vm' * I UÈ I Vff C. E. Taylor bought the lease A nice mild vegetable of Jack Waltemeyor on the Star ativeuae Nyal Figaen composed of SA L E M theatre Tuesday and will run the i}ga aenna and caacara. mild b ITT" play house from non' on. Mr. effective 10 26 and 60c boxes Taylor neeot no Introduction to Beauchamp’s Drug Store. he There There- will be a lecture and ana the people - of ~~ ~ Slayton - . . . . as _i.nt basket dinner at the Mt. Pleas- bought the JUsttric plan ant church next Monday. The several months ^ lecture will be delivered by a body knows him. thfrflyr gentleman from the 0. A. C. at M»ure the patrons of th#bMkr tame Corvallis. that h® wl11 * 've them the that has been H i . Gladys Hill p „ t. by her niece little Miss M ary1*"^1 • ♦ ■ i .. ■ ii. Mr. Wsltemever is now in Lni Hill, came down from Mill City Angeles California having left ♦ for a visit at the home of the here some two weeks ago. Mrs. ♦ 1 S E L E C T L IN E O F formers parents, Mr. and Mrs. Waltemeyer will most likely A. Hill. ♦ Ladies’ Dress Goods ^ le&ve for California as soon as Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Peery she can arrange her business. ♦ W ash G oods entertained a small party of friends on Monday evening music and cards furnished enter* tainment and at a late hour an The Loyal Sons and daughters excelent lunch was served. of the Christian Church enter­ San Tox Sarsaparilla tained fifty two of their friends ♦ __ t ; a . Bicycle and Gun I STAY TO N ORE. Compound is a reliable pre- t s Valentine party. Wed­ peration combining the medicinal nesday evening. February 14th, virtues of roots and herbs. I t ifc' at the home of Mr. and Mrs. guaranteed to help you. Slopers Wra. ,Nendell. Time passed quickly aud pleasantly under the A Goodly Supply Drug Store. . — j - ^ . --------- Blue vitrol and formaldehyde Peter Diedrich reports the able supervision of the class TROJAN STUMP! — Good Oak Posts" for sale. 15 at the old price Slopere, Drug|Sale of all the dhrs in his last social committee. Games suit- cents esch. Chas. Gehlen. shipment which consisted of 10 ! * * • to the occasion were played. Store. No Fume*. No ~ Hr Heltael made a bueinoas Morton of Salem 1 machines he ,expects an o th er|The chiei feature of the_evening Miss Maud : N al s a muck wedding. f u ­ trip to Salem Saturday. 8 pent the'w^ek e nction were chosen by lot which I next month. He reports Willis Kiethly of Aumsville and Mrs. Geo. Brown. made the Standard a call Friday. Titus and Baker report the sale l-be»t business he ever had at fell to Ralph Kelly and MisS Ella Williams; Paul Kirsch. sc ted as FOR SALE—-Oata and Vetch of cars to Vilis Philippi Haman this time of year In this fine. minister, and the cermony, to Skelton and Carl Heters. Mr. Archer of Kingston met hay, cheap. L S. Lam bert the strains of t h e “ Bridal Mrs. Arthur Leffler has been with a pecular and painful acci- chorus” Forest Mack and wife motored from “ Lohengrin” visiting at the C. C. Cole home dent last Thursday. He was ' to Salem Sunday. caused much merriment after In the debate given by the in Linn county for a few days. falling a maple tree which was enjoying a dilicious lunch, the W. Richardson spent Thursday members of the Sophmore Eng- Mrs. Holman and daughter ofIteanin* and a8 W l ft kicked guests departed at a late hour mid Friday in Portland. fish class.the sffirmitive side won back and struck him over the Dr. Beauchamp and Gus Ecks- Turnfer spent the week end with right eye inflicting a wound that the decision from judg»'*. Olm­ nian motored to Salem Sunday. her sister Mrs. Pancoast. • sted, Keeoh snd Smith by a very required six stitches to close. M. S. Burson and little daugh­ Dr. Beauchamp was in attendance St'.. Mrs. N. Geymer otKjngston small margin. This debate was trading in town yesterday. ter were down from Mehama proved very interesting and in­ The Loyal Sons Class of the from Thursday to Saturday visit­ structive to the students and it John Mertz was in town Tues­ Christian Church -m et at the I A fe,w weeks ago when W. A. ing friends. day driving a new Maxwell car. home of Ralph Tate one of their J Weddle was-in Portland he was hi hoped we may be able to have W. L. Pettit, of