take a deep
Railroad Suit Dismissed.
breath and Inhale the war medicine
Secretary of War Dickinson refuses
the Santiam river is not completed,
pound under regular butter prices.
aa eoon as I removed the glass stop­
SL Louis— In accordance with the but the track is laid on piling.
to remove the colored troops from Fort
per. I don't believe a motion was lost
agreement reached between railroad large force o f men is at work ballasting.
Lawton, near Seattle, Wash.
Eastern, 246; 25c.
on the Indian; they are good Imita­
presidents and President Taft, United
On advice of Ballinger, President States District Attorney Charles H.
„ ___
Poultry— Hens, 166/1 Ac; broilers, 18 tors,
I gave three war Vhoopa ind
State Gives 0,000 Acres.
6/21c; ducks. 12 V "2 0 c ; geese, 10<?i
Toft vetoed the Siletz settlers’ land Houts asked for the dismtasal o f the
made my extemporaneous speech.
S alem -T h e state has deeded to the | j ¡r; turkeys, live, 18W20c; dressed.
Then I clapped my hands, pulled the
suit brought in the United States cir­
Federal government 6,000 acres of land 2 2 6 / 25c: squabs, $3 per dozen,
cork, and thrust the ammonia under
The Weyerhaeuser Timber company cuit court be the government against
in Crook epunty, formerly embraced in
pork—Fancy, 126; 1254c.
the chiefs nose. He took a long,
la accused of extensive timber land railroads composing the Western Trunk
the Columbia Southern project The
Veal— Fancy, 106j/llc.
deep breath as directed, and fell back­
line committee, to restrain the pro­
frauds in Idaho.
land was patented to the state on the
Lamba- Choice, 116$11 Jic.
ward as one dead.
posed increase in freight rates. Judge
Senator Gore, the blind senator from
strength o f certificates that the land j Cattle- Beef steers, good to choice
Dyer, who signed the rektraining order
When he revived there were tears
had been irrigated.
Oklahoma, says there is much corrup-
California, $5.506/5.75; good to choice,
at Hannibal, ordered the suit dismissed.
When the government learned that Eastern Oregon and valley, $5.406/; rolling down his cheeks, and I ex­
tian la hia state.
pected to have no more fun that
the land had not been irrigated, suit to 5.60; fair to medium, $4.25664.75;
Fourth, but here I had not reckoned
Jews Ordered Out Fast.
recover was threatened.
To head off « 0 « » and heifers, good to choice, $4.50
Dios is re-elected president o f Mex-
Kiev, Russia— From June 23 to June the impending litigation, the state has 6/5; fair to medium, $3.766^4.25; on the Indian's sense of. humor.
iea for oix years, and Ramon Corral 25 inclusive, 46 Jews were expelled reconveyed the land to the government
That ohlef went otft and was as
hulls, $36/,4; stags, $3.606/6; calves,
visa president.
It ii believed that
dumb as an oyster about his treat-
from Kiev, 37 from Salomenka and 37
Corral will succeed Diaz at the end o f from Demieffka. Twenty-seven were
ment, and so close did'they keep-the
Cannery for Wheeler.
Hogs—Top, $96/10; fair to medium,
secret that every Indian In the camp
expelled from Kiev, 24 from Salo­
Wheeler— The Union Fishermen’s $8.506/9.40.
come Into that tent singly and took
Sheep— Best wethers, $4.406/4.60;
Tho f a t a l Telegraph company and menka and 17 from Demieffka in one cannery o f Astoria, Or., has been g iv ­
his war medicine without a murmurc-
en a site for a cannery at thil town, best ewes, $46/4.25; lambs, choice,
• Wootorn Union and Bell companies day. *
Oen. 0. A. Woodruff.
and the company will start the erection $3.506/6; fair, $4.756/6.26.
ora in a Mg laissait over rights in New
Town Treasurer in Cell.
Hops— 1909 crop, 106/12c, according
of the building so as to be ready for
om «he K
Cambridge, Mass.— John B. Lom­ the fall pack. When the shingle mill to quality; olds, nominal: 1910 con­
I1 r * !
During the battle of Princeton rw
la sold -Roosevelt will urge Hughes bard, ex-town treasureer o f Farming- is started here this town will lead all tracts, 136zl8j£c nofnlKal/
treating British troops took refuge In
tho Sapreihe court bench, to ham, who had confessed to forging other towns in the county as a manu­
Wool— Esstorn Oregon, 146817c per
the chapel of the college. Washington
roeantly appointed, and town notes aggregating $300,000 has facturing town and will have the larg­ pound;
mohair, personally directed the fire of hie or-
begun serving a 10-year sentence.
of Now,
est payroll.
choice, 326/33«.
t '■ .........
almost a
ubt tbs youth of our rouai
Big Jimmy (to little M ickey)— Be­
sort of expression
cause 1 like yousn. I’ll shoot off all yer
enthusiasm aB the
fireworks fer yer an' not charge yer
without drawing on tbs
n «lern penny!
foreign • Ingenuity,-
catalogue »F,
(IrisIwwI ‘ Viriti» * eé ' I k* ll«elKrwlU
or fifteen lari
The original draft of th» Derla
gaged In making fliuWorks
tion of Independence In Jefferson's country discloses almost endless I
handwriting, with a few Interlinea
of devices.
tlons mails by Franklin and Adams,
Every one knows whet e Homan
may be seen by the visitor to the caudle Is. but few kimw bow Ibis In-
Statu Deartnienl tn Washington. This dispensable »«IJunct of a Fourth of
Is displujed 111 a steel cabinet (hat July celebration Is mad» First of all
stands adiacenti to tho safe contain In the making c/iinc* the pasteboard
Ing the original Declaration.
The cylinder, which Is plugged up al one
steel exhibition cabinet also holds onx end with clay. After the clay comae
of the fio- similes of the engrossed a email charge of [»owder
Thao n
copy of the D e c la ra tb m one of those "star" Is pushed down tight on the
reproductions mads by President Moti -powder, and charges of powder and
« la r i'
In a glass me« In this «ame tr»as filled. Ttn-n a fuse Is attached which
urn house of historic memento« s Is communicate« v.Ith th«- powder near-
the small, plain, unpolished mahogany eat the top o f Hie e ) lin'd.-rf which.
desk on which Jefferson wrote th« when It Is extilmled. sends Its star
Dei-laratlon of Independence.
This sailing
A ‘ fuse running .
Intnrestlng relic came Into the p«>s through the candle connects other
si-salon ot the government In 1880 charges of powder with the first end
The desk had been givra by Tilomas explodes them one al a lime, each one
Jefferson to Joseph Coolldge. Jr, upon shooting out the star which It next
the occasion of the latter« marriage above It.
to Jeff««rkon'k gnimlailughter. Miss
The stars are made of chemical mlz--_
Randolph. On tho death of Mr. (too lures, which vary with the colors
lldge, w hose wife had died a. year#or which are produced
A re«| star Ii
two previously, the desk became the Romctlm.'S inadi?'by mixing four parte
property of their four children, ami of dry nitrate of strotitla ntid fifteen
was by them presented to thu nation parts of pulverized gunpowder.«. Cop­
It was the expressed wish of the per filings cluing« the color to green.
donors "to offer It to tho Unite«! Rosin, salt and a small quantity of
States, that It tuny have a place tn amber make It yellow. Kmall particle«
tho department of state with the Im­ of zinc c h a n g e It to hltle, and another
mortal Instrument which was written and perhaps better red can be made
upon It In 1776.”
,'by using a mixture of lampblack and
The desk bears an Inscription In niter.
Jeff.rson's handwriting, as follows
ie f ( e te t 'r a le il.
“Thomas Jefferson gives this writing
the twlfry
"i Ians ' I'la n g '“
ilesk to Joseph Coolldge. Jr., as a Nsld
Msld th* rrsi-kcrs
"llsii ' lisp "
memorial of his affection.
It was H«l«1 the brs«s rsnnon
’ Vlisng !"
made from a drawing of hia own by Snhi th» sky r»«-k»ts: " "Snap
U h l««
lien Randall, cabinet maker of Phila­
g«tl<1 the csn.lles
"Hh ! I'lff!"
delphia. with whom ho first lodged on Mshl ih» stnsll plnwlte»l» : " F I « « ! "
K«ld th» big nm •: "W h ir! XX' t/r ; '
his arrival In that rlty, In May. 1776. H a I i I grsnitms : "There, IIW » !*'
Held fstlier : "lt»y» ! It»»• !"
and Is the Identical ono on which he
mother: -Bsk» r s r » '•
wrote the Declaration of Independ­ Held
Held c.s»k : “Such a noise »1
ence. Politic« as well as religion has Ssld Pu«s ; "Orsetoiia me ! "
Hold T ow er: "Bow-wow!”
strength with timo, may one day givo
Ssld BUsI« ! "W »e w> I"
Held W i l l : "H u rra h !
O w l"
1 .
--Î..- H ^