Aumsville, D. M. Doll and wife motored members last Saturday evening talking to the state health officer one of these detwtrr at l*Ml spent Sunday night at the Dr. to Salem Sunday. and had a party. There was Dr. David V. Roberg and pro- every six weeks. This work Korinek home leaving the fol­ Frank Siegmund of Fern Ridge about 20 present, they engager] mised to send him some of will aid in developing material was a business visitor Monday. lowing day for Alsea. in a guessing contest and, Ken- Staytons drinking water for that will place Stayton High and Dr. Brewer reports the birth neth Thomas won the prize analysis, he brought home with School in its propor place as a FOR SALE—Red Clover seed of a daughter to Mr. and Mrs. which was provided by Mrs. |him one of their sanitary bottles member of the State High re-cleaned. Siegmund Bros. Julius Tietze of Mehama Mon-| Tate. Those present report a| and filled it from his kitchen School Debating longue next tf Stay ton, Oregon. day Feb 19. jolly good time. faucet and sent it to the doctor, year. Miss Pansy Tindle. of Browns­ The Brodie Club met last who analysed i t with the result Miss Adelaide Steward has ville is a guest at the D. I. Wednesday evening with Miss stated in the following letter: left acho.»l. We are sorry to Caldwell home. Poley at the home of Mrs. Joe that will relieve cough cold and Portland, Eeb. 17, 1917 lose her from our high school. A. Hill left the first of the Peery. that awful tickling in the throat Mr. W. A. Weddle, The Sopbmore English Class week for a visit at the D. B. Fred. J. Ficklin made a busi­ is R^xall Cherry Bark Cough Stayton. Ore. will begin the study of selections HiH home in Mill City. ness trip to Portland Saturday Syrup sold by C. A. Beauchamp Dear Sir: from Abraham Lincoln's Famous B. F. Darby and wife from for the purpose of purchasing a in 25c, 50c and $1.00 bottles. The examination of the sample Writings and Addresses this near Scio were in town yester­ flat work ironer for his laundry. Money back guarantee. of water submitted by vou Feb., week. day. FOR SALE—A Jersey dairy J. N. Weddle went to The| 12th showed a bacterial count of The High School is rejoicing John Mack and wife of North cow, coming fresh in a month. Dalles the first of the week 75 per c. c., (15 drops) neither over the gift of $20. from Mrs. Santiam was a Stayton visitor in hopes the change will gas nor colon bacilli recovered Lee Tato for their new gyra. A rthur Forette, Monday. prove disastrous to his rheuma­ upon 72 hours incubation. This, Aumsville, Ore. Hugh Koenzli of North San­ tism and beneficial to his health. bacteriologically. is a good drink­ Miss Olive Basset spent Satur­ 0. M. Baker was out Sunday day in Silverton, visiting her tiam was a business visitor in teaching Carl Titus to run his He expects to be gone for some | ing water. grandmother, Stayton Monday. Yours very truly, Ford, Baker says Carl is doing | time....... Mrs. E. C. Peery The girls of the high school Elmer King of Union Hill was fine. went to Portland Saturday with David N. Roberg, transacting business in Stayton and the seventh and eighth the intention of accompanying State Health Officer. Mrs. Henry Miller and daugh­ W-' Monday. * grades are much elated over the at I ter, Mrs. Clarence Hunt and E. C. home Sunday, but as they ] $7.45 as a result of the candy Mrs. W. E. Thomas of Salem children of Sublimity were Stay- have failed .how up aa > e t . J f rs> sale Friday night which they it is is supposed that the doctors I , made the Standard office a pleas­ ton visitors Monday. added to their sum. .were unwilling to let him come an t call Tuesday. ____ Ed, Henry and Frank. Sieg­ If you want pure, sanitary mund of Fern Ridge were home at present.—Scio News. The art class number twelve milk or cream call Mrs. W. E. Thomas of Salem I. There waa a lar*e a"d enthus- members this semester. They business visitons in Stayton last tf Brewer’s Dairy. who has been visiting at the home ,a8t‘f audience at the H. S. are doing unusually good work Saturday. L. S. Lambert has sold out his J. P. Wilbur went to Portland of her son A. C. and the Stayton Auditorium last Friday evening and making rapid progress. interest in the Fanners and Mer­ Sunday, returning“Monday with Hotel for the past week was *° w*tness the production of Mrs. Memorizing patriotic songs li­ given a peasant surprise Satur- Wiggs of the Cabbage Patch the order of the day through out chants Bank to J. W. Mayo. his wife who has been spending j day evening by Mrs. Lesley. I & ven by ^ e school children. all the grades for their music on a few days in the Rose City. Several old time friends some The I^ay was Produced in a work. We are getting ready foi of Mr. Beale, wife and Mrs. Reecelghe had known 40 years were manner that was highly pleasing the Lincoln-Washington progran For Stationery Beauchamp’s Mrs. B’s mother, of North San- present. After dinner they to the ,ar^e audience and reflect- February 23. Drug Store.; tiam were Stayton visitors Fri- were taken to the Star Theatre ^ ***** credit upon all those Bessie Philippi and her mother where they all enjoyed the pro* w^° took part, all did so well The seventh grade have com­ Mrs. M. Titus of Linn county day- J. C. Mayo and wife who have ^ram very much. All said good that would be difficult to single pleted the years drawing work were business visitors Friday. and are going to take up map tha"ks to the out a°y on® of the long cast of Ben Gehlen and wife have been visiting their son J. w. ni^ ht with Mayo and family for the past ho8te8a for a ,on* f<> be remem- characters as excelling anyone drawing as supplementary work. been visiting in Portland for a e*se >n the taking of their part Hi is is to be used in connection week left for their * home in bered- pleasant evening. few days. t .. as each one seemed to rise to the with the geography study and In Spokane Monday. In commenting: on recant m- doin|t whatever w „ locating important places. The John Steinberger of near Sub­ * A number of young people ^ - ^ ^ " ^ k n t a n d e d of them as a* I if f they eighth grade is also going to do limity was a business visitor in from Kingston and vicinity at-1000 a year» granted by the P. R, supplementary work. It will were old hands at the job. Stayton Monday. i»» /-.fi ..... , tended the Sunday school rally G. & **• Co. to platform m ^j, consist in making stencils for Mrs. Gilmore is visiting her at the Chrisfianrchurch in Stay- Pre*- Griffith said: “The ineroai,* Too much praise can not be Mrs. Pratt. sister-in-law Mrs. Frank Mun- ton Sunday. of one cent an hour, which is i bestowed upon the children nor Mrs. J. N. Nendall and kers for a few days. ( become effective not later than those who so patiently drilled children visited tho seventh Geo. Brown came up July 1, has been made in spite them through the long weeks pro­ eighth grade Friday a f Mrs. Chas. Hottinger and tv. o Aumsville Sunday. His of the fact th^t the company-has ceeding the .play. A goodly sum Ralph Tate was able to co daughters Theresa and Rose ■ mM*wur>k ^ a. m , i Selmer Brown, who is attending of money was realized for the were trading .nStao-tonTueeda,. HiKh h l , accomoanied 5**" and still is showing „ large benefit of the gymnasium, to school on his crutches « decreases in earnings. It will Tommy Becker oflmjnion Hill short stay one evening I be made not because the condi- Portland—Tacoma ship yards school. ing with our merchants Mrs. J. M. Ringo was a charm- jtions of the company warrent it, place rush order for 4.000,000 Bessie and Gilbert ing hostess to the members of j but in the hope of better condi- ft. lumber. i Mill City have entero . A. Etzel left Monday the Eldeen Club on Friday after-1 tiona in the future and in appre- Hood River—Mt.Hood R.R.will grade. Pass Oregon for * noon. The afternoon was sp en t.ciation of the loyal support of build two-mile extension toward Lebanon ex. doing fancy work and a delight-! the trainmen. ” , lost lake. few week** A fruit g ♦ r Just Received At - ) -Gehletfs Store- ! Indoor And More Coming Famous Grip St Base Ball an d ♦ | * . Valentine Party C urtain D raperies. E tc C H A S. G E H L E N ' Spalding Si Dayton and Adlake Guns, Rifles, L o c a l Ite m s Lilly Hardware Có.. School N6tcs Stayton has Good Water A Cough Syrup to * WiggS Of the Cabbage Patch * We are Headquarters Lca,,on, W % V . . » ' m w ttà ' sp V jr Ç »:, ì J A. ... : ■M